times without number

[taɪmz wɪðˈaʊt ˈnʌmbɚ][taɪmz wiˈðaut ˈnʌmbə]


  • The calibration system of sensor is designed and realized . Sensors in the unmanned aerial vehicle system such as attitude angle sensor barometric height sensor and airspeed sensor are calibrated times without number . Each of their stationary models is deduced .

    设计实现了传感器标定建模,以 人机系统中倾角传感器、气压高度传感器和 空速传感器等为例,进行了传感器数据的标定拟和,得到了各传感器的静态模型。

  • And he has been listed Shenzhen Experts Dictionary and invited to Korea Japan French carry through learning exchange times without number .

    多次应邀到韩、日、法国进行学术交流,为韩国影星 李素珍、宠成等成功实施手术。

  • At the IRS a mathematical ranking system applied to past tax returns empowered IRS analysts to find 25 times more tax evasion without increasing the number of investigations .

    而在美国国税局(IRS),一套用于过去纳税申报单的数学排序系统“让IRS的分析师 增加调查的 前提 ,能发现比以前多25 的逃税情况。”

  • I have been there for times without number .

    我已去过那里 无数

  • The writer of this article believes that it can be more fair to divide the 8 teams for three times without the addition of time and number of games .

    研究认为:对8个队以单循环赛的秩序地进行编排时,采用三 分组,能使比赛 延长赛程, 增加 场次的情况 ,更加公平。

  • I have seen that play times without number .

    那出戏我已经看过好 多次了。

  • I have told you times without number but you still do not remember it .

    我已经告诉你 不知 多少 了,但你还是记不住它。

  • The integral was 0 that times without number of skin excitation test pathology integral was 0 ;


  • The integral was 0 that both times without number eye primary irritation test and skin excitation test ;
