


  • Experimental study for the effect of mice 's thyrocele caused by different excess iodide

    小鼠 甲状腺 的实验研究

  • Conclusions : The iodine deficiency was corrected by the supplementation of iodized salt however higher and lower intake of iodine all existed among the patients with thyrocele and hyperthyroidism .

    结论: 合理补充碘盐能够纠正重庆 居民的碘缺乏 状态,目前 重庆处于低碘性甲状腺肿伴甲亢和高碘性甲状腺 伴甲亢的并存 状态

  • The results indicated that high iodine intake may aggravate clinical symptoms such as thyrocele and ophthalmopathy in GD patients . The abnormal increase of cytokine IL-1 β and expressions of CD80 and HLA-DR on PBMC seem to be involved in immune disturbance .

    结果表明高碘摄入可能加重GD突眼、 甲状腺 肿大等症状,IL-1β等细胞因子和PBMC表达的HLA-DR、CD80异常与高碘导致的免疫紊乱可能有一定关系。