title property

[ˈtaɪtl ˈprɑpəti][ˈtaitl ˈprɔpəti]

[经] 财产所有权

  • He has no title to this property .

    他对这笔 财产没有 权利

  • Any tax levied on the passing of title to property .

    转让 财产时征收的税款项目。

  • A person to whom legal title to property is entrusted to use for another 's benefit .

    被委托给 财产法定 证书以用来维护他人利益的人。

  • She has no title to the property .

    她没有该 财产 所有权

  • Love is so stern grand that the lover is willingly to be deprived noble title property dignity and life .

    爱恋是如此威严的权杖,纵然被所爱剥夺了 爵位财产、尊严和生命也心甘情愿。

  • All this class has is a title property and a list of Items .

    这个类只有一个 标题 属性和一组Item。

  • So we should establish multiple investment system clear the title to property enhance and standard management construct and perfect evaluation system strengthen the government support and create the new pattern of the development of non-governmental education .

    因此,有必要构建多元化投资体系,明晰 产权,加强和规范管理,建立健全评估体系,加强政策扶持,构筑民办教育发展的新格局。

  • He never had title to the property .

    他从来就不具有这项 财产 所有权

  • One who conveys a title or property .

    转让人转让这一 头衔财产的人。

  • ( especially of a title ) I have clear title to this property .

    排他性 私有 财产形式(特别是指 所有权)我全权拥有这一 财产

  • A lens allows you to say things like : fill this span with the contents of the title property in the data .

    借助lens,可以表达这类愿望:“用数据内的 title 属性的内容填充这个span”。

  • A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another .

    信托是一种信赖关系,拥有 财产 的人负有为他人利益而管理或处分该财产的衡平法义务。

  • For example you could specify that the title property must be a string or that a comment item must have author created and content properties .

    例如,可以指定 title 属性必须是字符串或指定一个评论项必须有author、created以及content属性。

  • Positive prescription is one form of prescription system which means title to property may be acquired by a person who has no title to it originally after he possesses it and for a period of limitation continuously .

    取得时效是时效制度的一种,是指无权利人以行使某 权利的意思而持续地行使该权利,经过一定时期后,遂取得该 权利的制度。

  • Areas of a building land or amenities within a strata title property that are shared by all owners e.g.a driveway .

    地区建筑物,土地或设施内的地层 财产 所有权是由所有业主共享,例如一个车道。

  • For example each Web Part has a Title property that can be customized after it has been added to a WebPartZone .

    例如,每个Web部件都有一个 Title 属性,在被加入WebPartZone之后,还能够被自定义。

  • Note that the title property value is retrieved in the following code .

    注意,下面的代码检索了 title 属性值。

  • Clear this check box to either use the current value entered in the title property or to hide a title if that property has no value .

    如果清除此复选框,则使用在“ 标题 属性中输入的当前值或者隐藏标题(如果该属性没有值)。

  • Therefore you need to manually change the title property weight in each object map that contains that object .

    因此,您需要在包含该对象的每一个对象映射中手动更改 标题 属性权重。

  • The title property applies only when a page is in catalog display mode and a webpart control is being displayed in a catalog of controls .

    仅当页处于目录显示模式下且控件目录中显示一个webpart控件时, title 属性才适用。

  • He have a good title to the property .

    他有此 财产的有效 产权 证书

  • A person who has title to a property though not necessarily beneficial use of it .

    财产拥有 权利,但不一定以其获取利益的人。

  • The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee legal title to property to administer for another together with the trustee 's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary .

    信托给予受托人合法 产权的信任,以便其为他人管理 财产并承担涉及财产及受益人的义务。

  • Official corruption the absence of proper title to property and the weak rule of law mean these States really did operate without the framework to reward merit and hard work .

    官员腐败、缺乏恰当的 产权 制度以及薄弱的法制意味着,这些国家不具备对功劳和勤奋给予奖励的框架。

  • However the lack of official approval a title to property or an enforceable contract limits small businesses ' ability to grow .

    但是,如果未得到正式核准,没有 所有权 凭证或没有可合法实施的合同,小企业的发展能力会受到限制。

  • A legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another .

    信托 一方为另一方利益而持有的合法 产权

  • By default automatically generated fields are visible they use default formatting and they have the same title as the property name .

    默认情况下,自动生成的字段是可见的,它们使用默认格式设置,并且具有与 属性名称相同的 标题

  • This setting corresponds to the Application Title startup property .

    该设置与“应用程序 标题 启动 属性相对应。

  • The visible title text in a control 's title bar is set by the title property .

    控件标题栏中的可见标题文本是由 title 属性设置的。