title insurance

[ˈtaɪtl ɪnˈʃʊrəns][ˈtaitl inˈʃuərəns]


  • Real estate title insurance is widely used in the United States and other countries and ensure the security for a major insurance types property rights report is the key to the system .

    房地产 产权 保险是美国等国家广泛适用的用于保障交易安全的一个重要保险品种,产权报告是该制度的关键。

  • By working with ordinary life and property insurance comparison protruding real estate title insurance in the insurance subject matter scope period insurance premiums insurance etc. particularity .

    通过与普通人寿险和财产险的比较,凸出房地产 产权 保险在保险标的、范围、期间、保险费、保险责任等方面的特殊性。

  • Real estate title insurance made after the relevant supporting measures the main character of the conversion from the registration of property rights to build the information base explanation .

    之后提出了房地产 产权 保险的相关配套措施,主要从登记性质的转换、产权信息库的构建作出说明。

  • We will need title insurance and fire insurance too won 't we ?

    我们还需要 产权 保险和火灾保险,对吗?

  • It clarified the generation basic content and main character by introducing and analyzing American title insurance .

    主要是通过对美国 所有权 保险 制度的介绍和分析,阐明 所有权 保险 制度的产生、基本内容和主要特征。

  • Thirdly title insurance enhances the efficiency of the transaction .

    再次, 所有权 保险提高了不动产交易的效率。

  • Title Insurance provides a valid commercial mechanism for transparent information and risk avoidance and also has great value for reference and practical significance to solve title risk problems in China market .

    产权 保险为明晰 产权信息、化解 产权风险提供一种有效的商业化的运作机制,对解决中国房地产市场的产权风险问题具有重要的借鉴价值和现实意义。

  • Title insurance has unique characteristics compared with other P / C ( property / casualty ) insurance .

    产权 保险与一般P/C保险(财产和意外险)相比有自己独特之处。

  • Title insurance is an important system of the real property law in America .

    所有权 保险是美国不动产法中一项重要的制度。

  • Both hazard insurance and title insurance are typically required to close a real estate transaction .

    无论是灾难保险还是 产权 保险,都是不动产交易中典型需要的 保险类型。

  • But title insurance is a new conception for whether theory or practice .

    但不论是对 现有的法学理论界还是 保险实务界而言, 所有权 保险都是一个全新的概念, 也没有相关的 立法

  • The official title of the representative office shall be arranged in the following order : name of the foreign insurance institution + general representative office in China .

    总代表处的 名称应当依次由下列内容组成:外国 保险机构名称和驻中国总代表处。

  • The second part is the legislative value of title insurance .

    第二部分是 所有权 保险 制度的立法价值。

  • Japan applies an analogy of false behavior focusing on the party enjoining real rights . The United States has put title insurance into practice through the market mechanisms to protect a third party of transactions .

    日本实行类推适用虚假表示行为模式,侧重对真实权利人的保护。美国存在 产权 保险模式,通过市场机制保护交易第三人。

  • Secondly title insurance increases the anticipation of transaction .

    其次, 所有权 保险增加了不动产交易的可预期性。

  • Everyone was happy with that as long as asset prices kept rising but since they lurched to a halt and then fell all the financial intermediaries involved - from mortgage brokers and title insurance agents to credit ratings agencies and bond insurers - have come under severe scrutiny .

    只要资产价格不断攀升,每个人都感到高兴。但自从这些价格停滞不前,并掉头下行,所有的金融中间人从抵押贷款经纪人、 产权 保险代理人、信贷评估机构到债券保险商都处于外界的严密审视之下。

  • Trade Association of American title insurance companies with a view to standardizing the policies nationwide .

    美国 产权 保险公司的商业协会,以使美国保单标准化为目标。

  • The third part is about the basic elements of U.S. title insurance contract .

    第三章介绍了美国 产权 保险合同的基本要素。

  • It make a clear definition of property rights to clarify property Real Estate Property the object of real estate title insurance .

    该部分对产权、房地产产权做出了明确界定,阐明了房地产 产权 保险的对象。

  • The originals and photocopies of professional title certificates identity cards and social insurance contacts of the technical personnel ;

    技术人员的 职称证书、身份证和社会 保险合同的原件及复印件;

  • Is subject to the present title every contract of insurance which has as its object the guaranty of risks in respect of a maritime operation .

    受现行 名称的制约, 保险合同是指其客体旨在保证有关海上营运各项风险的 保险合同。

  • Legislative Research on Title Insurance

    所有权 保险 制度的立法研究