

[电] 可写入的,可存放资料的

  • What was important for me when designing and implementing FAI was a proper readable and writeable configuration format .

    在设计和实现 FAI的时候,易读 修改的配置格式对我来说来说十分重要。

  • It aims at providing an integrated and secured database management system for users of orbit identification system which enables both historical data and newly input tracing graphics data readable and writeable .

    进行 扩展的目的就是为轨迹鉴别系统的用户提供一个整合的、安全的数据库管理系统,以便使历史数据和新 添加的轨迹图像资料 均可 被读

  • Need EXCLUSIVE writeable access to rebuild structural index .

    需要独占 权进行结构索引的重建工作。

  • With few exceptions it 's a mistake to select on writeable or exceptional channels .

    除了少数例外情况,在 通道或异常通道中选择这两个 参数是错误的。

  • Lists the most common tasks you can do with a writeable cd .

    列出您用一个 的cd能完成的最常见任务。

  • Simply make the drive you want to copy files to writeable then drag and drop until it 's all done .

    只需要将文件要拷贝到的驱动器设置 ,然后拖放就可以了。

  • Note that this must be a writeable location otherwise the application will fail .

    请注意此位置必须是一个 位置,否则此应用程序就会出现故障。

  • The client log files should be put in a directory readable and writeable only by the user .

    而程序的记录文件应该放在一个用户可读 的目录中。

  • Writeable attributes are displayed in blue and you can edit them by clicking on them and entering the new value .


  • You can copy the / etc / hosts file that you have just created to a floppy disk or CD-ROM ( if you have a writeable CD-ROM drive ) and copy that file to the / etc directory of each computer in your LAN .

    你可以将/etc/hosts文件拷贝到软盘或光盘(如果你拥有一个 光盘刻录机)上,然后再从软盘或光盘上拷贝到 配置计算机的/etc目录下。

  • Many devices have configuration registers to which the BIOS can write reasonable or correct values based on settings located in the system 's writeable memory .

    很多设备都有配置寄存器,BIOS可以基于系统 内存中的设置向其中写入合理或正确的值。

  • When work is complete updating the writeable baseline architecture you can baseline that Workspace and a new child writeable baseline is created along with two new future-state child Workspaces .


  • When you work on a model you might often work with elements that are checked out in writeable units but that other units reference in a read-only state .

    当您处理一个模型时,您可能会处理检出为 单元但是其他的单元参考在只读状态的元素。

  • Also I could have written the property declaration code using the attr_accessor method to indicate that a property was both readable and writeable .

    另外,还可以使用attraccessor方法编写属性声明代码,指出属性是既可读又 的。

  • Mount a writeable directory from the local server onto the staging computer .

    从本地服务器映像装配一个 目录。

  • Create three child Workspaces : two for alternative versions of a future-state architecture and one for a writeable version of the current baselined architecture .

    创建三个子工作区:两个为未来状态结构的替代版本创建,一个为当前基线结构的 版本创建。

  • Be sure to make the destination drive writeable .

    必须保证目的硬盘 设置 的。

  • Make changes made to the writeable version of the current baselined architecture .

    您需要对当前基线化的结构的 版本作出变更。

  • Would you like to make the file writeable or edit it anyway ?

    您想使文件 或者编辑它吗?

  • For instance writable and writeable are synonyms and read only is an antonym for these & that is read only = Yes is equivalent to writable = No.

    例如,writable和 writeable是同义词,而readonly是这些的反义词&也就是说,readonly=Yes等同于writable=No。

  • Many programs are setgid games so that only the game programs can modify the top ten scores and the files storing the scores are owned by the group games ( and only writeable by that group ) .

    很多程序都是“setgidgames”,以使得只有游戏程序可以修改“topten”分数,而且存储这些分数的文件的主人是 games组(而且只有这个组 可以 )。

  • Since each container has a private mounts namespace it can bind-mount any files or directories which it needs to be private and / or writeable from its private shared directory .

    由于每个容器都有一个私有的装载名称空间,所以它能够绑定装载任何私有的和/或 对于其私有共享目录 的文件或目录。

  • The value attribute is readable and writeable from a remote application ( like JConsole ) through the exposed methods readValue and writeValue .

    value属性可以通过暴露方法readValue和 writeValue被一个远程应用程序(就像JConsole)读取或者写出。