writing mode

[ˈraɪtɪŋ mod][ˈraitiŋ məud]

[计] 写入方式

  • No matter what writer 's figure or faction or writing mode It seems to confirm the predict of Mcluhan .

    无论是作家的身份、功能还是 书写 方式,似乎都印证了麦克卢汉的重新部落化的预言。

  • Modern family novel having ethics contradiction and generation gap conflict two characteristics this makes it demonstrate complicated phenomenon on value conflict and kindred entanglement compatible at writing mode .

    现代家族小说在内涵上具有伦理悖论和代沟冲突两个特征,这就使其在 书写 模式上表现出价值冲突与亲情纠葛并存的复杂现象。

  • This thesis takes its writing mode as the object of study talking about its speciality at the subject choice and narrative style and about the reason that create its speciality .

    该论文以其 创作 方式为研究对象,挖掘它在题材选择与叙事模式上的特色及其生成原因。

  • Construction in literary theory with Yang has a profound contribution not only leaded the both creating and constructing humanities but also constructed narrative theory of Chinese characteristics and has a profound impact on writing mode of literary history and academic character .

    杨义学术在文学理论建构方面有着很深的建树,不仅引领了创造与建设并重的人文学,还构建了中国特色的叙事学理论,对文学史 写作 模式和学术品格也有着深刻的影响。

  • Chapter 5 to elaborate the art characteristics of the astronomical phenomena Fu from its writing mode and the art skills .

    第五章阐述了天象赋的艺术特点,从其 创作 模式和艺术手法上展开论述。

  • In the first chapter the author introduce the writing mode and content of the two textbooks .

    分别介绍了两套教材 写作系统的编排 方式和内容构成。

  • In term of pedagogic content knowledge English paraphrasing is a useful way to cultivate students ' thinking in English . Li Mao also forms her teaching mode and writing mode .

    学科教法方面,英英翻译是培养学生用英语思维的方式,李貌还形成了自我的教学模式和 写作 模式

  • Since the new period especially after the middle period of the eighties family novel obtains another prosperous opportunity injecting new thought content and writing technique on inheriting the writing mode of family novel in the past in China .

    新时期以来,特别是八十年代中期以后,家族小说获得了又一次繁荣的机会,在继承中国以往家族小说的 书写 模式后又注入了新的思想内容和写作技巧。

  • The inner-focusing narration with the first person is the most prevalent writing mode in Lu xun 's novels also the recollection mode is .

    第一人称内聚焦叙事是鲁迅小说中运用得最多的一种 叙事 模式类型,回忆在这类小说中又是很常见的。

  • The long-term propaganda becomes a kind of news writing mode : always subconsciously burying the important facts news details and the news characters .

    新闻就是宣传,长期的宣传便形成了一种新闻 写作 模式,常常把重大的事实、新闻细节、新闻人物给下意识地埋葬了。

  • However revolution through violent resistance can give vent to their feelings . Accordingly there comes the combination of love and revolution and the writing mode - Revolution & Love .

    而革命恰恰可以以暴力反抗和宣泄苦闷,于是有了恋爱与革命的结合,产生了“革命加恋爱”的 创作 模式

  • Baum breaks the traditional writing mode of fairy tales showing the children and adults a romantic colorful and free society .

    鲍姆打破了传统的童话故事 写作 模式,向儿童和成年人展现了一个浪漫、多彩和自由的社会。

  • To replace and get rid of the double anxiety the writing of Muller has formed a unique writing mode : depression-craving-discrimination-rediscussion .

    为了替换并摆脱二重焦虑,米勒的创作形成了独特的 书写 模式:压迫渴求歧难再探。

  • OBJECTIVE : To discuss an useful and convenient medication record writing mode to promote rational drug use .

    前言:目的:探讨一种实用、方便的住院药 模式,促进合理用药。

  • Toward such topics the essayist contributed his unique opinions in elegant and terse language apothegms scattering without ornateness whose clear and concise style did influence the writing mode of scientists in the Royal Society .

    对于每个题目,培根的论述都有独到之处,且文笔优美,简洁老练,警句迭出,毫无雕琢之感,这种简约明晰的风格甚至影响到后来皇家学会科学家们的 写作 规范

  • Under the guidance of writing teaching mode we investigated and tested the model of teaching effect and modified the model .

    在信息技术环境下 能力 写作教学 模式的指导下,我们进行了实验研究,检验了该模式的教学效果,并对该模式不符合 写作 教学实际的部分进行了修改。

  • This has become a relatively fixed Lu ' advanced poetry writing writing mode .

    这成为了陆龟蒙晚期诗歌创作的一种相对固定的 写作 模式

  • The second chapter focuses on her works which directly deal with the wartime experiences and highlights her unique literary style and writing mode by comparison of differences in spatial and temporal structure of novels and short stories .

    第二章关注萧红直接处理战时经验的作品,通过对长短篇小说创作方法、时空结构差异的比较,凸显萧红的文学特色和 写作 模式

  • It is a new perspective for literary history writing mode by means of oral history research way .

    它用口述史的方法研究新时期文学,为文学史 写作 模式提供了新的借鉴。

  • To write the scientific literature 's English abstracts we should pay attention to its structural feature language characteristic and writing mode and method .

    撰写科技英语论文摘要,应注意其结构特征、语言特征、 写作 模式和方法。

  • The fifth chapter the essay studies the novelists writing mode in 1990s .

    因此,第五章对小说家在90年代的风格化 书写 模式进行了有原创意义的研究。

  • Art features : The lyrical directly exaggerated ; If anti-said writing mode .

    艺术上的特点有:抒情直接、夸张;正话反说式的 写作 模式

  • This thesis expounds writing teaching mode its guiding ideology and four principles to follow . The four principles are : to focus on the function of situation or context and coordinative study to meaningful construction ;

    这一部分重点阐述了建构主义理论指导下的 英语 写作教学 模式及其指导思想,详细阐述了该理论指导下写作教学应遵循的原则:强调情境对意义建构的重要作用:重视协作的关键作用;

  • Face literature expression in anxiety in continuous exploration and innovation he argues that Shenshizhuyi writing mode this is he to realize the idealistic looking for a new approach .

    面对文学表达中的焦虑,在不断的探索与创新中,他提出神实主义 写作 模式,这是他为实现理想寻找的一种新途径。

  • Internet writing is a brand new writing mode in the information time .

    网络写作是在信息化背景下出现的一种崭新的 写作 样式

  • After the external input servo ( empennage ) reset command posture control circuit output PWM pulse signal to reset the servo and start FLASH into the writing mode to record data .

    外部输入舵机(尾翼)复位命令后,姿态控制电路输出PWM脉冲信号进行舵机复位,并启动FLASH进入 状态,记录数据。

  • It suggests that considering the content renewal and the frame optimizing molecular biology content in the book be enriched reasonably such as unit distribution paragraph layout and writing mode .

    文章还建议从内容更新和结构优化两方面具体进行衔接,即在高中生物学教材中适当充实分子生物学内容,并合理确定其内容的单元分布、章节编排以及 编写 方式

  • With the popularization of network in the schools the reading and writing mode of students have taken a great change . How to use abundant information resources for the Chinese teaching is now a hot topic in the Chinese education reform .

    随着网络在校园内的普及,学生的读、 方式随之发生了巨大的变化,如何利用网络上丰富的信息资源为语文教学服务,则是当今的语文教育改革一个热门话题。

  • Establishment and application of nursing writing mode in electronic case file

    电子病历中护理 书写 模式的创建与应用