written warning

[ˈrɪtn ˈwɔrnɪŋ][ˈrɪtn ˈwɔ:nɪŋ]

[法] 书面警告

  • Since the code was written by earth scientists and not computer programmers we need to rewrite the codes this year to provide a more standardised version for tsunami warning centres Newman said .

    由于这些代码是地球科学家而非计算机程序员 的,我们需要今年重写这些代码从而为海啸 预警中心提供一个更标准的程序。

  • She has received a written warning about her conduct .

    她已接获对她操行的 书面 警告

  • So pre-warning is preferable divided into several steps such as oral warning written warning financial punishment and suspension .

    因此事前警告可以分为几个步骤,诸如口头警告、 书面 警告、财务惩罚和停薪留职。

  • Give him a written warning .

    “成文的提醒”、“ 书面 警告”。

  • And what about inheriting an employee who is known to be a troublemaker or who comes over to your group on final written warning status ?

    还有,你将如何对待所接管的团队中众所周知的“麻烦制造者”或者是带着最终 书面 警告来到你们团队的员工呢?

  • This is you 're written warning within the past six ( 6 ) months .

    此为您过去半年内第次 书面 警告

  • I would counsel confidentially and give a written warning covering a specific period of time along with clear guidelines for improvement .

    我会私下给予劝告,并提供一份包括明确时期和清楚改进指导的 书面 警告

  • Yes it 's true that I 'm on final written warning for what my boss called substandard job performance but she just didn 't like me .

    是的,我有一个最终 书面 警告,但这仅仅是因为她不喜欢我而已。

  • Where the exchange believes it is necessary it may separately or simultaneously adopt one or several of such measures as requiring members and clients reporting warning via conversations issuing written warnings public denouncement and risk warning announcements to caution and settle risks .

    交易所认为必要的,可以分别或者同时采取要求会员和客户报告情况、谈话提醒、 书面警示、公开谴责、发布风险 警示公告等措施中的一种或者多种,以警示和化解风险。