x-ray paper

[ˈɛksˌre ˈpeɪpər][ˈeksrei ˈpeipə]


  • By employing the characterization methods of X-ray and DSC this paper conducts a research on films of different stretch ratio .

    通过X& 射线、DSC等表征手段,我们对不同拉伸程度的薄膜 进行了研究。

  • The principle and development for two kinds of hard X-ray holography is presented in this paper .

    介绍了硬 X 射线全息术的工作原理及其发展。

  • Variations of water ( oil ) saturations in the phase displacement process ( oil displacing water ) are studied with medical X-ray CT scanning in this paper .

    本文 主要讨论用医用 X 射线CT扫描研究相驱(油驱水)过程中含水(油)饱和度的变化。

  • From July 1980 to Dec. 10 1986 26 cases with duodenal stasis were admitted at our hospital . The clinical and X-ray manifestations were analysed in this paper .

    本文 1980年7月~1986年12月10日收治的26例儿童十二指肠雍积症之临床及 X线表现进行了分析。

  • The principle and experimental results of hard X-ray phase-contrast imaging are presented in the paper .

    介绍了硬 X 射线(类同轴)相位衬度成像的工作原理及其实验研究结果。

  • Using thin section X-ray diffraction techniques his paper identified arfvedsonite in volcanic rocks from Songliao Basin and thus confirmed that the volcanic rocks are composed of pantellerite .

    利用岩石薄片 X衍射技术,在松辽盆地深层富碱酸性火山岩中识别出特征的碱性暗色矿物&钠铁闪石,从而确定其为 流岩。

  • Multilayer optics in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray range is reviewed in the paper . The advantages and difficulties are pointed out .

    综述了极紫外和软 X 射线多层膜光学及其 应用,指出了极紫外和软 X 射线光学的优点和难点。

  • By analyzing the spectrum shapes related to the instrumental condition an optimized instrumental condition of the X-ray fluorescence analyzer is proposed in present paper so as to improve the long-term measuring precision of the analyzer .

    本文通过分析 同位素 X 射线荧光分析仪的工作条件和谱形的关系,来判选仪器的正确工作条件,以此提高仪器系统长期测量精确度。

  • Based on three stages of water simulation computer simulation and X-ray real time observation this paper summarizes the history of liquid metal filling and solidification in casting process from non-visible to visible and presents the latest concept of view-cast as the initial step .

    结合水模拟、计算机模拟和 X 射线实时观察三个不同发展阶段, 叙述了铸件充型与凝固由不可见到可见的过程,初步提出了可视化铸造的概念。

  • We have measured the content of Cu Pb and Sn in four samples of the ancient bronze weapon using X-ray fluorescence filter paper method .

    我们用 X 射线荧光光谱 滤纸片法分析了四个古代青铜兵器中的Cu、Pb、Sn含量,铜的测量结果与化学法一致。

  • The operational principles dynamic measurement and experimental results of a picosecond X-ray framing camera are described in this paper .

    介绍了扫描型皮秒 X 射线分幅相机的分幅原理, 主要技术指标的测试方法和结果。

  • This study relates to the use of X-ray diffraction techniques for qualitative and quantitative analysis of phase in paper by means of which X-ray diffraction traces of common paper fillers coating pigments as well as paper were prepared .

    本研究用X射线 衍射分析, 进行 纸张的定性和定量物相分析。

  • The structural analysis method for high temperature melt by X-ray scattering is introduced in this paper including experimental apparatus calculation principle of radial distribution function processing of the data and its an example .

    本文介绍了高温熔体X 射线散射实验装置,溶液径向分布函数计算原理,实验数据处理以及一个径向分布函数测定计算实例。

  • The crystallization property of PET-PBT copolyester has been investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and X-ray in this paper .

    运用差示扫描量热法(DSC)等 分析手段研究了 PET-PBT共聚酯的结晶性能。

  • The preoxidizing process of polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) fiber is investigated with in-situ X-ray diffraction techniques in this paper .

    本文用在位 X- 射线衍射技术研究了PAN(聚丙烯腈)纤维的预氧化过程。

  • Determination of La Ce Pr Nd and Sm in rare-earths-aluminium alloy by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using shaped filter paper technique was studied .

    研究了用成形 滤纸片薄样 X 射线荧光光谱法测定铝合金中的镧、铈、镨、钕、钐。

  • By using the cyclic oxidation experiments and in-situ X-ray diffraction this paper studied the oxidation behavior of Mo_3Si-Mo_5Si_3 eutectic silicide at 600 ~ 1 200 ° C and analyzed the low temperature oxidation mechanism and high temperature pest phenomena .

    利用循环氧化和原位 X 射线衍射法,研究了 Mo3Si-Mo5Si3共晶硅化物在600~1200°C氧化行为,分析了低温氧化规律和高温氧化瘟疫现象。

  • The determination of the compressibilities of metallic glasses Cu100-xZrx in a diamond anvil cell by the X-ray diffraction technique is described in this paper .

    本文采用金刚石对顶压砧高压装置和高压 X 射线衍射技术测定了两种金属玻璃线压缩率曲线;

  • With the images gotten from widely used dual-energy X-ray system this paper puts emphasis on the research of image segmentation in value domain and space domain and bomb image recognition by computer programming techniques .

    基于当前在安检中广为应用的双能量 X 射线技术所得到的双能量 X光图像, 本文重点研究了图像值域分割,图像空间分割和炸弹图像计算机识别问题。

  • Determination of vanadium and nickel in the extract of source rocks by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with formed filter paper method

    X 射线荧光光谱成型 滤纸片法测定生油岩抽提物中的钒和镍

  • The application of the physical parameter method in the solar X-ray telescope is discussed in this paper .

    本文描述了物理参数法在太阳 X光望远镜上的具体应用。

  • The fabrication of X-ray stencil silicon mask and its application in X-ray deep lithography are presented in this paper .

    阐述了X射线镂空硅掩模的研制及其在 同步 辐射深层光刻中的应用。

  • An analysis of the cause of pitting corrosion failure of heat exchange coil is made by means of X-ray energy spectrometer in this paper .

    利用化学分析和 X 射线能量色散谱等方法,对换热器盘管孔蚀的原因 进行 分析

  • An in-situ relative calibration technique for X-ray film is described in this paper .

    本文描述了 X光底片在位相对标定技术。

  • The experimental instrument sample preparation and determination method of the trace element Se in solution by total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis are described in this paper .

    本文叙述了用全反射 X荧光分析方法测定溶液中微量硒的实验装置、制样技术和测定方法。

  • DSC and X-ray diffraction were introduced in this paper and their application in analyzing lactose crystalline were discussed .

    简要介绍了食品的物化分析中的两种方法:DSC和 X- 射线衍射技术,详细 介绍了这两种 方法在乳糖结晶分析中的作用。

  • By using X-ray diffraction and laboratory simulation this paper studied the effects of long-term potassium ( K ) fertilization on K fixation in black soil loess soil and grey desert soil under different ecological conditions and cropping systems .

    采用 X 射线衍射分析技术和室内模拟法, 研究了长期施钾对不同生态条件和不同轮作制度下黑土、塿土和灰漠土钾素固定的影响机理。

  • Analyzing of Discharge Induced by X-ray Irradiation in Oil / Paper Insulation

    油/ 绝缘中的受激 放电现象分析

  • The gas exhaustion technology of rotating anode X-ray tube is described in this paper . Exhausting machanism with electron beam bombardment is studied .

    本文 研究了旋转阳极 X 射线管的排气工艺和阳极电子轰击的排气机理;

  • By studying the characteristics of defect detection methods for steel radial tire X-ray image this paper designed and completed the X-ray image defects automatic detection system .

    本文通过对全钢子午轮胎 X光图像的特点以及轮胎缺陷检测方法研究,设计完成子午轮胎X光图像缺陷自动检测系统。