writing style

[ˈraɪtɪŋ staɪl][ˈraitiŋ stail]

[计] 书写风格

  • Her novels were well-knit with exquisite and elegant writing style constituting her unique charm .

    她的小说 细腻和疏淡自然地交织,构成独具的 风格和魅力。

  • Concentrate on your writing style and your ideas rather than trying to master HTML in two weeks .

    专注在你的 写作 风格和想法,而不是在两星期内成为HTML高手。

  • It demonstrates your writing style and makes a specific statement to the employer that your generic CV lacks .

    它可以展示你的 写作 风格,并向雇主说明你的这份简历是有别于一般的通用简历的。

  • With infinite literary knowledge and singular creative writing style he had enhanced his own reputation in artistic community .

    凭着广博的文学知识和独特而富有创意的 写作 风格,他在艺术界提高了自己的声誉。

  • Over the years she influenced my writing style .

    这些年来,她影响了我的 书写 方式

  • These unearthed artifacts also provide material objects of development of the writing style of Chinese character .

    同时,也为我国汉字由 、隶、章草、楷、行、草的演变提供了直观的实物资料。

  • I have a problem in respect of the writing style .

    关于 写作 风格上我有一个问题。

  • This includes the writing style and the content .

    这包含 编写 风格以及内容。

  • The Iceberg Theory is a term used to describe the writing style of American writer Ernest Hemingway .

    冰山理论是一个用来形容美国作家欧内斯特海明威的 写作 风格的术语。

  • I also have a very adaptable writing style .

    我的 写作 风格很有弹性。

  • This paper aims to analyze the language characteristics of business English correspondence in terms of writing style vocabulary and syntax .

    本文从外貌函电的 文体 风格、词汇使用及句法方面分析了外贸英语函电的语言特点。

  • His outspoken teaching and writing style led to an imprisonment of nearly 15 years .

    然而他开放的教学和 写作 风格为自己带来的却是近15年的牢狱之灾。

  • The writing style without polished have set us a good example to the aftertime translation of Scriptures .

    那不加润饰的 文风给后世译经事业留下一个好榜样。

  • The main reason I want to give is writing style .

    我的主要理由是 写作 风格

  • This article proposes the writer 's own views on Doris Lessing 's short story The old woman and the Cat and analyzes its writing style .

    本文就多丽丝•莱辛的短篇小说《老妇与猫》提出了自己的见解, 笔调的冷静和客观、文本中的女性抗争和三位一体等进行了必要和深度的分析。

  • Nod your head ; yes we recognize that 's not good English writing style in contemporary America .

    点头,是的,我们意识到,那不是好的现代美国英语 写作 风格

  • Please pay attention to the writing style of advertisements which is different from that of other forms of writing .

    请注意广告的 写作 风格与其他形式的写作 风格不同。

  • After Wang Anshi carried out the political reform the confucian-classics argumentation writing style became the major style in the imperial examination of the song dynasty .

    经义是王安石变法以后宋代科举考试的主要文体,对后来时文 文体的影响很大。

  • Based on the profound understanding of life and human nature and performance of Zhang Ailing 's writing style is generally elegant .

    基于对人生和人性深刻的认识和表现,张爱玲的 创作 格调总体上是高雅的。

  • There are a lot of deviations employed in the language of Fortress Besieged which adds much to the writing style of the writer and the artistic effect of the novel .

    《围城》中运用了大量的语言变异,突出了作者的 写作 风格和作品的艺术感染力。

  • Her writing style was reminiscent of ancient classical writers .

    她的 写作 风格使人联想到古代的古典作家。

  • This paper aims to discuss the writing style and techniques in The Old Man and the Sea .

    此篇论文的目的是讨论《老人与海》的 写作 风格极其技巧。

  • I asked the professor to comment on my writing style .

    我请教授就我的 写作 风格进行评论。

  • He writes about very interesting and difficult topics but his writing style is very simple and straight-forward .

    他写的话题非常有趣并且很有难度,但他的 写作 风格却简单而直接。

  • This thesis sets forth Zhang Ailing 's desolate writing style from the humanity angle .

    文章拟从人性的角度阐述张爱玲苍凉的 创作 底蕴

  • The Trial is one of the Kafka 's symbolic works that can represent his writing style .

    《审判》是卡夫卡 写作 风格得以形成的标志性作品之一。

  • Feng 's writing style is humorous and full of wit .

    冯小刚的 作品 诙谐幽默。

  • The writing style of Jin Yong and Qiong yao .

    金庸和琼瑶的 写作 风格大不相同。