x-ray photography

[ˈɛksˌre fəˈtɑɡrəfi][ˈeksrei fəˈtɔgrəfi:]

[医] X线照相术

  • Application Value of Digitized X-ray Photography in Group Wound

    数字化 X线 摄影在群伤中的应用价值

  • Diagnostic value of X-ray photography feature in pelvis of skeletal fluorosis

    骨盆 X线 表现特征对氟骨症诊断的价值

  • Practical Analysis of Sense Blue and Sense Green Films in Chest X-ray Photography

    感蓝片与感绿片在胸部 X线 摄影中的应用分析

  • By utilizing flash X-ray photography observations on the distortion and movement of a hemispherical shell flyer under plane detonation loading are described in this paper and a comparative coincidence between the results of the observation and the 2-D numerical calculation is also given .

    本文叙述了利用脉冲 X 射线 摄影方法,观测半球壳飞片在平面爆轰波作用下的变形及运动规律,并将二维数值模拟结果同实验结果进行比较,两者的符合性较好。

  • The Diagnosis Value of X-ray Photography of Molybdenum Target in Scrotal Diseases

    钼靶 X线阴囊 摄影对诊断阴囊疾病的价值

  • Analysis on development and application value of new method of fluorosis of bone X-ray photography

    氟骨症 X线 摄影方法在诊断中的应用价值

  • But the X-ray photography show is that it is still possible to suffer from the disease and normal swim bladders .

    可是 X线 摄影显示即使鱼鳔正常仍有可能患上该病。

  • The digital X-ray photography equipment is developed rapidly particularly the technique of CCD detector and flat panel detector also are .

    数字化 X线 摄影设备的发展相当迅速,特别是CCD探测器和平板探测器技术。

  • Combining with analysis of the development of DR and PACS this article comprehensively elaborated the potential and the prospect brought by computed radiography ( CR ) based on the present situation of traditional X-ray photography in large and medium hospitals .

    本文针对我国大中型医院传统 X线 摄影的现状,结合对DR、PACS的发展分析,全面阐述了运用CR成像技术的潜力和前景。

  • Determines the Child Chest X-ray Photography Exposure and the CR Applied Research According to the Age

    依年龄确定小儿胸部 X线 摄影曝光量与CR应用研究

  • On Quality Control of Common X-ray Photography Technology

    普通 X线 摄影技术质量控制

  • In order to observe the progress of rat fluorosis the occurrence of dental fluorosis was successively observed the contents of serum fluorine and bone fluorine were examined and analyzed X-ray photography and analysis of bone mineral density were used .

    通过动态观察动物氟斑牙发生情况,检测血氟和骨氟含量并结合 X线 以及骨密度分析等方法检测实验动物氟中毒的发生过程;

  • Purpose : Discusses a kind of definite method of child chest X-ray photography exposure .

    目的:探讨出一种小儿胸部 X线 摄影曝光量的确定方法。

  • Methods They pass through the thousands of patients on a variety of environments X-ray photography summing up the system in operation image processing and so on advantages and disadvantages .

    方法通过对数千例患者于各种环境下进行 X线 摄影,总结该系统在操作过程、图像处理等方面的优缺点。

  • The satisfactory result of the X-ray photography experiment verifies the possibility of its application in high speed photography and electrical measurements while the conventional synchronization methods become invalid .

    它可以应用到闪光 X 射线 同步 照相、高速摄影、电测等各个领域,在传统的同步方式不能满足实验要求的情况下,获得令人满意的测试结果。

  • The flyer plate velocities Vp given by the semicylinder test the X-ray photography and the improved Gurney equation are shown graphically .

    同时还给出了由半圆柱试验, X 射线 摄影试验和修正的Gurney方程得到的飞板速度Vp曲线。

  • Digital X-ray photography ; Computer X-ray photography ; Skeletal system .

    数字化 X线 摄影;计算机X线摄影;骨骼系统。

  • Study of fixing wrist X-ray photography center in KBD areas

    大骨节病区儿童手腕 X线 摄影中心定位的研究

  • Methods : A retrospective analysis of clinical x-ray and CT scan data of 40 patients with traumatic wet lung was made all cases took x-ray photography and 30 cases took CT scan .

    方法对40例创伤性湿肺患者的影像学表现进行了回顾性分析。全组病例均有 胸部 X线 检查,其中30例作了CT扫描检查。

  • A study on the measurement of cotton seed plumpness by soft X-ray photography

    X- 射线 摄影 ,测定棉花种子饱满度的研究

  • CR Full Leg / Spine software used in X-ray photography

    CR全腿全脊柱 X线 摄影 技术

  • Application Research on Soft X-ray Photography in Tree Seeds Test

    X 射线 摄影在林木种子检验中应用研究

  • This article describes the method of separating a kind of electric igniter with two kinds of different structure sized firing pin by using 3s principle and x-ray photography .

    介绍了运用3σ原理和 X 射线 照相的方法,分离装有两种不同结构尺寸撞针的某电点火器。

  • Comparison between radionuclide planar bone imaging and MRI CT X-ray photography in the diagnosis of spinal diseases

    130例脊柱疾病核素骨显像与MRI、CT、 X线诊断的比较研究

  • The principles of computed radiography ( CR ) system for inspection of double sided spiral submerged arc welded steel tube was introduced . The key features of CR system were given and the practicality of substitution of CR system for traditional industry X-ray photography was discussed .

    介绍了双面螺旋埋弧焊钢管CR(计算机射线成像)系统的构成原理,论述了用其替代传统的工业 X 射线 胶片 照相检测的主要特点和应用可行性。

  • Methods X-ray dental film and panoramic pantomogram were used to determine the location of embedded supernumerary teeth on bases of the geometrical principle of X-ray photography .

    方法通过拍摄X线牙片及全景片,结合临床检查,利用 X 射线 照相中的几何学原理确定多生牙的位置,以确定手术入路,然后拔除。