written record

[ˈrɪtn rɪˈkɚd][ˈrɪtn riˈkɔ:d]

[计] 书写记录

  • The inspector shall prepare a written record of the inspection and its results which shall be signed or sealed by the inspector the litigant and the invited participants .

    勘验人应当将勘验情况和结果制作 笔录,由勘验人、当事人和被邀参加人签名或者盖章。

  • Generally speaking any historic event would have an oral transmitting phase before entering annals therefore we should distinguish the fact from its written record .

    一般说来,任何历史事件在进入史册以前,都存在一个口耳相传的阶段,我们应该把事实和 书写区别开。

  • Currency is an effective carrier of the written record .

    货币是 记录 文字的有效载体之一。

  • Article 48 An arbitration tribunal shall make a written record of the hearing .

    第四十八条仲裁庭应当将开庭情况 记入 笔录

  • An official written record of names or events or transactions .

    姓名、事件或事务的官方 书面 记录

  • But to trace out the history of the whole period to say who was fighting whom at any given moment would have been utterly impossible since no written record and no spoken word ever made mention of any other alignment than the existing one .

    然而想摸清那时期的历史,比方说谁在什么时候跟谁打仗,却根本办不到,因为绝无 白纸黑字 记录,绝无信誓旦旦的言语,提及还有什么别样的联盟。

  • Before written record came into existence the development of poetry can be divided into three stages i.e. ballad original ballad and poem and in the process of evolvement certain elements of emotional expression and narration are added .

    文字 记载前,诗歌的发展可分为原始谣音、原始歌谣、歌三个不同阶段,并在逐步演变中具备了一定的抒情和叙事因素;

  • A written record of the transmissions by a radio station .

    记录台话务员(电路)电台传送的 书面 记录

  • This box is a rare relic of great value for research into ancient Chinese astronomy as it is the earliest written record of moon phases yet found in China .

    这是研究我国古代天文学史的一件珍贵文物,是迄今发现的关于二十八宿全部名称的最早的 文字 记载

  • David Samuel who made the first written record of the Maori language of New Zealand .

    大卫萨穆尔博士,第一 新西兰毛利语的 书面 记录 编写者;

  • Such a feel for sequence and strategy might not take the form of a written record ; but I find that a plan in black and white exerts a powerful disciplining force .

    这种对顺序和战略的感想也许没有 书面形式;但我发现,用白纸黑字 下来的计划具有强大的约束力。

  • If no correction is made the request for correction shall be noted in the written record .

    如果不予 补正,应当 记录该申请。

  • A written record of the arbitration hearings shall be kept and be made available to the parties .

    应保留一份仲裁听证会的 书面 记录,并提供给双方。

  • Any genocidal movement that has left behind a written record has been shown to use the mechanism of disgust to dehumanize people and make them easier to kill .

    任何有 记录的种族灭绝运动,都利用过反感这个手段,来抹杀人性,使得更容易杀害他们。

  • A machine designed solely to reproduce speech recorded by a dictation machine so that a written record can is produced .

    一种专门设计的机器,用来复制由口述记录机记录的话音,以便得到 书写 记录(供 保存 查阅)。

  • Keep a written record of the incidents including the dates time location and witnesses and own response ;

    书面 记录有关事件的详情,包括日期、时间、地点、证人,以及投诉人当时作出的反应;

  • The daily written record of events ( as arrests ) in a police station .

    警察局每天发生事件(如逮捕)的 书面 记录

  • A written record of the investigation shall be made and shall include the conclusions and follow-up .

    要求有 书面调查报告,并包含结论及跟踪行动。

  • Written record is consisted in some case fragmentary discussion of law thesis .


  • A reproduction of a written record ( e.g. of a legal or school record ) .

    书面 记录的复制品(如法律或学校记录)。

  • The circumstances of the above-mentioned proceedings shall be entered in the written record which shall be signed by the judges and the court clerk .

    上述活动情形应当 写入 笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。

  • A written record of events on a voyage ( of a ship or plane ) .

    书面的(船或飞机的)航行或者飞行期间事件的 记录

  • The written record of the conversation doesn 't correspond to what was actually said .

    那次谈话的 文字 记录与原话不符。

  • A daily written record of ( usually personal ) experiences and observations .

    (通常个人 记录的)每天 记载的经验和观察。

  • Financial Statement A written record of the financial condition of a company .

    财务报告公司财务状况的 书面 记录

  • Such review and approval must be documented by a written record must include any supporting documentation and must be provided to NFA in the manner requested by NFA .

    这样的审查和通过必须以 书面 形式 记录 在案,必须包括任何相关文档,并必须根据NFA的要求立即提供给NFA。

  • One member of the crew kept a written record of what it is like to live in space .

    这批飞行员中的一员 记录 了太空生活经历。

  • Furthermore problem determination benefits from a written record of production changes .

    另外,书面的更改 历史 记录对问题判断会有帮助。