x-ray spectra

[ˈɛksˌre ˈspɛktrə][ˈeksrei ˈspektrə]

[医] X线谱

  • In the experiment of ICF in 2001 in Shanghai soft x-ray spectra were gained .

    2001年底在上海神光2激光装置上进行的惯性约束核聚变(ICF)实验的软 x光 光谱 测量中,获得了 实测 x 光能

  • One-dimension spatial resolution soft X-ray spectra of laser-produced Ta plasmas is obtained by using a bent crystal spectrometer .

    采用聚焦石英弯晶谱仪测量钽(Ta)激光等离子体 发射 线,得到了一维空间高分辨软 X 射线 ,辨认了其类镍和类钴 离子 线

  • Energy dispersive X-ray spectra of cells ( EDX ) showed that chromium was absorbed mainly by ion exchange .

    X 射线 散射能谱(EDX)再次验证了铬吸附,离子交换作用是铬吸附的主要途径。

  • The method is capable of solving the X-Ray spectra from the data of sub-key X-Ray spectrometer multi-channel k-edge filtering spectrometer and multi-channel filtering fluorescence spectrometer .

    这个方法适用于根据亚千X 射线 仪、多道k边滤波谱仪和多道滤波-荧光谱仪的测量结果回推靶等离子体的X射线能谱。

  • The effects of turbulent plasma scattering on the X-ray spectra of celestial bodies

    湍动等离子体散射对天体 X 射线 的作用

  • Time-resolved soft X-ray spectra measurement of laser-produced plasmas

    激光等离子体软 X 射线 辐射 时间分辨测量研究

  • A New Method of Background Subtraction for Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectra

    一种新的 X 射线背景扣除方法

  • Application of Wavelet Transform in Denoise of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectra

    小波变换法在 X 射线去噪声中的应用

  • In order to solve X-ray spectra in laser fusion an iterative method with amplitude-limiting and periodic smoothing technique has been developed on the basis of the SAND iteration in this paper .

    为了求解激光核聚变中的 X 射线 ,我们在SAND迭代基础上提出了一种带有周期性光滑化的限幅迭代解 方法。

  • A numerical calculation of fine structure energy levels and soft X-ray spectra of Li-like Ca ion

    类Li钙离子精细结构能级和软 X 射线 光谱的理论计算

  • X-ray spectra can be used as significant diagnosis method in the research of Inertial Confinement Fusion to obtain density temperature uniform ionization degree and other important information of electron .

    惯性约束核聚变中应用 X 射线 进行激光 等离子体诊断,可以获取电子温度、电子密度和平均离化度等重要信息,具有重要意义。

  • Theoretical Study of X-ray Spectra of 3d-2p Transition in Ba XLIV ~ XLVI Ions

    BaXLIV~XLVI离子的3d&2p跃迁产生的 X 射线 光谱结构的理论研究

  • X-ray spectra and intensities variation with incident energy of low energy highly charged Ar ~ ( 13 + ) ions in interaction with Mo metallic surface was studied .

    本工作实验研究低能高电荷态Ar13+离子与金属Mo表面作用过程中Mo原子受 激发 X 射线 X 射线强度随入射能量的变化。

  • Measurements of X-ray spectra from laser produced plasma

    激光等离子体 X 射线 的测量

  • A smoothing technique in method solved X-ray spectra in laser nuclear fusion

    激光核聚变中 x- 光解 方法的光滑化技术

  • Basic diagnostic system such as magnetic coils Langmuir probe and soft X-ray spectra has been installed .

    装置已经顺利组装完毕,并安装了磁测量、静电探针和软 X 射线等基本的诊断系统。目前正处于系统联调阶段。

  • Processing of the energy-dispersive X-ray spectra

    X 射线 数据处理

  • The X-ray spectra emitted from laser-produced plasmas contain plentiful information . It is a powerful tool to carry out plasma diagnosis and to study the formation and evolution of the plasmas as well .

    惯性约束核聚变(ICF)中,激光等离子体发射的 X 射线 中包含着十分丰富的信息,是研究等离子体形成、发展并进行状态诊断的有力工具之一,具有非常重要的意义。

  • Time-resolved transmission grating spectrometer is superior diagnostic device in laser plasma experiments . By means of it the soft X-ray spectra with excellent resolution in spectrum and time can be measured .

    透射光栅时间分辨谱仪是获取激光等离子体软 X光 辐射高分辨能 时间二维信息的实验诊断装置。

  • The X-ray spectra has rich information of high temperature plasmas . From the line positions the line strengths and line profiles one can diagnose the temperatures the densities the population distributions and ionization balances in plasmas .

    X 射线 光谱蕴含着丰富的信息,通过 测量 线的位置,强度以及线型等可以诊断出等离子体的温度,密度,价态分布和离化平衡等信息。

  • Features of electron density and time-resolved X-ray spectra from lateral jet nozzle of Mg microtube target

    Mg微管靶喷口电子密度及 X 射线 的时间分辨特性

  • Energy-dispersive X-ray spectra showed that a lot of silicon presented in the precipitation .

    X 射线 检测也表明沉淀物中有大量的硅存在。

  • In this report the methods of measurement of X-ray spectra from laser produced plasmas and the multichannel X-ray spectrometer are described . Experimental results of laser fusion experiments are presented .

    文中叙述了激光等离子体 X 射线 的测量方法和多道X射线能谱仪,介绍了激光聚变实验结果。

  • It emits X-ray spectra containing a wealth of information such as electron temperature density and ionization and so on .

    这些高温等离子体所发射的 X 射线 中包含了丰富的信息,如电子的温度、密度和离化度等信息。

  • The scaling of ε _r and therefore the runaway confinement time and runaway electron diffusivity has been studied in the HL-1M tokamak by measuring hard X-ray spectra under different experimental conditions .

    在HL-1M装置中不同实验条件下测量了硬 X 射线 ,研究了逃逸电子能量εr模拟的定标律,并推导出HL-1M装置放电的逃逸电子的约束时间与逃逸电子扩散系数。

  • Under the new model of potential function of hydrogen-like ions the influence of the ionicity effect on the average life span soft X-ray spectra and transition probability of high ionization hydrogen-like Fe + 25 ions is systematically calculated .

    在高电离态类H离子新势函数模型下,系统计算了类氢Fe+25离子软 X 射线 、跃迁概率和平均寿命。

  • In this paper an iterative method with amplitude-limiting and periodic smoothing technique has been developed on the basis of the SAND iteration . It has been used to solve the X-Ray spectra in laser fusion and satisfactory results obtained .

    本文在SAND迭代法的基础上,采取带有周期性光滑化的限幅迭代方法,求解激光核聚变中的 X光 取得了较好的结果。

  • In addition we also analysed and classified the soft X-ray spectra of Na-like isoeleetronic sequences of these elements .

    此外,本文对这些元素的类钠伴线结构也进行了分析和 归类

  • Experimental study on X-ray spectra from gold foil target irradiated by 1.053 μ m laser

    1.053μm激光辐照金箔靶发射 X 射线 的实验研究