timing service

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ 'sɝvɪs][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsɜːvɪs]


  • A control algorithm of signal timing at intersection of link which can control the traffic volumes into link by modifying the signal timing at intersection of link is designed for keeping the expected traffic level of service of link by using fuzzy control theory in this paper .

    本文利用模糊控制原理设计了通过改变路段进口信号灯 方案,控制进入路段的交通流量,实现维持道路 服务水平的信号交叉口控制算法。

  • It is of greater importance to apply on-line monitoring and diagnosis technology to the equipment in production process thus realizing the transformation from timing service into predictive maintenance . Likewise on-line monitoring application of optimization is the precondition and foundation to realize digital manufacturing and maintenance .

    将在线监测技术应用于设备运行状态监测、诊断与维护,实现 定时 维修向预测维修转变已日趋重要,同时在线监测技术的应用也是实现数字化制造与维护的前提与基础。

  • Therefore the author puts forward an improved method which is able to offer a timing service with higher precision .

    因此提出一种能够提供更高精度 定时 服务的改进方法。

  • CCSDS Proximity 1 architecture and the transferring frame Version 3 are presented and the timing and data service are analyzed .

    讨论近距离空间链路协议Proximity-1的层次结构和传输帧Version-3构成,分析包括CCSDS标准包和用户自定义数据的数据 业务定时 业务

  • HBO has not released details about the timing or other aspects of the new service .

    HBO尚未发布这项新 服务的推出 时间和其他细节。

  • Last it describes the timing function of GNSS user receiver which implemented real-time reporting and time service .

    最后,详细介绍了GNSS用户接收机的 授时方法,实现实时数据上报和 提供 用户 授时的功能。

  • Looking back on the past few years of development power supply company has achieved plant-grid separation power grid ever-strengthening serving process ever-optimizing service content ever-enriching service timing ever-shortening service manner ever-improving .

    近几年来,电力企业实现了厂网分离,电网不断坚强、服务流程不断完善、服务内容不断丰富、服务 时限不断缩短、 服务态度不断提升。

  • This article analyzes the present situation of the auto quick repair combining the practical problems and discusses the location of the auto quick repair patterns which include the timing location the content location and the service target location .

    摘要通过分析汽车快修业的现状,结合当前实际,探讨汽车快修经营模式的定位,包括 时间定位、内容定位和 服务对象定位。

  • It should be noted that the problem of time rollover often occur for timing service .

    值得一提的是, 授时 系统工程中往往会遇到时间(时刻)跳变之类的问题。

  • Since you are running everything on a PC there is sometimes a timing issue the first time you attempt to trigger the service .

    由于是在一个PC上运行,在您第一次触发 服务时,有时可能会出现一个 时间问题。

  • As a new timing technology satellite time service can effectively reduce the error caused by geometric factors and achieve precise timing on a global scale so it has become the mainstream method in the time synchronization field .

    卫星 授时作为一种崭新的 授时技术,能有效消除地域影响、实现全球范围内精确授时,已成为当前时间同步领域的主流方法。

  • Control system software of upper PC was compiled with VB6.0 system program of the intelligent traffic signal machine was compiled with assemble language timing interrupt service routine was partitioned into 100ms 0.5s and 1s program segment .

    上位机控制系统软件用VB6.0编程,信号机系统程序用汇编语言编写,其 定时中断处理程序分为 100ms,0.5s和1s程序段。

  • The development of Chinese convenience store should consider the following aspects which are the timing choice location and target groups operational quality characteristics shaping as well as service providing .

    中国市场便利店的发展,需从便利店发展 时机、选址与目标顾客选择、运营质量提高、特色营造以及 服务提供等方面考虑。

  • Even the jiffies ( small packets of kernel time for timing interrupts ) are not altered and this lets you debug the Interrupt Service Routine .

    此时连 jiffies(用来对中断进行 计时的内核时钟滴答数)都不会改变,这样就可以对ISR进行调试了。

  • THE reliability and quality of output data are greatly improved by adding the codes for the CPLD device driver WatchDog hard-disk timeout management GPS timing service etc to the dedicated embedded Linux operating system .

    在网络数字地震仪的专用嵌入式Linux中,增加了CPLD设备驱动程序,增加WatchDog,硬盘超时管理,GPS 时间 服务等功能,有效提高了系统运行的可靠性和数据产出质量。

  • As for timing the Memphis Fire service firefighters and officers need to take exercises as well as a real incident very serious .

    对于 时效问题,孟菲斯消防 服务的消防员与长官们,需要像对待真的事故一样严肃地多多练习。

  • It proves that the model can describe the signalized intersection delay more accurately and it can be used for the intersection timing optimization in urban traffic control system in turn to improve the level of service of signalized intersections .

    说明该模型能够更加准确的描述信号交叉口延误,给予交通控制系统中交叉口 优化方案理论支持,进而提高信号交叉口的 服务水平。

  • The optimization of signal timing is an important way to improve intersection level of service .

    信号 优化是提高平面交叉口 服务水平的重要途径。

  • The GPS IRIG-B code time system encapsulates the GPS satellite signal and modernized IRIG-B ( B type format of Inter-Range Instrumentation Group ) serial time code and connect them to the computer through a PCI bus thus offering accurate timing service .

    GPSIRIG-B码时间系统把GPS卫星信号和现代化靶场间通用的IRIG-B(Inter-RangeInstrumentationGroup,靶场仪器组B型格式)串行时间码封装于一体,通过PCI总线与计算机联系起来,提供高精度的 定时 服务

  • The software for control system was designed according to the timing requirement the main program and the interrupt service program were highlighted .

    根据热丝TIG焊的 时序要求,设计了控制系统的软件,重点介绍了主程序和中断 服务程序。

  • RPT Ring Timing Mechanism and TDM Service Performance Analysis

    RPT环的 定时机制与TDM 业务性能分析

  • Real-time system requires a fairly high precise timing service . However original timing service of the simple μ C / OS - ⅱ is not high enough in precision .

    实时系统对 定时 服务的精度有较高的要求,μC/OSⅡ原有的定时服务实现较为简单,精度不高。

  • To allow for imperfect project timing such as when a service is still under development and the consumer needs to proceed with other tests mock services can be hosted in place of the real services .

    为支持不完善的项目 时间 安排,例如当 服务仍然处于开发阶段时,客户需要进行其他测试,于是要提供Mock服务来代替实际服务。

  • As time goes on Competition Strategy in airline market has been changed from single price to multi-element including plane model timing personalized service brand acquisition and maintenance of customers .

    随着时间的推移,航空市场的竞争策略已经由单一的价格竞争,向机型、 时刻、个性化 服务、品牌、客户开发和维护等多维竞争转变。

  • The results show that part of the 2 048 kbit / s channels can perform the retiming function combine the reference timing and service data for transmission to the protection equipment .

    研究结果表明:通道输出再定时能把来自数字同步网的 定时基准信号和 业务数据信号合成在一起送给外接继电保护装置;

  • This paper introduces the frequency conversion timing transform of the boiler service powder system in Baihe power plant as soon as shows the composing 、 the principle and the control manner of the frequency conversion timing system .

    介绍白鹤电厂2机组锅炉 粉系统的变频 调速改造。论述变频调速系统的构成、原理和控制方式。