to administer to...


  • Since the power to administer Tianjin harbour was delegated to the local authorities two years ago its economic efficiency has greatly improved .

    天津港 下放两年 经济效益显著提高。

  • Today the World Bank Group is at the forefront of international efforts to raise and administer funds to meet challenges like these that confront rich and poor countries alike .

    今天,世界银行集团在国际上带头 解决富国和穷国共同面临的这些挑战而筹措资金和 管理资金。

  • It is a kind of brand-new management theory and way in our country to administer the state according to law and the direction of great policy put forward in managing the economic and social life in our party and country .

    依法 行政,在我国是一种全新的管理理念和管理方式,是党和国家在管理经济社会生活方面所提出的带有方向性、全局性的重大方针和指导原则。

  • The Key of Government by Law is to Administer Power According to law

    试析法治的重点是 依法

  • During the process of heritage tourism dealing correctly with the relationships among protection development and utilization of the world heritage is of important realistic significance to administer the world heritage and to ensure the world heritage being passed on from generation to generation .

    在遗产旅游热潮中,正确、科学地处理好世界遗产的保护、开发和利用的关系, 管理好世界遗产, 确保世界遗产代代相传,具有非常重大的现实意义。

  • To raise international competition of banking and meet the challenge of the opening of finance in an all-round way it is our inevitable choice to supervise and administer bank according to current international criterion .

    按照国际通行的准则 进行银行监管是我们提高银行业的国际竞争力,迎接金融业全面开放挑战的必然选择。

  • Therefore the theoretical research has necessity and urgency of the day viewed in terms of the general plan for building up a state of socialist legal system to administer the country according to law .

    因而,基于党和国家 实施 依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的战略需要,从理论上深入系统地 行政 执法责任制度 进行研究和探讨,有其时代的必要性和紧迫感。

  • This is a simple task to administer because it lets you to link in only those objects that are actually referred to at some point in the program .

    管理员来说,这是一项简单的任务,因为它允许您 只在程序中的某个位置上实际引用的那些对象进行链接。

  • To administer field land pollution and to develop high quality safe agricultural products become urgent task .

    综合 治理大田耕地污染,发展优质安全农产品成为急迫的任务。

  • She was given an electronic pump containing a four day dose of two chemotherapy drugs 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin to administer to herself at home .

    医生 开具了一种含有两种化疗药物(5-氟尿嘧啶和顺铂)四天剂量的电子泵 药装置,在家自我 注射治疗。

  • Moreover the act established the National Labor Relations Board ( NLRB ) to administer its provisions to punish unfair labor practices and to determine which union should represent workers .

    上述法案还建立了“全国劳工关系委员会”, 实施法案中的各项规定,惩治损害劳工的不公正行为,并决定该由哪个工会来代表工人。

  • It plans to administer a proficiency test to compare the basic business knowledge of students from both the old course structure and the new curriculum .

    它计划 一次专业知识考试, 比较学习传统MBA课程的学生与学习新课程的学生对基本商务知识的掌握情况。

  • A case report on the use of strategies to administer play audiometry to difficult test children

    小儿游戏测 难点的 应对策略& 附一例7岁聋儿病例

  • At that time McKay 's job was to administer specialised psychological tests to people who had been admitted to the hospital to help provide neurologists with a better picture of their patients ' brain functions .

    那时,麦凯的工作是 医院收治的病人 进行专业的心理测试,帮助神经科医师更好地了解病人的大脑活动情况。

  • Current practice in most European hospitals is to administer thrombolytics and only to refer patients for PCI if they show no evidence of reperfusion .

    而目前欧洲大部分医院中的病人只有 接受 溶栓治疗后无再灌注证据时才接受PCI治疗。

  • In our country it is the result that history developed into certain stage to administer the state according to law .

    在我国, 依法行政是历史发展到一定阶段的产物。

  • Because of the transmission of the financial risk it is necessary for all countries to administer foreign-capital banks strictly to avoid international economic circulate resulting the monstrous minacity .

    由于金融风险的传递会 国际经济的运行造成巨大的威胁,需要各国 外资银行 实施严格的监管。

  • Specific tariff is relatively easy to apply and administer particularly to standardized commodities and staple products .

    从量税比较 容易实施及 管理,尤其是 对于标准化商品和主要产品。

  • It shall be displayed to the extent of my humble abilities in continued efforts so to administer the Government as to preserve their liberty and promote their happiness .

    我将继续尽我微薄之力 管理政府 维护你们的自由,促进你们的幸福,以此来表达我的感激之情。

  • For example by GIS thematic map and overlaying analysis every factor is visualized to administer to sample design of isotope investigation .

    例如,通过制作GIS专题图并进行叠加分析,可视化 展示各类因素的影响, 辅助了同位素研究的 布样设计。

  • GMAC says it collected $ 87.7 million in fees in 2012 yet it cost the organization only $ 45.7 million to administer the test according to documents filed with the internal revenue service .

    GMAC表示,它在2012年收取了 8770万美元的考试费,但美国国税局(InternalRevenueService)的文件显示,GMAC 管理这项考试的成本开支仅 4570万美元。

  • She was so kind that she came to administer the medicine to the lonely old sick woman .

    她心地善良,每天都 这位孤寡老人服药。

  • Governance is a fundamental form for human societies to administer public affairs to solve public problems and to provide public service .

    治道,就是人类社会 治理公共事务、解决公共问题、提供公共服务的基本模式。

  • It is an important sign of civilized progress of administration to administer the state according to law .

    依法 行政是行政管理文明进步的重要标志。

  • It is easy to prepare and administer and fun to do .

    游戏 准备简单,易于操作而且 颇有乐趣。

  • To search the best time to administer drugs to guinea pigs with asthma for increasing therapeutic effect of the drugs .

    目的对哮喘豚鼠选择最佳的中药 时间, 充分发挥药效,提高治疗效果。

  • Makes it easier to administer images and easier to keep nodes in synch .

    这会使映像的 管理和保持节点同步更加轻松。

  • To understand Yan Fu 's new opinion in legal system not only a very meaningful to study modern Chinese thought of legal system but a great help to promote to administer the country and to strengthen the socialist legal system .

    了解严复在法制思想上的新颖主张和见解,不仅对中国法制思想近代化的研究具有重要意义,而且有助于推进 依法治国,加强社会主义法制建设。

  • The key to administering a country is to administer according to law .

    依法治国的重点是 依法行政。