to bid up

[tu bɪd ʌp][tu: bid ʌp]


  • The response has been to bid up the price of safe assets .

    人们的回应一直是 抬高安全资产价格。

  • Any central bank considering such action has an incentive not to delay since the potential profitability is likely to be lower for late participants given that asset prices will generally be bid up in the process .

    任何一家考虑采取这种行动的央行,都有不推迟行动的动机,因为在行动过程中,资产价格一般会被 抬高,而后参加者的潜在收益可能会降低。

  • Some stocks just get talked about and people pay all sorts of attention to them and everyone wants to invest in them and they bid the price up and they are no longer a good buy .

    有些股票刚开始谈论,人们就对它们加以各种关注,人人都 其投资,他们 股价,买那些股票不再合算。

  • The rational response has been to bid up the price of commodities which continue on a rare bull run .

    市场对此的理性反应是 大宗商品价格,推动其延续目前这种罕见的牛市行情。

  • Alstom management and investors have been receptive to GE 's bid and say it will provide cash to help pay down debt and shore up the company 's transportation business .

    阿尔斯通的管理层和投资者 愿意接受通用电气的 收购条件,称这家公司能够提供现金为阿尔斯通偿还债务,并为它的交通运输业务提供支持。

  • Buyers were willing to bid up to $ 1m for items they had not viewed first-hand while private auction house sales rose as more people chose to avoid being named in the press .

    买家 愿意 他们未直接检查的展品 出价 100万美元,而随着越来越多的人选择避免自己的名字见诸报端,私人拍卖机构的销售出现了增长。

  • Basically what you do is try to arrest as much supply as possible then you bid up the price .

    基本上,你要做的是 设法掌握尽可能多的大蒜,然后 哄抬价格。

  • This allowed him to buy a large number of shares at a low price and then make several smaller trades to bid up the price before selling out at a profit .

    因此他能够以低价买进大批股票后,再进行几笔较小的交易, 以此 哄抬价格,然后卖出所有股票获利。

  • This year few are willing to bid up the price in the face of slack Chinese demand .

    今年,面对疲弱的中国需求,很少有人 愿意 哄抬价格。

  • Devaluing the renminbi while boosting exports and constraining imports would cause the tradable goods sector to bid up wages so that its growth would come largely at the expense of non-tradable goods most importantly the service sector .

    让人民币 贬值,尽管会刺激出口、抑制进口,但将导致贸易商品部门 提高工资,结果是该部门的增长基本是以牺牲非贸易商品部门最重要的是服务部门的增长为代价的。

  • They agreed to bid the picture up to 4 francs .

    他们 同意 这幅画的 价格 至4法郎。

  • It is useful to think of a bid as being made up of two basic elements .


  • We shall continue to monitor the bid process over the coming weeks up until its final determination whilst reviewing our position and holding discussions with our advisors .

    我们将在未来一周 继续跟踪 投标的进展 直到最后的结果出炉,与此同时我们将重新考虑我们的立场并与我们的顾问商讨。

  • It has urged the authorities to impose severe punishment on developers found violating building and other rules and joining hands with others to bid up property prices .

    此外,北京市消协敦促有关部门对违反房屋建筑等规定及 哄抬房价的开发商予以重罚。

  • Another person said that Prudential first discussed a possible regional listing this year as a way of raising funds to bid for AIG 's coveted Asian life assurance unit which at the time was up for sale .

    另一名人士表示,保诚今年讨论在亚洲地区的上市计划,起初是为了筹集资金,用 竞购美国国际集团(AIG)引人觊觎的亚洲寿险部门该部门当时正 准备出售。

  • The world 's leading carmakers have lined up to bid for Korea 's Daewoo Cars which is up for sale after the parent company got into financial difficulties .

    世界上各大头号轿车制造商 争相 竞购因母公司陷入财政困难而被出售的韩国大宇汽车公司。

  • If the product is in short supply relative to the demand the price will be bid up .

    如果产品供不应求,那么其价格就会被 抬高

  • If the product is in short supply relative to the demand the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market .

    如果 供不应求,价格就 上升,有些消费者就会被排挤出市场。

  • Last spring only a couple of months into the job investors started to bid up the expected rate of inflation .

    去年春天,他刚上任几个月,投资者就 开始 哄抬预期通胀率。

  • There is still time to Bid up the price .

    还有时间 的价钱。

  • This low tax on land was part of the reason for the property bubbles in these countries because untaxed land value was paid to banks which in turn lent it out to bid up prices all the more .

    如此低的土地税,是催生这些国家房地产泡沫的部分原因,因为那些未征税的土地价值都支付给了银行,而银行又将其 贷款形式借出,进一步 房价。

  • It might motivate private investors to bid up the prices for toxic assets that will allow banks to survive .

    在这种激励下,私人部门 可以 参与“有毒资产”的 竞标,从而使银行能够生存。

  • The paper attempts to use game theory to analyze the phenomena which exist in the course of bid invitation and bidding and to set up the relative countermeasure model .

    本文试图利用博弈理论, 工程 投标过程中存在的现象进行分析,并 建立 相应的对策模型。

  • It will work but all of it will come as a surprise to investors who have bid bank stocks up 30 % in the past year .

    这种做法会起作用,但会 在过去一年将银行股价 30%的投资者大感意外。

  • The banks can lock in a guaranteed return by storing the metal in giant warehouses allowing them to bid up prices for the metal and remove supplies from the market .

    投行可以把铝囤积在大型仓库中,进而 抬高铝价并减少市场上的供应,最终锁定有保证的回报。

  • MF Global said traders were increasingly reluctant to bid up prices on what if ? headlines .

    芝加哥全球直播报道,贸易商们越来越不 愿意 如果可能发生的新闻而 哄抬石油价格了。

  • The rally is best explained by the ease with which speculators and industrial buyers can find funds to bid up the clearing price .

    对于此轮上涨最好的解释是,投机者和行业买家很容易获得资金 结算价格。

  • On Wednesday fans will have the chance to bid on the hair and Beatles autographed photos and memorabilia when they go up for auction in Worthing in southern England .

    拍卖将于本周三在英国南部城市沃森举行。除列侬的这缕头发外,歌迷还将有机会 竞拍 披头式乐队的一些签名照和纪念品。