to collect

[tu kəˈlɛkt][tu: kəˈlekt]

[经] 收帐

  • I 'll come round to collect my child within these days .

    这几天我就 走我的孩子。

  • I have come to collect my winnings .


  • They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions .

    他们正在检测高空空气 收集原子爆炸的证据。

  • Go up the mountain to collect some pine branches .

    上山 点儿松枝

  • He went round the various offices to collect the dues .

    他到各个办公室 会费。

  • I 'm going to collect my luggage at the station .

    车站 提行李去。

  • I came to collect my bike .


  • When I went to collect the car Bill met me with a conspiratorial grin .


  • He shuffled off to one of the chill-out rooms to collect his thoughts .

    他拖着脚去到一间休息室 整理思绪。

  • I went there to collect some samples .

    我去那里 收集了一些样品。

  • I 've been waiting in all day for your television repairman to collect the set but he didn 't come as he promised .

    我一整天呆在家里等着你们的电视修理人员 机器,但修理人员失约未来。

  • I used to collect stamps

    我曾经 过邮。

  • He arranges to collect the payment from the customer thus saving the client the paperwork .

    他安排直接 顾客 收取费用,免去了顾客填写各种文件的麻烦。

  • There will be a messenger at the Airport to collect the photographs from our courier

    机场会有一名信使从我们的递送员手中 取走照片。

  • Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight .

    和望远镜一样,它有一个曲面镜 可以 积聚阳光。

  • Please don 't stick the stamp on ; I like to collect them .

    请不要贴上这些邮票,我 集邮的。

  • Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms .

    贝扎尼奇正在潜水 采集海洋生物。

  • The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect .


  • Good as it is to inherit a library it is better to collect one .

    继承藏书虽好, 收集藏书更有意义。

  • He faked his own death last year to collect on a $ 1 million insurance policy .

    去年,他 诈死 骗取100万美元的保险金。

  • She paused for a moment to collect herself

    她停了一会儿, 自己 镇定下来。

  • In this example you modify your last script slightly to collect system call data for a single process .

    在这个例子中,您稍微修改了上一个脚本, 收集一个进程的系统调用数据。

  • Next you will select the system ( 2 ) from which you wish to collect data .

    下一步,您将选择希望从中 收集数据的系统(2)。

  • I want to collect your paper now .

    现在我 卷子了。

  • We swear to collect this blood debt .

    我们誓死 这血海深仇!

  • I also like to collect stamps post cards coins and match boxes .

    我也喜欢 集邮收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。

  • Astronomers will have to collect more spectra from these stars to confirm their suspicions .

    天文学家们必须 从这些恒星上 采集更多的光谱来证实他们的推想。

  • Do try to collect the business card of everyone you meet with .


  • Once you have enabled resource monitoring you have to specify the data sources to collect from .

    一旦您启用了资源监控,您就必须指定数据 收集所出自的数据源。