to go to the bad

[tu ɡo tu ði bæd][tu: ɡəu tu: ðə bæd]


  • I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough .

    我咳嗽 厉害,今天必须 诊疗所 看看

  • So likely to for the social natural person of go to the bad the consciousness that has divisional virus bacteria is very important should not say those transmit the media of information and media person more .

    所以, 对于一个可能 得病的社会自然人 来说,具有区分病毒病菌的意识十分重要,更不要说那些传播信息的媒体和媒体人。

  • I just had to go to the bathroom so bad it was unbelievable .

    我竟然就 跑进了洗手间,太 糟糕了,这委实难以置信。

  • If a minor but ambitious firm like Salomon Brothers tried to by-pass the managing underwriter and go direct to a client the underwriter would ostracise it and give it a bad name on Wall Street .

    如果野心勃勃的次要承销商(比如所罗门兄弟)心存不满, 意欲 绕过主承销商直接 客户联系,那么 承销商就会排挤它,败坏它在华尔街上的 名声

  • Last month celebrations to mark one year to go to the August 8 2008 opening of the Games were clouded by warnings from Jacques Rogge president of the International Olympic Committee that bad air could force changes to the timing of some outdoor events .

    上月,国际奥委会(IOC)主席雅克•罗格(Jacques Rogge)警告,空气污染可能迫使一些户外赛事改期举行,这 2008年8月8日奥运会开幕的倒计时一周年庆祝活动投下了阴影。