to lay down arms


  • Over the coming 100 days we need to unite as a human family to deliver the right to peace by encouraging fighters to lay down their arms .

    在接下来的100天里,我们必须团结为一个人类大家庭,通过鼓励战斗人员 放下 武器,使人民享有和平的权利。

  • The drug-traffickers have offered to lay down their arms .

    毒贩们已 同意 放下 武器

  • The general told the troops to lay down their arms .

    将军告诉士兵 缴械 投降

  • Or might it just be time to lay down your arms take a deep breath and enjoy life .

    或者,可能是时候 放下你的 双臂,做一次深呼吸,享受生活。

  • Not only should one seek peace but we have an obligation he says to lay down our arms to lay down our right to all things on the condition that others around us are prepared to do so as well .

    我们不仅是应该寻求和平,还有义务 放下自己的 武器,在周围的人准备同样作的情况之下,放弃我们对一切事物的权利。

  • He had to lay down his arms under the watchful eyes of the people .

    在众目睽睽之下,他 只好 放下 武器

  • The United Nations Security Council has called on the Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka to lay down their arms immediately and allow the UN to help evacuate civilians caught in the conflict .

    联合国安理会要求斯里兰卡猛虎叛乱组织 放下 武器、允许联合国帮助困于冲突中的平民撤离。

  • The president appealed to the rebels to lay down arms .

    总统呼吁叛军 放下 武器 停止战斗。

  • Today we begin the 100-day countdown to the observance of the International Day of Peace when the United Nations calls on all combatants around the world to lay down their arms and to give peace a real chance .

    今天,我们进入国际和平日倒计时100天。在国际和平日当天,联合国都会 世界各地的战斗人员发出呼吁, 敦促他们 放下 武器,给和平一个真正的机会。

  • And you look for a place to hide ? Did someone break your heart inside ? You 're in ruins One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight .

    而你只是在寻找一个藏身之地?可是有人刺穿了你的心房?你只剩残骸嘿,21声炮响 放下你的 武器吧放弃这场战斗。

  • And those still holding out must understand & the old regime is over and it is time to lay down your arms and join the new Libya .

    那些仍然负隅顽抗的人必须明白,旧政权已经结束,现在是 放下 武器,加入新利比亚的时刻了。

  • Word of honor especially that of a prisoner of war who is granted freedom only after promising to lay down arms .

    宣誓,诺言尤指 放下 武器后就能得到自由的战犯的承诺。

  • The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms .

    敌人 被迫 放下 武器

  • The minister has called on the terrorists to lay down their arms .

    部长要求恐怖分子 放下 武器