Believe it or not it will be then to hell with your racket !
我 他 妈摔了你的球拍你信不?!
Let me get rich quick and to hell with society .
我只要自己快快发财, 管 它 什么社会不社会 呢。
To hell with this guy . don 't let him take this robot .
别理他,别让他 带走机器人。
To hell with this I 'm getting out of here
让 这事 见鬼 去 吧,我可要走了。
To hell with grades and qualifications .
让分数和资格证书都 见鬼 去 吧。
Ross : No I don 't to hell with her she left me !
是的,我不 希望。 让她 见鬼 去 吧,她离开了我!
So please Zip your dirty mouth and to hell with you and your High IQ Genius .
所以,请你闭上你的臭嘴,和你们的那些高智商的学生 见鬼 去 吧。
And if you do not listen then to hell with you .
如果你 对我的 祈祷充耳不闻,那你就 去 死 吧。
To hell with your bathing costumes !
让你的游泳衣 见鬼 去 吧。
To hell with the lot of you I 'll do what I please !
你们 全都 见鬼 去 吧,我爱怎麽着就怎麽着!
To hell with him !
让他 下 地狱 去 吧!
To hell with that theory of his !
让他的那套理论 见鬼 去 吧!
To hell with all your complaint ; I shall play the piano all day long if I want to .
对你的牢骚我毫不 在乎,只要我乐意,我就整天弹钢琴。
Oh to hell with it I thought-I 'm leaving tomorrow anyway .
真够劳神的, 算了,反正明早我就离开了。
I say to hell with going back to our cells .
我说,我们 他 妈的再也不用坐牢了。
I mean to hell with ellie right ?
我的意思是, 去他的艾力,对吧?
To hell with politics ! What do I care about politics ?
让政治 见鬼 去 吧!政治关我什么事?
Are you glad ? To hell with the play ! See what I mean ?
你高兴吗? 让 让 那出戏 见鬼 去 吧!明白我的意思吗?
' Let 's get it over and done with and to hell with them ' he ranted .
“就这么着吧,让他们 见鬼 去 吧 !”他咆哮道。
To hell with Jonathan and his stupid plans !
让乔纳森和他那愚蠢的计划 都 见鬼 去 吧!
To hell with your work !
让你的工作 见鬼 去 吧!
Then to hell with you !
那你就 滚 吧!
美[tu hɛl wɪð]英[tu: hel wið]