to give birth to...


  • Some rural couples with actual difficulties are allowed to give birth to a second child a few years after the birth of the first child .

    农村中确有困难的夫妇间隔几年以后 可以 生育第二个孩子。

  • Some research suggests that mothers with serious gum infections or periodontitis are more likely to give birth to premature and thus more sickly kids .

    一些科学家们说牙龈感染或牙周炎的孕妇更可能 早产

  • Although he was as big as a young colt it was easy for his mother to give birth to him .

    虽然他如幼马一般大,他的母亲 他时却毫不困难。

  • The cars of we reach side door class on duty for the day to give birth to and wait for already .

    我们的车到达侧门时,班里的值日 已经等 那里了。

  • Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone .

    等待 养母 克隆幼仔。

  • I want to do you little wife again for you to give birth to a child and then we this family happy after this life .

    我想做迩的小妻子,再为迩 个小孩子,然后我们这一家子,幸福的过完这辈子。

  • With the world waiting for Kate the Duchess of Cambridge to give birth to her first child with Prince William no one is more eagerly anticipating that excited phone call than William 's father Prince Charles .

    全世界都在等待着凯特,剑桥公爵夫人 下她和威廉王子的第一个孩子,没有人比威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王子更期待那个令人兴奋的电话了。

  • Women on low-calorie diets or who skip breakfast at the time of conception are more likely to give birth to girls than boys British scientists said on Wednesday .

    英国科学家于上周三称,在受孕期间饮食摄入热量较低或不吃早餐的女性 女孩的可能性更大。

  • Do not want to give birth to a decomposition of his love .


  • In Byzantine time the queen would be arranged to give birth to the royal heirs in a purple room .

    在拜占庭式时期,女王将被安排在紫色房间 生育皇家继承人。

  • His wife due to give birth to their son any day was already there . Like any expectant parents the Shanghai couple agonized over how best to prepare for the arrival and upbringing of their firstborn child .

    即将 临盆的妻子已经在那里等候他了。和其他准父母一样,这对上海夫妇也在犯愁,如何才能给他们第一个孩子提供最好的降生和成长环境。

  • Mum is the lady who was bearing the severe physical pain and danger to give birth to you while enjoying the process with sovereign happiness of expectation for the new life .

    妈妈是这样一位女子。她承受着钻心的疼痛与生命的危险 赋予生命的同时,却是在享受着对新生命期盼过程中最至高无上的幸福。

  • Women who suffer from calamity in conception are more likely to give birth to girls .

    受精期经历了灾难的妇女 生育女孩的比率更大。

  • Man 's main task is to give birth to himself .

    人的主要工作是 自己 出来。

  • In 2009 Emmons and his wife Katerina also a shooter were happy to give birth to a daughter .

    在2009年,埃蒙斯与他的妻子 卡特琳娜 了女儿。

  • Ordinary disclosed in a noble sad sigh are filled with let us have to give birth to such a father means respect .

    平凡之中透露着高贵,悲惋之中洋溢着豪壮,让我们 不得不 这样一个父亲 生出敬佩之意。

  • The females migrate north every summer to give birth to their offspring .

    每年夏季雌性藏羚羊迁徒 产仔

  • A female elephant that is about to give birth to her young leaves the heard for a short time .

    一头 即将 分娩的母象会离开象群一段时间。

  • I hadn 't been able to give birth to my baby ; someone had to do it for me .

    未能自己 宝宝,而不得不让别人帮我生。

  • Though of each other wholehearted appearance love but compel in secular pressure their each marries to give birth to son can only have a vacation every year together .

    虽然彼此真心相爱,但是迫于世俗压力,他们各自结婚 生子,只能每年在一起度假。

  • My mother just came back to Jiangsu to give birth to me and then returned .

    我母亲只是回到江苏 了我,就又回新疆 了。

  • First looks to see a dangerous people a fraction of total alert people to give birth to the heart after further contacts you will find he ugly but very gentle ;

    初次见到一位相貌“险恶”的人,总 人生出几分戒备之心,经过进一步交往,你会发现“他很丑但很温柔”;

  • It has yet to give birth to a new medium in the way that the fusion of photography and drama created cinema for instance .

    它已经 作为一种融合了摄影,戏剧的 衍生品电影的新媒体。

  • Ballerina Mary Helen Bowers is about to give birth to her first child and has been dancing through pregnancy with unbelievable agility and breathtaking grace .

    芭蕾舞女演员 玛丽海伦鲍尔斯 下第一个孩子,她在怀孕期间坚持跳舞,体现出令人难以置信的敏捷和优雅。

  • Developers of these modification techniques say they are a way for women with mitochondrial disease to give birth to healthy children to whom they are related genetically .

    基因修改技术的开发人员称,使用这种技术 可以让患有线粒体疾病的女性 健康的孩子,同时与孩子还有基因关联。

  • You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star .

    成为舞蹈明星,你必须是一头脑 糊涂浆。

  • That in turn would explain why women in rich countries who are less likely to suffer from hunger and disease are more likely to give birth to sons .

    这反过来也可以解释为什么在富裕国家中女性很少受到饥饿和疾病的威胁,更 容易 生育男孩。

  • Women exposed to air pollution during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with heart defects researchers reported on Saturday .

    周六,有研究人员报告,接触污染空气的孕妇很可能 患有心脏缺陷的孩子。