time base

[taɪm bes][taim beis]


  • A device used to develop a time base for calculations and control e. g. a digital clock .

    一种用于产生计算和控制用 时基的装置,例如数字钟。

  • The technical characteristics of the device is : the frequency conversion invert circuit consists of the connection of a time base integrated circuit and a triode ;

    其技术特征是:变频逆变电路由 时基集成电路和三极管连接而成;

  • Time base sweep multivibrator From the Stone Age to Christianity


  • Then we compared different methods of measuring the time base distortion and simulated the analytic signal method .

    其次,对 时基失真特性测量的不同方法进行了理论分析和比较,并对分析信号法进行了仿真研究;

  • The necessity to adopt Time Base Corrector ( TBC ) its principle and its application are introduced in this paper .

    文章介绍采用 时基校正器的必要性以及时基校正器的工作原理和实际应用情况。

  • The solid-state controller has an electronic timer which provides an extremely short time base .

    在固定调节器中,有一只电子定时器,它能提供极小的 定时 常数

  • Insurance of social medical treatment is the legal laws and regulations with country and social certain basis the social insurance system that to provide sicken time base to the laborer inside safeguard limits this medical treatment demand is ensured and builds .

    社会医疗保险是国家和社会根据一定的法律法规,为向保障范围内的劳动者提供患病 基本医疗需求保障而建立的社会保险制度。

  • The time base for this sequence is not known as it is taken from a televised slow motion recording however the duration between each exhibited frame is constant .

    其实, 下面这些我们还不太熟悉的图象是扫描电视录象的慢镜头而成。不管怎样,所显示的每幅画面之间的持续 时间却是固定的。

  • In the implementation of the Time Base calculation above the algorithm uses a helper multiply function .

    在上面 Time Base计算的实现中,算法使用了一个辅助乘法函数。

  • Only the time base have been adjusted to show the same amount of periods for the different frequencies .

    只有 基地 时间已调整表现出相同数量的时间为不同的频率。

  • The Emergence Change and Characteristics of Historical Institute in Yan ′ an ; flywheel time base

    延安 时期史学机构的产生、沿革及特点

  • Frame time base low velocity beam scanning image pickup tube

    图象扫描电路,帧 时基低速电子扫描摄像管

  • The units are the same as the time base register and the sum of the PURR values for both threads is equal to time base register .

    这些单元与TB寄存器相同,并且两个线程的 PURR值的总和等于TB寄存器的值。

  • There are two advantages to the implementation of nanosecond calculation using the Time Base register

    这种使用 Time Base寄存器来实现纳秒级精度计算有两个优点

  • Frame time base optical-mechanical imaging scanner

    图象扫描电路,帧 时基光学机械成象扫描仪

  • Analysis on Bistatic Radar Target Resolution under Pulse-Pursue Module Synchronization Scanning flywheel time base

    脉冲追赶式同步扫描下双 基地雷达目标分辨力分析

  • Reference cavity time base sweep multivibrator

    标准基准w_1503空腔谐振器 时基扫描多谐振荡器

  • When two threads are using the same processor as in the case of Simultaneous Multi-Threading this register is used to calculate how much physical processor each thread actually utilizes over the same time base .

    当两个线程正在使用同一个处理器时,与在同步多线程情况下一样,这个寄存器用于计算每个线程在相同的 时间 实际使用了多少物理处理器。

  • Time base stability of non-broadcast video tape recorders

    GB/T15525-1995非广播录像机的 时基稳定性

  • Vertical interval test signal frame time base

    帧扫描 插入测试信号

  • Quartz crystal resonators are devices that supply standard time base .

    石英晶体谐振器是一种提供基准 时基的器件。

  • To deal with this problem the technique of time base correction and amplitude correction is presented in this paper .

    本文即针对此问题提出了天线 时域近场测量中的 时基及幅度修正技术。

  • The camera simultaneously records an optical fiducial pulse which allows the camera time base to be calibrated relative to the incident laser .

    为得到信号与入射激光的 时间关系,还将时标 引入了条纹相机进行记录。

  • The time base was given both by a crystal clock and the broadcast standard signals .

    时间 标准是由石英钟和广播标准信号提供的。

  • Application of 555 time base circuit in felt error checking device

    555 时基电路在毛布跑偏中的应用

  • Time base sweep multivibrator The Studies and Implementation of Frequency-characteristics Scanning of Filter Using RTDS


  • The time base module provides clocks for the controlling module and the transmitting module .


  • Specifies A12 hour or24 hour time base in the timebase property of the timefieldformat class .

    属性中指定 时间 基准为12小时或24小时。

  • An equipment that corrects the time base errors in video tape recorders .

    一种校正视频磁带记录器中 时基误差的设备。