time slice

[taɪm slaɪs][taim slais]


  • When a thread finishes its time slice on the CPU it goes back on the run queue of the CPU it was running on .

    在CPU上,当一个线程完成它的 时间 切片后,它将返回原来运行它的CPU运行队列。

  • Sharing resources with lower-priority threads can cause higher-priority threads to experience delays when they are scheduled out so that other tasks can get a time slice .

    与较低优先级线程共享资源可能导致在调度较高优先级线程时出现延迟,以让其他任务可以获得一个 时间 片段

  • Increasing the time slice can improve system throughput due to reduced context switching .

    增加 时间 切片可减少上下文切换,从而可以提高系统吞吐量。

  • Schedo is more commonly used to change the length of the scheduler time slice .

    Schedo通常用于更改调度程序 时间 的长度。

  • Each thread is given a certain amount of CPU time known as the quantum for which it can execute before another thread is allowed to grab a time slice .

    每个线程都将分到一定的CPU时间,在此期间该线程可以运行,然后另一个线程 到一个 时间 并开始执行。

  • In this paper time slice arranging algorithm and space arranging algorithm are applied for arranging training schedule .

    本文将 时间 安排算法和空间安排算法运用到系统的训练计划安排。

  • The regular Java thread runs with SCHED_FIFO policy and so the thread does not time slice .

    普通Java线程按SCHEDFIFO策略运行,因此线程不划分 时间

  • To change the time slice use the schedo-o timeslice = value option .

    要更改 时间 ,可以使用schedo-otimeslice=value选项。

  • Tasks are given time slices for execution and when they use their allocation of time slice they 're moved from the active runqueue to the expired runqueue .

    任务 时间片执行,在使用它们分配到的 时间 片时,这些任务被从活动的runqueue移至过期的runqueue。

  • Research on Multimedia Database System Based on Time Slice Video Retrieval

    基于视频 时间 检索的多媒体数据库系统研究

  • That thread is removed from the queue and executes for a period of time called a time quantum or time slice .

    该线程从队列中移除并执行一段时间(称作:时间量或 时间 )。

  • If the value of context switching is very high increasing the time slice can improve performance but this should only be done after extensive analysis .

    如果上下文切换的值非常高,则增加 时间 切片可提高性能,但这必须在经过大量分析之后才能实施。

  • Research on Time Slice Query and Spatio-Temporal Range Query in Spatio-Temporal Databases

    时空数据库 瞬时查询和时空范围查询研究

  • Voluntarily relinquishes its time slice by making a call to Thread . yield () .

    通过调用Thread.yield()方法自愿放弃它的 时间

  • In a shared-partition environment you need to understand that there is an unused time slice in each entitled processor capacity .

    在共享分区环境中,您需要了解在每段有权使用的处理器时间中都存在一个未使用的 时间

  • SCHED_FIFO does not time slice threads .

    SCHEDFIFO不为线程 时间

  • A major difference between this profiling technique and micro-profiling with tprof is that micro-profiling can analyze a time slice of the program versus the entire program as do prof and gprof .

    这种剖析技术与tprof微剖析的主要差异是,微剖析可以分析程序的 时间 和整个程序,而prof和gprof只能分析整个程序。

  • Each task has a time slice that determines how much time it 's permitted to execute .

    每个任务都有一个 时间 ,这取决于系统允许执行这个任务多长时间。

  • When a task on the active runqueue uses all of its time slice it 's moved to the expired runqueue .

    当活动运行队列中的一个任务用光自己的 时间 之后,它就被移动到过期运行队列(expiredrunqueue)中。

  • Both threads are assigned the same default priority in the SCHED_OTHER policy so both threads are given the same time slice to execute .

    在SCHEDOTHER策略中为这两个线程都指定了相同的默认优先级。因此给两个线程分配了相同的 时间 执行。

  • Extension of time slice circular scheduling in UC / OS - ⅱ kernel

    UC/OS-Ⅱ内核扩充 时间 轮转调度算法的设计

  • The time slice tuning parameter allows the user to specify the number of clock ticks by which the time slice length is to be increased .

    时间 调整参数允许用户指定时间片长度增加的时钟计时数。

  • Profiling is taking a slice of time and looking at the executable to understand what is going on during that particular time slice .

    剖析在一段时间内观察可执行程序,了解在这 时间 发生的情况。

  • If a task did not use all of its time slice then half of the remaining time slice was added to the new time slice to allow it to execute longer in the next epoch .

    如果某个任务没有使用其所有的 时间 切片,那么剩余时间切片的一半将被添加到新时间切片使其在下个epoch中可以执行更长时间。

  • Objective : From measuring the short-term memorys capacity of undergraduate we can probe into the effect of time slice to short-term memory of undergraduate .

    目的:通过对大学生短期记忆之记忆量的测定,探讨保存 对短期记忆的记忆量的影响。

  • In the meantime the CPU scheduler will allocate a time slice to some other process in memory .

    与此同时,调度器将分配一 部分 时间给内存中的另外一些项目。

  • Spatio-temporal data of facility agriculture based on time slice model

    基于 时间 切片模型的设施农业时空数据研究

  • The default time slice is10 ms ( for one clock tick ) .

    缺省 时间 切片是10毫秒(一个时钟计时单元)。

  • During the move its time slice is recalculated ( and so is its priority ; more on this later ) .

    在移动过程中,会对其 时间 重新进行计算(因此会体现其优先级的作用;稍后会更详细地介绍)。

  • A preemption control model based on time slice is therefore proposed to assign every task on upper limit of preemptable frequency .

    提出了一种基于 时间 的抢占控制模型,为每个任务分配一个可抢占次数的上限。