time preference

[taɪm ˈprɛfərəns][taim ˈprefərəns]


  • The rate of time preference of consumption of urban residents is greater than rural residents ' that means : urban residents pay more attention to current consumption while rural residents pay more attention to future consumption .

    城镇居民与农村居民的 时间 偏好率差异表明:城镇居民更注重现期消费,而农村居民更注重未来消费。

  • More broadly some individuals who have no desire to use wilderness at any time may nevertheless have a preference for the preservation of wilderness as an ethical value .

    更广泛地说,没有在 将来使用荒野愿望的某些人,决不会出于伦理价值观念,而 酷爱保护荒野。

  • However in a competitive market economic profit comes from three sources : time preference uncertainty and the abilities of financial institutions .

    但是,在竞争性市场,经济利润有三个来源: 时间 偏好、不确定性和金融机构能力。

  • In the Neoclassical growth model with constant rate of time preference consumer has a stable preference system in which the beneficent government chooses the optimal tax rate to be proportional to the rate of time preference with the assumption of log utility and AK production function .

    在新古典的增长模型中,当消费者对 时间 偏好是一致的 时候&稳定的偏好系统,最优的产出税率与消费者的时间偏好率成正比(AK生产函数及对数效用函数的假设下)。

  • Study on Behavior Value of Time Based on Stated Preference Survey

    基于 SP调查的行为 时间价值研究

  • Influenced by Western Modernists and Japanese neo-sensualists Chinese neo-sensualists showed their wish of overcoming time linearity and preference of space structure .

    受西方现代派和日本新感觉派的影响,中国新感觉派作家也表现出了克服 时间顺序的愿望和对空间结构的 偏爱

  • Time preference theory of interest rate

    时间 偏好 决定利率论

  • The principle of price and time preference shall be practiced in centralized price bidding in stock trading .

    证券交易的集中竞价应当实行价格 优先时间 优先的原则。

  • Furthermore by comparing the numerical results of different models we find quantificationally some conclusions and analyze the extent of the effects of the time inconsistent preference in different cases .

    在此基础上,我们对各种模型进行了数值分析比较,定量地得到了更进一步的结论,对几种情形下供应链成员的决策以及绩效进行讨论,分析 时间不一致 偏好对各种情形的影响程度。

  • That is in the same conditions the time-probability tradeoff will give more conservative results which reflects the substantial impact of time preference on intertemporal risk decision-making .

    可比条件下,跨期风险-价值模型将给出更加保守的结论,反映 时间 偏好对跨期风险决策的实质性影响。

  • Then the researcher puts forward the dynamic negotiation strategy on the bases of time resources and preference strategies .

    然后在整合了基于 时间的协商策略、基于资源的协商策略和基于 偏好的协商策略的基础上,提出了动态协商策略;

  • The first location time of the preference teat and the establishment time of the teat order by the piglets with the heavier birth weight were both shorter .

    出生重较大的仔猪初次确定 偏好乳头的 时间和乳头序列最终固定的时间都较短,并且增重明显较多。

  • The result shows that the select intents of the trip mode is evidently related to the trip cost and the time and the PR preference is different among groups with different occupation and income and so on .

    分析结果表明:PR系统选择意向与出行费用和 时间有着显著的关系,并且不同职业、收入等群体的PR系统 选择 意向也不尽相同。

  • Time scope of tax preference has the obvious influence to bankrupt possibility property ratio of debt sustainable rate of increment and property net profit rate .

    税收 优惠到期 时间对破产可能性、资产负债率、可持续增长率和资产净利率有显著影响。

  • With the emerging of behavioral finance people were aware that besides time and uncertainty behavioral preference should be very important for economic decision .

    行为经济学的兴起使得人们认识到除了 时间和不确定性外,人们的行为 偏好对经济决策起着重要的影响。

  • The study adopts Knowledge Acquirement Means Inventory ( KAMI ) and Learning Time Preference Inventory to investigate the associations among learning style learning time preference ways and academic achievement of 474 middle school students in Anhui Province .

    本研究采用知识获得方式调查表(KnowledgeAcquirementMeansInventory)和学习 时间 偏爱测定量表(Learning Time PreferenceInventory)对安徽省474名中学生学习风格、时间偏爱方式及其与学习成绩的关系进行研究。

  • Secondly along an equilibrium path the marginal rate of time preference of each generation must be equal to the rate of interest it faces and that the resource price must rise at the rate of interest over time ;

    第二,沿均衡轨道,每一代的边际 时间 偏好率必等于其所面临的物资资本的利息率;

  • We first characterize the optimal solution to the centralized system but also discuss the effect of the time inconsistent preference on the second pricing .

    首先,我们刻画了 考虑 时间不一致 偏好的集中 决策系统的最优决策,并讨论了 时间不一致 偏好对二次定价的影响。

  • When the model is modified to include a variable rate of time preference and lack in commitment ability the Markov perfect equilibrium prefers a constant optimal tax rate nevertheless being proportional to the constant effective rate of time preference .

    而当我们考虑 消费者消费具有短期非 耐心,但又缺乏对未来 行为的承诺能力的 时候,均衡的产出税率与 消费者有效的常时间 偏好率成正比。

  • Time preference means that the $ 600 billion addition to the debt today which Barro sees as the cost of stimulus is not nearly as burdensome as a demand to pay $ 600 billion now would be .

    时间表明,今天的6000美元的债务,也就是 巴罗看做的刺激方案的支出,不是未来需要偿还相同数额。

  • Among the factors mentioned were locality to the patient waiting time for treatment patient preference knowledge of the consultant performance of the consultant or unit and cost of treatment .

    这些因素包括有患者的位置、治疗等待 时间、患者 优先 选择、会诊医生的知识、会诊医生或单元的绩效以及治疗的费用。

  • Time preference : the degree to which people prefer to consume sooner rather than later ; a gauge of people 's impatience to receive enjoyments .

    时间 偏好:人们的消费意愿宜早不宜迟的程度,衡量人们对于享乐的渴望程度。

  • A Time Series Similarity Model Indicating Preference of Analyst and Its Parameters Estimation Method : ANCHOR

    时序相似度的主观 偏好模型及其系数估计的锚点方法

  • Modeling Travel Mode Choice Behavior and Individual Time Preference Heterogeneity

    出行方式选择行为的个体 时间 感知差异性建模分析

  • The Time Preference on Intertemporal Choice and Preventing the Chronic Diseases

    病人跨期选择中的 时间 偏好与慢性病防治

  • Optimal Tax Policy with Variable Rate of Time Preference

    不一致 时间 偏好下的最优税收政策

  • Array of time server addresses by preference The wizard searches for suitable drivers in its driver database on your computer and in any of the following optional search locations that you specify .

    选项 排序 时间服务器地址阵列向导在您的计算机驱动程序数据库和所指定的下列可选搜索地址中搜索合适的驱动程序。

  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : The longest staying time in place preference box .

    主要观察指标:位置 偏爱箱内最大停留 时间