timing experiment

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ɪkˈspɛrəmənt][ˈtaɪmɪŋ iksˈperimənt]

[计] 定时实验

  • A central timing system is needed to generate uniform time signal for the HT-7 experiment system to coordinate all other sub-systems . Therefore the sub-systems can run under the run mode which is controlled by main control computer .

    在做HT-7 实验时需要一个中央 定时系统,为整个 实验系统发送统一的时间信号,从而协调其它各子系统,使它们能够按照主控机给定的 实验运行模式投入运行。

  • The Computer Timing Method on an Uniformly Accelerated Motion Experiment

    匀变速直线运动 实验的微机 计时

  • Based on the field exploration and long-term underground observation this paper reveals the zoning of structure and the timing of mechanical strength for dilative soil and puts forward the experiment method to obtain values by zoning in the design of dilative soil slope .

    通过野外勘探及地下长期观测,揭示了膨胀土的结构分带性和力学强度的 时效性,提出了膨胀土边坡设计中分带取值和 试验方法。

  • The Precise Timing Adjustment of DAQ System in BELLE Experiment

    BELLE物理 实验DAQ系统中的精确 时序调整

  • The SSB phase noise and timing jitter are further analyzed in this experiment .

    在这 实验,相位杂讯和 时序抖动被进一步做分析。

  • The result indicates the model can accurately forecast the ignition timing of the hydrogen-fueled engine and may lighten the standard experiment work greatly .

    试验结果表明,该模型能预测H2燃料发动机最佳点火 提前角,并可以大大减轻标定 试验工作量。

  • In an uniform accelerated motion experiment the timing precision to record the moment a cart passes the measuring point can reach 10-4 S by Programmable Timer / Counter 8254 . The experiment system can replace the traditional timing method .

    在匀变速直线运动的实验中,利用可编程定时/计数器8254来记录运动小车过测点的时刻值,可使 计时精度达到万分之一秒。该 实验系统可取代传统的计时方法。

  • Timing discrimination is the fundamental link in the system of nuclear-electronics signal processing . Level adapter devices are necessary in the experiment of large nuclear detection .

    信号 定时甄别是核电子学信号处理系统的基本组成环节之一,电平适配器是大规模核探测信号处理环节必备的辅助 插件

  • It can be calculated that the timing of combustion is 20 ° CA before TDC . The result of the experiment shows that this method is steady precise and effective .

    实验分析得出康明斯 K38发动机燃烧 点约在上止点前20°CA, 结果表明该方法具有稳定性、准确性和可行性。

  • We prove that POOW has better resistance to timing jitter than DMT based on the theory analysis and the experiment results .

    理论和 实验结果表明,POOW调制解调结构抗 相位抖动能力优于DMT。

  • Progress on Timing Method and Experiment of Millisecond Pulsars

    毫秒脉冲星 计时方法和 实验研究的进展