time exposure

[taɪm ɪkˈspoʒɚ][taim iksˈpəuʒə]


  • In this paper the experiment condition of holograph was studied in four aspects the time of exposure development of the difference of optical route the beam angle of reference and substance light .

    从全息照相的 曝光 时间、显影 时间、光程差以及参考光速与物光束的夹角四个方面对全息照相实验条件进行了研究。

  • After a long time exposure in high temperature oxidizing environment the porous microstructure was formed as a result of the diffusion of silicon in the coating .

    2h以上 高温氧化后,Si的扩散使涂层主体中形成多孔疏松组织。

  • Traditionally it was divided into acute and chronic arseniasis which were decided mainly by exposing dose and time from exposure to attack .

    传统砷中毒的概念分急性砷中毒和慢性砷中毒,它们主要是由于机体单位 时间接触砷的量和从 接触到发病的 时间 长短来决定。

  • Conclusion Long time exposure to DNT could inhibit antioxidation ability induce toxic hemolytic anemia and liver injury and the suggesting MAC and TWA of DNT in workplace should be 05mg / m3 / m3 respectively .

    结论DNT主要抑制机体抗氧化能力,易导致中毒性溶血性贫血,可对肝脏产生不良影响。建议作业场所空气中的DNT的MAC为 05mg/m3,TWA浓度为03mg/m3。

  • On a fishing vessel time of exposure cannot be reduced but the researchers called for special measures to reduce noise intensity .

    渔船上 工人 接触噪音的 时间不能减少,但研究人员希望采取特别措施以降低噪声的强度。

  • To generalize the time axis exposure model the components of SU-8 photoresist and its photopolymerisable reaction in exposure process were analyzed and a reaction kinetics model befitting SU-8 was built .

    时间轴模型的扩展方面,分析了SU-8光刻胶的组成及其 曝光交联化学反应过程,建立了适合于SU-8胶的光交联反应动力学模型。

  • It was found that exposure concentration affected degree of lung injury much more than exposure time . Exposure to high concentration of phosgene for short time would induce more severe lung injury than that to low concentration of phosgene for long time .

    暴露毒剂的浓度高低对 中毒程度的影响远大于暴露 时间的影响,短时间高浓度的光气吸入会比低浓度长时间的光气吸入造成更为严重的肺部损伤。

  • The variations of diffraction efficiency as a function of exposure time exposure energy and exposure wavelengths are studied respectively .

    用实验的方法研究了衍射效率随曝光 时间曝光能量、曝光波长的变化关系。

  • An exposure control instrument for holograph is designed which can automatically adjust the object / reference light intensity ratio and the time of exposure in holograph to the best value by liquid crystal light valve ( LCLV ) .

    设计了通过液晶光阀自动调整全息照相物光和参考光辐照比至最佳状态,同时能实现 曝光 时间自动控制的控光仪。

  • The EEL represents a cumulative exposure limit taking into account both the time of exposure and the concentration at which the exposure occurs .

    EEL代表了一个既考虑了 暴露 时间又考虑了暴露发生时的浓度的累积的暴露极限。

  • The eye changes of long time exposure to laser

    长期激光 作业者的眼部改变

  • Conclusion Plasma ANG ⅱ in rats vary regularly with time of exposure to infrasound .

    结论次声作用后,大鼠血浆内AⅡ 含量次声作用 时间的不同而呈不同的规律性改变。

  • Time of exposure was the main reason for hearing loss induced by noise .

    暴露于噪音的 时间是引起听力受损的主要原因。

  • Removing the gas in fruit puree could delay its enzymatic browning and reducing the time exposure of juice and puree to air also inhibit enzymatic browning .

    果浆脱气可减缓其褐变;减小果汁及果浆与空气 接触面以防止褐变。

  • Objective To introduce modelling the relationship among dose time of exposure and risk in the prospective cohort study .

    目的介绍分析 暴露时间和效应之间相互关系的模型在前瞻性队列研究中的应用。

  • Fixes occasional problem of a camera freeze during video slide show * Reduces noise in pictures taken with Long Time Exposure setting enabled .

    这是柯达对升级的说明,我看只有最后一个有用,减少了长 时间 曝光时的噪点。

  • During the course of gene transfection mediated by the oligopeptide vector it was found that chloroquine was essential and the time exposure to chloroquine should be maintained for at least 8 h.

    在寡肽载体介导转染的过程中,溶酶体抑制剂氯喹起着不可或缺的作用,而且在氯喹溶液中的 暴露 时间至少应维持在8h以上;

  • Failure mode of the composite also changes from cumulative to typical noncumulative after long time exposure at 500 ℃ .

    高温长 时间暴露后复合材料的断裂也从累积型转变为典型的非累积型断裂。

  • Describes the dynamic fractal digital masking technology design theory and put forward the dynamic fractal quantitative method to determine the time exposure and simple method .

    阐述了动态分形数字掩模技术的设计理论,提出了动态分形量化法以及对 曝光 时间确定简便的方法。

  • In order to accomplish the high-quality surface image capture of red steel the control parameters of image capture software are debugged such as the width of the pixel the time of exposure and the acquisition frequency .

    调试了图像采集软件部分的控制参数,对像素宽度、 曝光 时间、采集的频率进行了反复测试,以完成高质量的红钢表面图像采集工作。

  • Cold can induce stress responses and bring a series of specific or nonspecific biological effects . Long time exposure to cold environment may lead to impairment in cardiovascular system immune system central nerve system and articuli .

    寒冷可诱导机体产生一系列的特异性或非特异性生物学效应,长 时间过强的冷 暴露可以对心血管系统、免疫系统、中枢神经系统以及骨关节系统产生不同程度的损害。

  • Methods : Rats were exposed to COF by subchronic inhalation to determine the changes of cellular function and activities of T lymphocytes and NK cell of rats after different time exposure .

    方法:采用亚慢性吸入染毒,给大鼠吸入烹调油烟,测定不同 染毒 时间后大鼠T淋巴细胞和天然杀伤(NK)细胞功能及活性的变化。

  • With a little time and exposure you 'll find that this new design works for you not against you .

    只需要花一点 时间 研究 一下,您就会发现这种新的设计可以为您提供方便而不是制造麻烦。

  • The short-lived slowdown may help explain how over time exposure to cigarette smoke can raise nonsmokers'heart disease risk according to investigators .

    这项研究提出并可以帮助解释 吸烟如何增加不吸烟者患心脏病的危险。

  • To improve finished products rate of chips a parameter was introduced to ensure that the jobs would not be oxidized to damage due to long time exposure in air during production .

    为提高芯片的成品率,引入一时限参数,避免工件在加工过程中因在空气中 暴露 时间过长而氧化作废;

  • Acute reference dose ( ARfD ) is a new concept in toxicology and risk assessment and mainly used for assessing health effect from short time exposure to environmental chemicals .

    急性参考剂量(ARfD)是一个重要的毒理学阈值,主要用来评价外来化学物短 时间急性 暴露造成的健康损害。