timing error

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈɛrɚ][ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈerə]


  • The testing results of prototype indicate that the verification device can verify the projects such as Clock Daily Error Current Hour Error Parking Timing Error Charging Correctness .

    样机测试结果表明,该装置能对检定规程所要求的时钟日差、当前时刻误差、停车 计时 误差、扣费正确性项目进行检定。

  • After the frames are synchronized the designed frame synchronization module can keep the timing error within a CLK period to guarantee the real time of synchronization .

    帧同步模块在每帧捕获后都可以将 定时 误差保证在一个时钟周期内,确保了帧同步的实时性。

  • The baseband eye diagram drives a timing error detector to provide the timing error .

    定时 误差检测器从基带眼图中提取定时相位误差。

  • Interference cancellation performance degradation caused by timing error in PCMA System is then analyzed and simulated .

    在此基础上研究了PCMA系统中位 同步 误差对干扰抵消性能的影响,并给出了相应的仿真结果。

  • Gardner 's algorithm of timing error detector which was designed for QPSK data stream was modified in this paper so that the algorithm can be applied in QAM receiver .

    本文对Gardner提出的适用于QPSK的 定时 误差检测算法进行了修改,使它能够适用于QAM接收机。

  • Then we make some efforts to discuss the timing recovery scheme which is composed of interpolator timing error detector loop filter and numerically controlled oscillator and do the simulation of the scheme .

    对于定时恢复的各个部分:内插器、 定时 误差检测器、环路滤波器和数控振荡器进行了详细阐述,并进行了定时环路的仿真。

  • By the theoretical analysis the relationship between the cycle autocorrelation and the frequency offset as well as timing error is analyzed and then blind estimation algorithms are deduced for the frequency offset and symbol timing error estimators .

    通过理论分析,建立了接收信号的循环自相关函数与频率偏移和 定时 误差之间的关系,在此基础上,导出了频率偏移和定时误差的盲估计算法。

  • The principle of general pulse-height discriminator circuit and its existing timing error were introduced .

    介绍了普通脉冲幅度定时甄别电路的原理及存在的 定时 误差

  • The effects of OFDM synchronization errors such as carrier offset sample error and symbol timing error are analyzed .

    分析了载波同步、采样同步和符号 定时 同步对系统性能的影响。

  • The bandpass filtering reduce the variance of timing error estimate . The Kalman filtering reduce effect of noise for this process . 2 .

    带通滤波器减小了 定时 误差估计的方差,而卡尔曼滤波则降低了整个 定时误差估计过程中噪声的影响。

  • But OFDM is very sensitive to synchronization error and when existing timing error and frequency offset it can result inter-carrier interference ( ICI ) and ISI and the whole performance of OFDM system will be affected seriously .

    但OFDM技术对同步误差非常地敏感,当系统出现载波频偏和 定时 误差时,会造成载波间干扰ICI和码间干扰ISI,严重影响了OFDM系统的整体性能。

  • And also calculated the timing error variance under the tracking state .

    同时得到了跟踪状态下 定时 误差的方差。

  • OFDM system performance is more sensitive to frequency offset and timing error than single-carrier systems .

    OFDM系统中频偏和 定时 误差的存在,对系统性能有很大的影响。

  • Searched for an improved Gardner timing error estimation algorithm that has faster convergence .

    探寻了一种改进的Gardner 定时 误差估计算法,该算法具有更快的收敛性。

  • Some important signal processing modules has been researched such as SNR estimation rate estimation symbol timing error estimation and modulation classification .

    主要研究了其中的某些关键信号处理模块:信噪比估计,码速率估计,符号 同步 误差估计和调制识别。

  • It shows the module of OFDM system of FFT / IFFT including the main composition of transmitter and receiver . At last we analyze the affect of timing error and frequency offset in OFDM system in theory .

    基于FFT/IFFT的OFDM系统模型介绍OFDM系统的发射机和接收机的基本组成部分,然后从理论上分析了 定时 偏移和频率偏移对OFDM系统的影响。

  • My timing error could be a little bit larger than a tenth of a second .

    我的 计时 误差可能,要大于0。1s,没有。

  • The problem of joint frequency offset and channel estimation is studied for MIMO systems in the presence of timing error .

    研究了MIMO系统中存在 定时 误差下的联合频偏和信道估计问题。

  • Automatic modulation classification of MPSK signals With timing error

    存在 定时 误差的MPSK信号调制方式识别

  • Moreover in the improved scheme the S-curve can be adjusted as well by changing the design of the pre-filter which makes the timing error capture range adjustable .

    同时,通过对预滤波器的设计,可灵活地调节S曲线的形状.以调整算法捕获 定时 偏差的范围。

  • Two equivalent signal models with frequency offset and timing error are given and then a joint estimation method is derived .

    首先推导了两个包含频偏和 定时 误差的等效系统模型,然后基于这两种系统模型提出了一种联合定时 误差、频偏和信道的估计方法。

  • The timing recovery in this paper is composed of interpolation timing error detector loop filter and numerically controlled oscillator .

    本文设计的定时恢复结构包括插值器、 定时 误差检测器、环路滤波器和数控振荡器四部分。

  • The estimation of the timing parameter with the maximum likelihood method is discussed and we reasoned out the timing error detector algorithm based on the maximum likelihood estimation .

    分析了用最大似然估计方法对符号定时参数进行估计的情况,推导出了基于最大似然估计的 定时 误差检测算法。

  • A new algorithm for MPSK modulation classification based on cumulants is proposed which is used when timing error exists .

    接收机存在 定时 误差时,应用高阶累积量进行MPSK信号调制方式识别会引起识别率下降。

  • The basic theory of the sample rate conversion and timing error estimation technology are studied .

    研究了信号采样率转换和 定时 误差估计技术。

  • Doppler frequency drift and timing error were considered in state transform equations .

    状态方程综合考虑了多普勒频移、 定时 误差

  • Blind Estimation of Frequency Offset and Symbol Timing Error

    频率偏移和符号 定时 误差的盲估计方法

  • The reason is that these are so precise the way you buy them that the uncertainty is completely negligible compared to the timing error that I make so I won 't even take that into account .

    原因是你买的是,精确测量的,其中的,误差相较于 时间 误差,可以忽略不计,所以我就把它忽略了。

  • Interpolation filters and timing error estimates is the main contents of symbols simultaneously .

    插值滤波器和 定时 误差的估计是符号同步的主要内容。

  • On the basis of the former demodulator developed by our lab analysis is made on the carrier recovery loop and simulation validates the analysis . Secondly as the key algorithm of timing synchronization the timing error detection method is studied .

    在实验室之前的基础上,对载波恢复环路进行了分析,并对载波恢复的捕获跟踪性能进行了分析和仿真。本文对码元同步的核心算法即 定时 误差检测算法进行了研究。