
[taɪm ˈsevɪŋ][taim ˈseiviŋ]


  • Maybe they have previously done what you are doing and can provide time-saving tips .

    或许你手头上正在做的事情他们以前就已经做过,能为你提供很多 节省 时间的小技巧。

  • But even if you are not using a formal method that requires refactoring Eclipse 's refactoring tools provide a time-saving way to make common types of code changes .

    但即便您并没有使用要求进行正式重构的方法,Eclipse的重构工具还是可以在进行一般的代码修改时提供 节约 时间的方法。

  • The yaci ride might be expensive but it 's time-saving .

    乘坐出租车或许贵了些,可是它倒蛮 省时的。

  • Traveling by air is time-saving .

    乘飞机旅行可以 节省 时间

  • In equipment maintenance technology updates and faster time-saving .

    在设备的维护,技术的更新更快捷 省时

  • Here creative engineering has been making a diligent all-out effort to produce time-saving features and benefits at the same time improving quality .

    这里创造性工程一直勤奋,全力生产 节省 时间的功能和优点,同时提高质量。

  • Semi-finished dishes time-saving commodities and glad tidings for those who go to work regularly .

    半成品菜肴, 真正 省时商品,上班族的福音。

  • RDT is a far more full-featured Ruby IDE with a ton of exciting and time-saving options .

    RDT是一个功能更为完善的Ruby开发环境,具备许多令人兴奋并且 可以 节省 大量开发 时间的选项。

  • One time-saving way to do this is to establish a product council with cross-functional representation .

    一个 节省 时间的方法是建立一个由跨职能代表组成的产品理事会。

  • It 's one of the most time-saving devices ever invented for cooks .

    这是为厨师发明的最 节约 时间的设备之一。

  • Then Acme can analyse and demonstrate the time to market and IT support readiness for new products in terms of time-saving metrics .

    根据 省时指标,Acme可以分析并演示新产品的上市时间和IT支持准备情况。

  • How to find out the latest time-saving tools for your profession ?

    如何为你的工作找到最 省时的工具?

  • Under certain circumstances including material processing more cost-effective time-saving effort .

    一定情况下,包料加工更经济实惠、 省时 省力

  • And sometimes I have to use the side mirrors to move the 60 truck in reverse . The taxi ride might be expensive but it 's time-saving .

    有时我必须用侧视镜来倒车,而这辆卡车有6万镑重。乘坐出租车或许贵了些,可是它倒蛮 省时的。

  • The Internet has wealthy rice information resources and from the Internet to obtain information is convenient and time-saving .

    因特网上有着丰富的水稻信息资源,从因特网上获取资料方便快捷, 省时 省力

  • In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances food preparation took up most of the day .

    还没有家用小器具和 省时的家用电器的时候,准备食物得花大半天时间。

  • It 's official : OMG and LOL are no longer just time-saving shorthands .

    OMG和 LOL不在仅仅是用来省 时间的缩略语了。

  • There are time-saving benefits in both economic and social evaluation for freeway project .

    在高速公路项目的国民经济评价和社会评价中,都 涉及时间 节约效益的分析。

  • Therefore the needle-nail objects can be drawn out without too large force plays a time-saving and labor-saving effect and improves the security of the operation .

    因此,不需要太大力即可以将针钉物拔出,起到了 省时、省力的效果,并且提高了操作的安全性。

  • One of the really time-saving is Create from usage intention action that allows creating different elements from their usage .

    一个能够 节省 大量 时间 功能是“从用法中创建”这个动作,这个功能允许从对象的用法中创建不同的元素。

  • The product has many other time-saving features .

    这个产品还有许多另外的 省时特性。

  • The tools that are included with DB2 and IDS provide a whole array of time-saving error-reducing graphical interfaces .

    包含在DB2和IDS中的工具提供了 省时又可减少错误发生的图形化界面。

  • Here introduces a time-saving efficient composition teaching-rolling quickly composition method .

    这里介绍一种 省时高效的作文教学法&滚动快速作文法。

  • That 's why the most successful people are those who 've mastered the time-saving tactics described here .

    因此,大多数成功者就是那些掌握了以下 几种 节约 时间方法的人们。

  • The NIM method provides a mechanism to access the system remotely and it is the most time-saving method .

    NIM方法提供了一种远程访问系统的机制,它是最 省时的方法。

  • A great time-saving tip is to use social media channels to get help .

    一个极大 节省 时间的技巧是使用社交媒体渠道来获得帮助。

  • It 's time-saving and convenient to carpool with my neighbors to take our children to school .

    我和邻居拼车送孩子上学很方便也很 省时

  • And they also expressed a preference for time-saving products like shampoo plus conditioner .

    他们还倾向于选择 省时的产品,例如洗护二合一的洗发水;

  • Time-saving is so important .

    节约 时间很重要。

  • A time-saving design tool on the company 's Web site helps security professionals configure and customize the power controllers to meet their specific requirements .

    该公司网站的 省时设计工具有助于安全专业人员按照具体要求配置和定制电源控制器。