time selection

[taɪm sɪˈlɛkʃən][taim siˈlekʃən]


  • Based on case study and analysis to describe the importance of financial evaluation ways and index time order selection .

    通过实例阐述财务评价方法和参数 时间顺序 选定对项目决策的重要性。

  • It then makes attach analysis of the fund performance from time selection and ability of the stock selection .


  • By taking the travel mode and work time as the delamination control variable it is feasible for us to analysis the diversity about the commuter departure time selection behavior .

    以通勤交通方式、单位上班时间作为分层控制变量,分析了在不同分层控制变量下,通勤者上班出发 时刻 选择行为的差异。

  • Effect of Hibernation Term of Seedling and Planting Time Selection on Afforestation Survival Rate

    苗木冬眠期限与造林 时间 选择对造林成活率的影响

  • Time Selection for Non continuous Mesurements of Methane Emission from Rice Paddy Fields

    稻田甲烷排放非连续测量中采样 时间 选择

  • Simulating results show that the disturbing airflow between the carrier and vehicle affect the safety of TAV . Reasonable igniting time selection and slow pulling - up maneuver are also important to flight parameters of preliminary phase .

    对此进行了分析研究,仿真结果表明分离时刻载机与飞行器之间的干扰气流影响飞行安全;点火 时机合理地 选择、缓和拉起爬升动作对爬升初始阶段飞行参数稳定合理地变化也很重要;

  • Operation time selection for traumatic optic nerve injuries

    外伤性视神经损伤经颅手术 时机 选择

  • Indepth Study to the Time Complexity of Linear Time Selection Algorithm

    线性 时间 选择算法时间复杂度深入研究

  • Any NTP time server selection should be evaluated to determine if the server in question meets your specific time server requirements .

    选择任何ntp 时间服务器时都要进行评估,以确定所选服务器是否符合您特定的时间服务器需求。

  • 2008 European Championship Ball Striker up Front at the Time of Selection and Tactical Characteristics

    2008年欧洲足球锦标赛前锋前场控球 的战术 选择特征研究

  • In addition to a traditional date and time selection the scheduler allows you to choose the kind of meeting room and the type of furniture and accommodations inside .

    除了传统的日期和 时间 选择功能之外,调度程序还允许选择会议室类型以及其中的家具和物品类型。

  • Time selection of laser treatment for branch retinal vein occlusion

    视网膜分枝静脉阻塞的激光治疗 时机 选择

  • Using Google Earth 's time-slider feature including animation and total time window selection helps visualize the resulting availability map for users throughout a geographic area .

    使用GoogleEarth的时间滑块功能(包括动画和总 选择)将帮助为整个地理区域的用户可视化得到的可用性地图。

  • Operation time selection in follicular phase is seventeen cases and nineteen cases in luteal phase .

    手术 时间 选择在卵泡期者17例,黄体期者19例。

  • The Method of Determining the Time Selection for Preventive Maintenance Based on Asphalt Pavement Performance

    基于沥青路面性能的预防性养护 时机确定方法

  • The article analyses the importance of the brand continuity and necessity of brand transformation as well as the time selection and tactics of the brand innovation .

    通过对品牌形象一致性的重要性和变革之必要性的分析,对品牌形象创新的方法 及时 选择进行了有益的探讨。

  • It can shorten the time of selection and improve the accuracy of selection .

    既加快 育种进程,又提高了选择的准确性。

  • A NonRecursive Linear Time Selection Algorithm

    非递归的线性 选择算法

  • The thesis chiefly analyzes technological innovation project choice decision-making model time selection model and project stop model based on the real options approaches .

    其中,着重分析了基于实物期权方法的技术创新项目选择决策模型、 时间 选择模型、中止模型。

  • Time selection for RA synovectomy

    类风湿关节炎滑膜切除手术 时机 选择

  • The Time Selection & Method of Brand Image Innovation

    品牌形象创新的 时机 选择与方法

  • Finally it points out that there are still two aspects of the limitations : Study methods and study time selection .

    最后,指出在研究方法和研究 选取 时段两方面局限性,以期在未来有所改进。

  • Review your current time zone selection here .

    在此处查看当前 时区 选项

  • At the time of selection look for signs of sickness such AS fever increASed breathing rate and diarrhea .


  • Time Selection on Screening of Audition in Newborn Babies

    新生儿听力筛查的 时间 选择

  • Ii is concluded that : ( 1 ) when both costs of commercialized investment are the same the degree of asymmetry of operating cost effect the their investment time selection greatly ;

    在生产成本不对称程度较低时,高成本企业有抢先投资的动机,但低成本企业更易获得 抢先竞争的胜利;

  • Impacts of Asymmetric Operating Cost on the Commercialized Investment Time Selection under Duopoly Condition

    双头垄断条件下生产成本不对称对商业化投资 时机的影响分析

  • The system can provide users with the latest and detailed movie news as well as personalized theater selection time selection and seat selection function .

    通过测试,本文设计的电影票自助系统工作稳定流畅,可以为用户提供最新的影讯、最详细的影讯资讯、个性化的影院选择、 时间 选择以及自主座位选择的一体化订票功能。