thumb center

[θʌm ˈsɛntɚ][θʌm ˈsentə]

[医] 拇指中枢

  • Many employees don t think twice about taking work home or out of the office on the personal thumb drive they purchased at a local center for office supplies .

    很多雇员 不假思索 着他们从本地的办公用品 中心买来的那些简陋的存储设备,把工作带回家或者带出工作场所。

  • Thus we at Green Thumb Gardening Center can increase our profits by greatly expanding the variety of vegetable seeds we stock for gardeners this coming spring .

    因此,我们 园艺 能手园艺 中心可以通过大量增加今春为园艺爱好者准备的蔬菜种子的种类而增加盈利。