throw stones at


  • It is cruel to throw stones at animals .

    动物 石头是很残忍的。

  • Don 't throw stones at your neighbours if you own windows are glass .

    如果你自家的窗户是玻璃的,就不要 邻居 石头

  • At the first time when I start to be a singer everybody throw a stones at me .

    当我一开始想成为一名 歌手 ,周围每个人都 反对

  • She said first the Kurds throw stones at Turkish police and kill Turkish soldiers but when they are in trouble she said they call the Turkish army and police for help .

    她说,首先, 库尔德人 石头 攻击土耳其警察,并且杀害土耳其士兵。而一旦他们自己陷入困境,他们却呼求土耳其军队和警察的救助。

  • I give my fruit to all even to those who throw stones at me .

    我把果实分给所有的人,即使那些 石子的人也不例外。

  • Don 't throw stones at my dog .

    不要 石子 我的狗。

  • Hardly a day passes without a new culprit to throw stones at : CEOs who fly to Washington in private jets to beg for a handout financial titans who were paid hundreds of millions to ruin their banks .

    过去的每天几乎都会产生一位新罪人,成为 众矢之的–乘坐私人飞机前往华盛顿乞求救济的CEO们,领取亿元高薪却毁掉银行的金融界巨人们。

  • Don 't throw stones at the dog / the window .

    对着狗/窗子 石头

  • The people began to throw stones . At this juncture the police arrived .

    那些人开始 石子了。 这危急之时,警察来了。

  • The boys throw stones at the trees and that jars her nerves .

    孩子们 树上 石子,惊动她的神经。

  • I don 't want these Arabs to throw stones at my cab .

    我不想这些阿拉伯人 我的车子 石头

  • Then it began to throw small stones covered in snow at the fifth window .

    然后她开始 第五个窗口 投掷裹着雪的 小石头

  • It 's very dangerous to throw stones at the window glasses .

    石头 窗户玻璃,这很风险。