






  • The principal must not interfere with the consummation of the agency or thwart the effectiveness thereof .

    本人不能干涉代理人完成代理 事项 行为阻挠其生效。

  • To thwart this most heinous threat to your world .


  • Each level tries to thwart different types of attacks and also provides more barriers to attackers .

    每个级别 防范不同的攻击类型,并提供对攻击者更有效的屏障。

  • The beleaguered EU leadership now has a fresh opportunity to rebuild market confidence and thwart recession .

    饱受诟病的欧盟领导层如今将有新的机会重振市场信心, 抗击经济衰退。

  • And Almighty God decreed that the Devil should not thwart it .

    且全能的神命令了魔鬼不能 阻挠它。

  • I would then argue that China 's determination to thwart needed adjustment in exchange rates had become intolerable .

    那时我会辩称,中国坚决 阻挠必要汇率调整的行为,已经到了不可忍受的程度。

  • Sometimes it isn 't you I hate but your power to thwart me .

    有时让我讨厌的并不是你,而是你 阻挠我的能力。

  • The English managed to thwart the other colonisers and came to rule much of the country by1840 .

    到1840年,英国成功地 阻止了其他国家,逐渐掌握了整个国家的统治权。

  • Unlike them we had it in our unaided power to match Soviet arms and to thwart Soviet adventures .

    我们与他们不同,我们能够不靠别人援助而独力抗衡苏联的军事力量和 阻挡苏联的冒险。

  • We must hope governments thwart the efforts of extremist jihadis to continue to make the news .

    我们肯定希望各国政府能够 制止极端分子继续制造新闻。

  • Shrinking grazing areas and a lack of investment in fodder trees may thwart a sustainable revival .

    放牧面积的不断缩小以及缺乏对饲料树木的投资,可能会 阻碍 骆驼的持续复苏。

  • Her ambition to become an artist was thwarted by failing eyesight .

    她想成为艺术家的梦想由于视力 衰减 破灭

  • Eg. we should care for them and not thwart their enthusiasm .

    我们应该关心和爱护他们,而不是 阻碍的积极性。

  • Police efforts to thwart a feared attack triggered a disruptive security clampdown across the country .

    警方力图 挫败恐怖袭击,在全国掀起一场干扰(机场正常运作)的保安和打击活动。

  • Sweden has taken a similar position to the UK and other countries could yet thwart a deal .

    瑞典的立场与英国类似,还有一些成员国也可能 阻挠协议达成。

  • I don 't think that will thwart our purposes .

    我认为那不会 使我们的目的 受到 挫折

  • The president has shown strong leadership in resisting protectionist actions that could thwart recovery .

    在抵制保护主义措施,以免 阻碍复苏方面,奥巴马迄今展示了强有力的领导力。

  • The benefits are the costs that the enemy 's attack the attack that going to war now will thwart will impose on the nation .

    袭击将会 影响和毁灭国家,所以将导致战争, 敌人这种袭击的成本正是收益。

  • The Decade can help thwart this needless loss of life .

    行动十年将有助于 减少这种不必要的生命损失。

  • It will be odd if I thwart myself he muttered unconscious that I was behind him .

    “要是我 妨碍了我自己,那才古怪 ,”他咕噜着,不知道我在他背后。

  • Even for the exporting country the gains are illusory because the curbs thwart the price mechanism .

    即便对于出口国而言,这种做法带来的好处也只会是 黄粱一梦,因为限制措施会对定价机制形成 阻碍

  • The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators

    会计事务所故意毁坏文件, 阻挠政府调查工作。

  • Please don 't thwart him or he will be killing the ceil .

    请不要 阻止他,不然他会毁了那个电池的。

  • Our course must thwart those designs .

    我们的方针是必须 挫败 他们这种企图。

  • The administration accepted the principle that fiscal policy should promote recovery not thwart it .

    政府接受了以下原则:即财政政策应该推动、而非 阻碍经济复苏。

  • The anti-satellite test may not prove that China can thwart such efforts but it can certainly complicate them .

    反卫星试验虽然不一定能证明中国 拥有 摧毁美防御系统的能力,但它无疑会给这一防御系统带来更大的挑战。

  • He sat down and clinging to the thwart began to sob quietly .

    他坐下去,抓住了 ,开始低声哭泣。

  • Social media has become powerful enough to thwart their plans .

    这个结果对 大型 版权 所有人及其 政治 盟友 不啻 当头棒喝,但很 可能他们并未意识到:社交媒体已经强大到足以 威胁他们的计划。

  • The ongoing work on vasopressin is not the only front researchers and clinicians are investigating to thwart shock .

    进行中的增压素研究,并不是想 克服休克的研究人员与临床人员的唯一前线研究。

  • When used in conjunction with nonce and timestamp checking this can effectively thwart replay attacks .

    将nonce与时间戳检查一起使用时,可以有效地 阻止回复攻击。