


  • You still the same guy that got thug life tatted on his arm ?

    你还是那个会把「 道」刺在自己手臂上的家伙吗?

  • It gave me heart to see one thug get what he deserves .

    看到一个 恶棍 罪有应得 我心。

  • Who would believe a thug like you ?

    谁会相信你这样的 暴徒 无辜的呢?

  • Amy 's Aunt : You aren 't the head thug ! Beat it !

    阿美的姨娘:你不是 头子滚蛋吧!

  • Thug : Hey what are you pointing at ?


  • He edged away from the thug .

    他悄悄地躲开了 那个 暴徒

  • Stop calling me bitch you son-of-a-bitch thug !

    不许 再叫我婊子,你这个婊子养的 土匪

  • The thug gave him a punch in the chest .

    暴徒 对着他的胸部打了一拳。

  • Guy 's a real piece of work total thug .

    好家伙,完全是个 暴徒

  • For once it 's someone we know and he 's not a thug !

    第一次,这是我们认识的人,而且他又不是 坏蛋

  • When the thug demanded money from the bank teller she pressed the alarm button without turning a hair .

    暴徒 威胁银行出纳员交出钞票时,她毫不惊慌地按下了报警按钮。

  • We believe the personwho wrote that letteris nothingbut a street thug .

    我们认为写信的人只是个街头 暴徒

  • The thug butted him on the head .

    那个 恶棍用头撞他。

  • Well check this shit out I got one called thug girl .

    那么,请在此之后,我得到了狗屎一个叫 暴徒的女孩。

  • A hired ruffian ; a thug .

    一个被雇的恶棍; 暴徒

  • CHIEF of Police who had seen an Officer beating a Thug was very indignant and said he must not do so any more on pain of dismissal .

    一个警察局长看到一个警察正在打一个 恶棍,他很气愤,告诫 这个警察不许再这样做,否则就开除他。

  • A real thug helped me to a taxi saying I wasn 't safe there on my own .

    一个 陌生人帮我叫了辆出租车,并告诉我一个人 在那儿是不安全的。

  • He is badly beat up by a gang of thug .

    他被一帮 暴徒打得 死去活来

  • Mister are you crazy ? You some thug ?

    大伯,你疯了么? 哪里 你了?

  • Who wouid beIieve a thug Iike you ?

    谁会相信想你这样一个 暴徒的话?

  • That thug had a jump on him from the very start .

    那个 暴徒给了他当头一棒。

  • Are you a student or a thug ?

    你是学生还是 暴徒

  • What do you think ? Ls he a genius or a thug ?

    你怎么认为?他是个天才还是个 暴徒

  • A strong man hired as a bodyguard or thug .

    雇来作为保镖或者 打手的强壮的人。

  • What was the reaction of this sly thug when he learned that he had an opportunity to support himself his mother his little sister and his little brother ?

    这个狡猾的 恶棍听到他有机会可以供养他自己、他母亲和他的弟弟妹妹,他什么反应?

  • What are you a thug ?

    你是个 打手啊?

  • I 'm convinced that I 'm a thug .

    我相信我是一个 黑帮 分子

  • What are you thinking ghostwriting for a thug ?

    你怎么想到替一个 流氓写自传?