


  • It was frightening and strange and forever changed the way I feel in a thunderstorm .

    它很可怕,很奇怪,永远改变了我对 雷暴的感觉。

  • This may occur after low-lying fields have been flooded following a severe thunderstorm or intensive irrigation .

    这可能发生在一场大 雷雨或集中灌溉使低洼田被淹没之后。

  • A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground .

    龙卷风是指一个从空气中的 雷暴 延伸到地面而 生成的旋转气柱。

  • One night we were caught by a thunderstorm .

    一天晚上我们碰上了一场 阵雨

  • See the dark clouds ? I 'm sure a thunderstorm is coming .

    看见那块乌云了吗?我肯定一 雷雨要来了。

  • Influence of electrification on Microphysical and dynamical processes in a numerically simulated thunderstorm .

    数值模拟 雷暴中的起电对微物理学和动力学过程的影响。

  • The thunderstorm to bring people more care and protection drawn into a lover 's interval .


  • It plays an increasingly important part in meteorology for cloud precipitation hail and thunderstorm detection as well as the navigation of aircraft and ships .

    它在对云层、降水、冰雹和 雷暴的气象探测以及在船舰和飞机的导航中,起着日益重要的作用。

  • I was wet with anxiety . get a thorough souse in a thunderstorm

    我焦急得浑身冒汗。在 雷雨中浑身湿透了

  • Eventually the thunderstorm stopped and we saw a beautiful rainbow in the clouds .

    最终, 雷暴停了,我们看到了云层中美丽的彩虹。

  • What is the relationship between atmospheric stability and thunderstorm ?

    大气层稳定度与 雷暴有什么关系?

  • In some way positive and negative ions are developed in a thunderstorm .


  • Meanwhile with conventional and non-conventional meteorological data thunderbolt character and thunderstorm weather can be analyzed in the platform .

    同时,可应用该系统平台,结合运用常规、非常规气象资料,对雷电特征及 雷暴天气进行分析研究。

  • This negative pressure phase is of short duration . Sometimes it hails during a summer thunderstorm .

    负压周期的延续时间很短。有时,夏天 雷雨期间 会下雹。

  • Look for signs of a developing thunderstorm such as darkening skies flashes of lightning or increasing wind .

    寻找 雷暴 来临的标志。例如:天空变暗、一道闪电或增强的风。

  • You climbed a tree in a thunderstorm ?

    你在 雷雨 爬到一棵树上?

  • The strange light that appeared on the masts was probably electricity from the thunderstorm .

    出现在桅杆上的奇怪光亮很可能是 雷暴中的电流。

  • This is showed typically in their respective representative works Desire Under the Elms and Thunderstorm .

    这在各自的代表作《榆树下的欲望》、 雷雨》中表现得较为典型。

  • Sometimes it hails during a summer thunderstorm .

    有时,夏天 雷雨期间 会下雹。

  • Statistical fitting analysis of climatic phenomena such as fog and thunderstorm

    雾和 雷暴等气候现象的统计拟合分析

  • Last week we had a massive power failure during a freak afternoon thunderstorm .

    上星期在反常的午后 雷雨过程中,我们遇上大规模停电。

  • The thunderstorm stampeded the cattle .


  • Survivors said everything seemed normal as the plane approached the airport in a thunderstorm .

    幸存者说飞机在 雷雨中接近机场时,一切似乎正常。

  • We have not had a thunderstorm like this in week .

    我们已好几个星期没遇到这样的 暴雨了。

  • Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of75 miles an hour .

    阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从 雷暴中吹出。

  • Tornadoes start in muggy thunderstorm weather usually in late spring and summer .

    龙卷风在闷热潮湿的 雷暴天气发作,通常在暮春和夏天。

  • A case study of forecasting thunderstorm in the weakly forced system with WRF model

    WRF模式对弱强迫系统中 雷暴预报个例研究

  • They called off the football match because of a severe thunderstorm .

    因为 暴雨 了,他们把橄榄球赛取消了。

  • Last night I was caught by a thunderstorm .

    昨天晚上我遭 雷雨淋了。