


  • Earthworms during its metabolism process decompose and transform agricultural wastes using the collaborative symbiotic function of microorganisms as wormcast excreted from the body .

    蚯蚓在其新陈代谢过程中能通过与环境中微生物协同作用对农业废弃物进行分解转化,以 蚯蚓 的形式排出体外。

  • On the second phase the deodorization effect of wormcast was researched in the laboratory .

    第二部分 蚯蚓 实验室除臭效果的研究。

  • The feed consumption quantity of dead broilers and diarrhea broilers were noted . Results showed that the diarrhea ratio and ammonia contant decreased respectively 74.2 % 31.4 % in the wormcast group ( PO . 01 ) .

    试验 结束 统计饲料消耗量、死淘鸡数、腹泻发生情况, 计算 经济 效益,结果表明:用做肉鸡饲料 添加剂,与对照组 相比,腹泻率下降74.2%,差异极显著(P<0.01);

  • Higher fixed efficiency are achieved using wormcast ( 7.32 % ) and turf ( 8.99 % ) and both are rich nutrient humus manure which fit for controlling loss of nitrogen during composting .

    蚯蚓 (7.32%)和草炭(8.99%)有较好的固定效果,且二者本身就是一种含养分丰富的腐殖质类肥料,适合做堆肥化氮素损失原位控制材料。

  • Wormcast is the life metabolites of earthworms in the nature which has the advantages of efficient bio-organic fertilizer .

    蚯蚓 地球上第一 劳动者 &蚯蚓在自然界中生命活动的代谢产物,具有高效生物有机肥料的许多优点。

  • And the wormcast was used in the experiment group .

    处理 蚯蚓

  • Compare to the cow dung and soil wormcast can promotion root growth distinctly and increase new roots'quantity .

    蚯蚓 与牛粪和土 相比,能显著促进根系生长,增加新根的生物生长量。

  • Studies on Fertilizer Addition of Cucumber Plug Seedling Production with Wormcast - based Media

    黄瓜 蚯蚓 基质 盘育苗肥料添加量的研究

  • Effects Experiment of Different Compound Wormcast Organic Fertilizer Combination

    几种不同组合 蚯蚓 复合有机肥的效果试验

  • Influence of Organic Materials with Fe ~ ( 2 + ) and Fe ~ ( 3 + ) Vaccine in the Earthworms on Organic Acids of Apple Rhizosphere and Wormcast

    铁处理有机物料接种蚯蚓对苹果根际和 蚯蚓 中有机酸的影响

  • The earthworm which used in the experiment has strong adjustability in different organisms . Its propagation is quickly and finally produces the wormcast .

    一:试验所用蚯蚓对不同有机 物料 具有较强适应性,繁殖快,见效快,最终产物是 蚯蚓 这一 优质生物 有机