


  • That 's the best tidings for the future .

    那对前途 是最好的 消息

  • Glad tidings of the battle were brought by the messenger .

    使者带来了战争的 佳音

  • The tidings has come a little late .


  • Good tidings to you .


  • Good tidings we bring to you and your kin .

    我们给你和你的家人 带来消息

  • Oh tidings of comfort and joy comfort and joy .

    哦, 是安慰与喜悦的 消息,安慰与喜悦。

  • I am a bearer of glad tidings .

    我是传递快乐 消息

  • Then tidings came to Joab : for Joab had turned after Adonijah though he turned not after Absalom .

    28 约押虽然没有归从押沙龙,却归从了亚多尼雅。

  • He hated always to be the bearer of bad tidings

    他讨厌总是 去坏 消息

  • Glad tidings of great joy I bring !

    我带来了令人十分高兴的 消息

  • Let me be the first to give you the glad tidings .

    让我成为第一个告诉你好 消息

  • Prophet ! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness a Bearer of Glad Tidings and Warner .

    先知啊!我确已派遣你为见证,为 报喜者,为警告者。

  • But thee We only sent to give glad tidings and admonition .

    我只派遣你为 报喜 和警告者。

  • I bring you good tidings of great joy .

    我给你们带来了 大的 喜信

  • I still felt sad even after you 'd announced the joyful tidings .

    甚至在你宣布了那 喜讯之后,我仍然感到很伤心。

  • Glad tidings came in rapid succession .

    接连不断 消息

  • And o the long long night with no return of her father and no tidings !

    啊,她的父亲一 不归、 音讯 无的 漫漫 长夜呀!

  • These tidings had a conflicting effect upon me .

    消息 引起了我 思想上的矛盾。

  • For such as have the light and the good tidings .

    为那些有了 教主的光和 福音

  • The good tidings were received with shouts of joy .


  • The envoy bore back to us tidings of war .

    使节给我们带回了战争的 消息

  • Glad tidings of comfort and joy .

    令人欣慰和高兴的 消息

  • When the sad tidings of his death were was received we all wept .

    听到他去世的 噩耗时,我们都哭了。

  • Why mistress I hear good tidings of you on all hands !

    噢,太太,我从各处都听到有关你的好 消息

  • I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival .

    我奢望你在听到我还 活着 消息 心情会很激动。

  • It is greeted throughout the country as tidings of great joy .


  • The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers .

    喜讯 来,欢声雷动。

  • What tidings of corporate gloom do you bear today ?

    今天公司有什么 消息 你愁眉不展了?

  • The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy . ; The good tidings elated the whole nation .

    捷报 ,全国人民无不欢欣鼓舞。