tight supplies

[taɪt səˈplaɪz][tait səˈplaɪz]

[经] 供应紧缩

  • Tight supplies have been exacerbated by the problems of transporting grain .

    运输问题加剧了 紧张 供应局势。

  • The move which follows similar export restrictions in Russia and Argentina is likely to put further pressure on already tight global wheat supplies analysts said .

    分析师表示,此举可能会对业已 紧张的全球小麦 供应构成更大压力,此前俄罗斯和阿根廷也实行了类似的出口限制。

  • We will continue to regulate economic activities to further alleviate tight supplies of coal electricity petroleum and transportation .

    继续搞好经济运行调节,进一步缓解煤电 油运 紧张状况。

  • However lead used in car batteries surged almost 25 per cent on tight supplies .

    而用于汽车电池的铅价格则因 供应 紧张猛涨25%。

  • Iron ore prices have risen substantially over the last few years amid tight supplies because of strong demand from China .

    过去几年,由于中国的强劲需求导致市场 供应 吃紧,铁矿石价格大幅上涨。

  • There 's still no let-up in the price of the highly sought-after commodity which again is soaring to record highs on concern about tight supplies .

    非常吃香的商品(指金属和能源)价格上涨没有止步,由于担心 供应 吃紧,又一次创下新高。

  • And food prices are soaring because of tight supplies and rising demand .

    食品价格的上升则是 供不应求造成的。

  • They expect the copper market to remain tight for the rest of the year as strong demand from China and Asia combines with an inability of producers to boost supplies quickly .

    他们预计,由于中国和其它亚洲国家需求强劲,加之铜生产商无法迅速提高 供应 ,因此在今年剩余时间内,铜市场的 供应仍将 紧张

  • Until recently it had a tight grip on western Europe where it supplies around 25 % of gas .

    直到最近,该公司一直都还 紧紧掌握着西欧市场,西欧市场25%的天然气 来自该地区。

  • In face of the fact that the Chinese economy is developing at high speed and that the graduates still take a small proportion of the total population the phenomenon of the tight employment for the college graduates is mostly due to the insufficiency of effective supplies .

    面对目前我国经济高速发展,大学毕业生占人口总数比重较低的现实,大学 毕业生就业难现象的出现,主要还在于大学毕业生的有效 供给不足。

  • The warning came as wheat prices yesterday jumped to an all-time high soyabean prices hit a fresh 34-year high and corn rose to an 11-year high on strong demand and tight supplies reflected in extremely low global inventories .

    当前,由于需求强劲以及 供应 吃紧(全球库存量极低),小麦期货价格在昨日跃升至历史高点,大豆价格则触及34年新高,玉米价格也升至11年高点。

  • A host of factors including tight oil supplies and a weak U.

    石油 供应 吃紧和弱势美元等众多因素 预示着油价会进一步上涨。

  • In general USDA portrayed the world grain outlook as one of tight supplies vulnerable to any further yield setback .

    总体而言,美国农业部对全球谷物的前景描述是: 供货 紧张,而且如果单产下降,则 紧张 程度会进一步加剧。

  • Wheat prices jumped to an all-time high yesterday as panicked buyers rushed into the market amid extremely tight supplies raising fears of a global food inflation spike .

    小麦价格昨日跃升至历史新高,因为小麦 供应十分 紧俏,引起了人们对全球食品价格将大幅上涨的担忧,恐慌的买家纷纷涌入市场。

  • A jump in sales together with tight supplies of homes on the market have boosted property values helping in turn to make homebuilders more confident about the future .

    住房销量激增,加上市场 供应 偏紧,推高了房地产价格,进而提高了开发商对未来的信心。

  • This has been a disastrously expensie strategy oer the past four years during which tight supplies hae seen spot prices exceed rising contract prices .

    在过去4年中,这种战略的代价极为昂贵,在此期间, 供应 紧张使现货价格超出了日益上涨的合同价格。

  • Persistent worries about tight supplies ahead of the winter peak season helped to push prices higher .

    在冬季用油高峰期到来之前,市场对 供应 吃紧的持续担忧,帮助推高了油价。

  • The spot price has held up so far this year staying largely above $ 140 per tonne partly due to tight supplies and to winter inventory build-up at Chinese ports .

    今年迄今,现货价格有所抬高,总体保持在每吨140美元以上,这部分是由于 供应 趋紧,同时中国港口在冬季堆积了大量存货。

  • Ahead of their closed meeting Wednesday Mohammed bin Dhaen al-Hamli the oil minister for the United Arab Emirates spoke of tight supplies .

    在周三会议结束前,阿拉伯联合酋长国石油部长MD就石油 供应 缩紧发言。

  • Iron ore traders attribute that to tight supplies from India but steel mill executives suspect price manipulation as traders try to keep prices high while selling down stockpiles .

    铁矿石交易商将此归因于印度 供应 紧张,但钢厂高管们怀疑存在价格操纵&交易商试图在出售存货的同时将价格保持在高位。

  • The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation this week warned that higher feed costs strong demand and tight supplies would continue to push up the price of meat .

    联合国粮农组织(unfoodandagricultureorganization)本周警告称,饲料成本上升、需求旺盛和 供应 紧张,将会继续推高肉类价格。

  • Tight supplies and robust demand boosted agricultural commodities with wheat surging to fresh 11-year highs .

    紧张 供给和旺盛的需求推动农业大宗商品价格上涨,小麦价格升至11年新高。

  • It is also investing heavily in coal-to - liquids and coal-to-chemicals projects but Mr Chen conceded tight water supplies in the north where coal is abundant could constrain these projects .

    该集团正在大力投资煤制油(otc)和煤化工( coal-to-chemicals)项目,但陈必亭承认,在煤炭储量丰富的北方省份,缺水问题有可能限制这些项目的发展。