tidy up

[ˈtaɪdi ʌp][ˈtaidi ʌp]


  • I 've told you many times to tidy up your room .

    我跟你说过 几次了, 你的房间 收拾 一下

  • I wish you 'd stop farting about and help me tidy up .

    我希望你别再闲荡了,来帮我 收拾 收拾

  • You 'd better tidy up the room before the guests arrive .

    在客人到来之前;你最好 房间 收拾 一下

  • Let 's tidy up the room .

    我们 屋子 拾掇 一下

  • The mother had her daughter tidy up the room last Friday .

    上周五妈妈让她女儿 整理 房间。

  • He tried to tidy up not wanting the maid to see the disarray

    他试图 收拾 一下,不想让女佣看见那里乱七八糟。

  • Four rooms were full of various things so that it would be a hard task to tidy up them .

    四个房间里里放满了东西,因此 收拾 起来也是一项很艰巨的任务。

  • I really must start tidying the place up


  • Will you come back when I behave well and tidy up my room ?

    那等我乖乖听你的话, 屋子 收拾好,你就回来了吧?

  • The games had all finished we also must tidy up the mood the welcome terminal examinations !

    运动会都结束了,我们也要 收拾心情,迎接期末考试!

  • Tidy up the desk before you leave the room .

    离开房间之前, 书桌 整理 一下

  • You 're not allowed to go out until you tidy up you room .

    你在 整理 你的房间之前不准出去。

  • I must just tidy up a bit .

    我必须稍微 整理 一下

  • After tidy up I go out the door .


  • I was just going to tidy up the kitchen but you 've beaten me to it .

    我正打算 整理厨房,你却赶在我 之前把它 整理 了。

  • May 's job is just to tidy up the bookcase but I must clean up all the dirty things .

    阿美的活儿只是 整理书柜,但是我得清理所有这些脏东西。

  • Tidy up your room and don 't forget to make your bed !

    你的房间 收拾 干净,并且别忘了把床铺好!

  • Tidy up your room or else .

    你房间 整理 ,否则你将 承担一切后果。

  • I must tidy up the house tonight .

    我今晚必须 收拾房子。

  • Then you are going to help me tidy up !

    然后你们要帮我 整理

  • Let me just tidy up the sides and the back for you .

    让我帮您 一下旁边和后面的 头发

  • Anne made the beds and tidied up the nursery .

    安妮把床铺都整理好,然后把幼儿室 收拾停当。

  • Tidy Up : a cluttered house can lead to a cluttered mind and fuzzy thinking .

    收拾 整理:一间杂乱不堪的房子能导致思想混乱和想法模糊。

  • Go take a walk and I 'll tidy up the place .

    去散散步吧,这里我来 收拾

  • Do you tidy up the washroom too ?

    你连卫生间也 收拾

  • I also expect Cindy to tidy up her own room .

    我也要求辛蒂 收拾她自己的房间。

  • Mom asked me to tidy up my room during the holiday .

    妈妈要求我假日 整理房间。

  • To tidy up your office ;

    把你的办公室 收拾 干净

  • Just to tidy up your love life .

    就为了 整理你的感情生活。

  • I 'll tidy up the table and chair .

    我来 收拾桌子和椅子。