


  • This article holds that the feature is closely related to the traditional Torah concept of the ancient Israel nation .

    这一特征与以色列民族古老的 律法观念传统有着密切关系。

  • He sees Gentiles coming into the church but still being Torah observant .

    他认为外邦人进入教会,但仍要遵守 犹太 律法

  • He said Bring here the Torah and recite it if you are truthful .

    “他说:”把这里 诵读 经文背诵它,如果你是诚实的。

  • It 's an honor to pass the Torah from generation to generation to generation .

    犹太 律法一代一代传下去是我们的光荣。

  • Jesus is intensifying the Jewish Torah and making it almost impossible to keep .

    耶稣是在强化犹太的 律法,让它变得几乎不可能遵守。

  • The Torah leaves the identity of this Pharaoh unstated .


  • But a Messiah as foretold by the torah ?

    但是一个由 律法预言的弥赛亚?

  • He was concerned not with formulating a coherent metaphysical system but with the elaboration and interpretation of verses of Scripture from the torah often in the form of obscure mystical allegorizations .

    他不以连贯的纯粹哲学系统来参与,而是详尽地解释 律法里的手稿诗句,时常采用朦胧的神秘寓言化的形式。

  • With Matthew what you get is this : Matthew teaches that a Torah observant form of discipleship to Jesus .

    在马太福音中你 读出这个,马太说的是,耶稣的信徒 应该遵守 犹太教 律法

  • So even if all of us were wise and versed in torah .

    即便我们能从 学习 经典获得智慧。

  • Then Paul instead of taking Sarah as representing Judaism the Torah Moses the law and Jerusalem he makes Hagar represent the law the current Jewish people and Jerusalem Jerusalem of the Jews .

    然后保罗,他没有让萨拉代表犹太教,摩西 律法和耶路撒冷,而是让夏甲代表律法,当时的犹太人,和耶路撒冷,犹太人的耶路撒冷。

  • He has a Torah observant form of Christianity with Jesus as the recognized Messiah .

    他拥有遵守 犹太 律法的基督教,耶稣是被认可的弥赛亚。

  • There 's different geographical regions experiencing different kinds of Christianity and those different kinds of Christianity are diverse with respect to the Torah the Jewish law right ?

    不同的地理区域,发展出了不同的基督教,而这些不同的基督教对于 摩西 律法,犹太律法的 看法是多种多样的?

  • Where did we receive the torah ?


  • Is this your versionof a torah ?

    这是你对 律法的诠释?

  • It 's a universalism to all that 's firmly anchored in Judaism and the Torah .

    这是普世的,对所有植根于犹太教和 观点 而言

  • Christians have taken that to mean the displacement of the Jewish Torah with now a new Christian Torah and that actually puts Matthew in a very odd position .

    基督教徒把那些视为,犹太教的 律法,被新的基督教律法替代了,这其实让马太处于很尴尬的位置。

  • You 'd be a good Torah student .

    你会是一个好的 律法学生。

  • For this the Rabbi bashes his head in which according to the Torah is one of the most subtle methods of showing concern .

    所以,拉比打了他的头,根据《 律法 ,这是所有表示关心的方法中最微妙的一种。

  • I don 't do things that the Torah bans .

    我不会去做那些 圣经禁止的事情。

  • That is the Torah and everything else is only commentary .

    这是 律法,其他一切都只是注脚

  • The book the King 's Torah says non-Jews including babies could be preemptively killed if they are deemed to pose a threat to Israel .

    这本名为King's Torah的书籍称,包括婴儿在内的非犹太人如果对以色列造成威胁,犹太人应该先发制人,将他们杀死。

  • I thought God gave the law the Torah on Sinai .

    我以为是神给的律法 摩西 五经 ,在西乃山上。

  • So Matthew 's may have been put first in the canon because it was read by Christians as being sort of almost like the new Law the new Torah .


  • Their argument was that Temple sacrifices were an innovation and had no basis in the authentic Law of Moses and Jesus was sent to restore the Torah as Moses had practiced it .

    他们的论据是,圣殿祭祀是一种新的做法,在真正的摩西律法中找不到依据,耶稣是上帝派来恢复摩西所实行的 犹太 律法的。

  • That is the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus .

    指的是堕落的犹太人,违法了 摩西 五经,会与安条克狼狈为奸。

  • The Torah obligates the husband to meet the intimate needs of his wife .

    他们 律法规定:丈夫的义务是满足妻子对于亲密感的要求。

  • What does the Torah the Law mean in Matthew ?

    但在马太中, ,律法意味着什么?

  • Torah followers do not practice homosexuality as it is written in Leviticus that it is not pleasing to Yahweh .


  • The Torah does not mention as to what he will look like .

    律法 并没提到他长得如何。