thyroid glands

[医] 甲状腺

  • The result indicated that the cadmium chloride toxicosis would lead to growth restriction serious anemia also cause the pathological changes of livers galls stomachs and thyroid glands especial the thyroid glands were obviously harmed .

    结果表明:镉中毒造成鸡生长抑制,严重贫血,引起胃、肠、肝、胆、 甲状腺和骨骼病变,甲状腺病变尤其突出。

  • Aim Understanding the effects of fluoride on the morphology and function of thyroid glands of mice in pregnancy .

    观察氟对孕鼠 甲状腺形态和功能的影响。

  • Development of a New Type Thyroid Glands Dosimeter


  • Thyroid glands of nine human fetuses 13-38 weeks in gestational age were obtained to study the distribution position and morphology of C cell by PAP method .

    9例胎儿 甲状腺,取自13~38周胎龄,用PAP免疫组化方法研究C细胞的分布、位置和形态。

  • To make the contrast studies of intervention in the operation of thyroid gland mammary glands and laparoscopic cholecystectomy .

    选择 甲状腺乳腺和腹腔镜胆囊切除术进行干预对照研究。

  • The kidneys thyroid glands and parathyroid glands complex underwent pathological analysis 4 weeks after operation .

    术后4周取大鼠残余肾脏及 甲状腺与甲状旁腺的复合体,进行病理组织学检查。

  • Pathological evaluation of thyroid glands in Graves ' disease after thyroid arteries embolization

    Graves病甲状腺动脉栓塞后 甲状腺的病理学研究

  • Nine cases were complicated with two diseases in the thyroid glands simultaneously .


  • Followed up for one year after operation these patients were monitored of the above parameters again infiltration degree of lymphocyte in the remnant of thyroid glands were analysed with needle biopsy for malfunction patients .

    术后随访1年,再次测定, 甲状腺 功能恢复正常者用针吸活组织检查法对残留 甲状腺行淋巴细胞浸润程度分析。

  • Thyroxine blood serum value : Three idodines thyroid glands original ammonia acid ( T3 ) the thyroxine ( T4 ) presses the thyroxin ( TSH );

    甲状腺激素血清值:三碘 甲状腺原氨酸(T3)、甲状腺激素(T4)、促甲状腺素(TSH);

  • Thyroid and parathyroid glands of Rhinopithecus

    金丝猴( Rhinopithecus)的 甲状腺和甲状旁腺

  • Apart from conventional pre-operative preparation CT examination is also necessary for identifying the measurements of thyroid glands and determining the proportion and location of residual glands .

    除常规手术前甲亢准备外,必须行CT检查确认 腺体 大小,确定残留腺体的大小和位置。

  • Study on the expression of prolactin mRNA in thyroid glands of patients with Graves'disease

    Graves病患者 甲状腺 组织 催乳素mRNA的表达

  • Methods The expression of FasL was detected with Power Vision Two - Step immunohistochemical method in thyroid glands from 65 patients with GD 47 patients with HT and 15 Cases of normal controls and the express of Fas was detected with S - P immunohistochemical method .

    方法采用免疫组化技术,检测Fas蛋白及FasL在65例GD、47例HT和15例正常 甲状腺 组织中的表达情况。

  • An investigation of the form of thyroid glands


  • Marked hypothyroidism was found in mice after 8 month feeding with 1 % thio-uracil containing blocks . The thyroid glands showed tumor structure .

    以1%甲基硫脲块料饲喂小鼠,8个月后出现明显甲状腺功能低下,镜下呈瘤肿结构,免疫组化胶体金银法显示 甲状腺 组织 T 3 T 4

  • Changes in three dimensional stereological parameters of rat thyroid glands at 20 months after injection of 131 ⅰ and 132 ⅰ were determined by using image analysis and morphometric methods .

    应用图像分析技术和形态计量学方法,测量了131Ⅰ、132Ⅰ注入后20月大鼠 甲状腺 组织损伤体视学参数的变化。

  • Detection of prolactin-like substance in thyroid glands of patients with Graves'disease

    Graves病 甲状腺 组织中催乳素样物质的检测

  • Effects of iodophor on the thyroid glands of female medical workers

    碘伏皮肤消毒对医护人员 甲状腺 功能影响的研究

  • Conclusion Degradation of thyroglobulin of thyroid glands varies with PMI which shows a strong correlation between degradation of thyroglobulin and PMI .

    结论尸体甲状腺组织的 甲状腺球蛋白降解程度随PMI不同而变化,二者呈现较强的相关性。

  • C cells in the thyroid glands of Rhinopithecus

    金丝猴( Rhinopithecus甲状腺的C细胞

  • METHODS : Mice were immunized to induce autoimmune thyroiditis with porcine thyroglobulin ( pTg ) and thyroids of mice were injected with IL-10 DNA . On d 28 after immunization with pTg mRNA expression of IL-10 in thyroid glands was detected and thyroid specimens were histopathological studied .

    方法:将IL-10质粒DNA注射入由猪甲状腺球蛋白(pTg)诱发的自身免疫性甲状腺炎小鼠 甲状腺 ,pTg免疫后28天,进行甲状腺IL-10mRNA表达和组织学等检查。

  • The disease is an overactivity of one or both of the thyroid glands in the neck which is very common in older cats .

    猫单侧或者双侧 甲状腺机能亢进是非常常见的。

  • After embolization the volume of thyroid glands reduced blood supply decreased .

    术后 1 3 腺体体积缩小,血供明显减少。

  • Study on the Mobile Shape ' Evolution AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FORM OF THYROID GLANDS

    手机形态的演变 甲状腺形态的调查

  • Those with rheumatism diabetes chest pains and overactive thyroid glands are strongly advised to stay away from seaside .

    我还强烈建议那些患有风湿病,糖尿病,胸痛,严重 甲状腺的人不要去海边。

  • The effect of fluoride on iodotyrosine and iodothyronine distribution in thyroid glands of rats in a short & time

    氟化物对大鼠 甲状腺碘化酪氨酸碘化甲 原氨酸分布的短期影响

  • The results show that he lengths and widths of two lateral lobes of children 's thyroid glands are (?)

    结果显示:小儿 甲状腺侧叶的长度和宽度在幼儿 (1&3岁)就已 发育近成人的一半。

  • Results In corpses with PMI ≤ 5d the colloid and the follicular cells of the thyroid glands revealed positive immunostaining of different intensity whereas in those with PMI over 13d the tissues showed no immunoreaction .

    结果PMI≤5d的 甲状腺组织, 甲状腺 腺泡上皮细胞胞浆及甲状腺胶质中均显示了不同程度的免疫反应阳性;PMI超过12d,免疫反应阴性;

  • Supports the proper function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands .

    调理 甲状腺及副 甲状腺