


  • Result : Thyroxine replacement therapy was effective in improving symptoms and nocturnal sleep apnea .

    结果: 采用 甲状腺素替代治疗后,可缓解症状和改善夜间睡眠呼吸暂停。

  • According to their report the natural thyroxine derivatives cause a temporary reduction in spontaneous activity without other discernible behavioral changes .

    根据他们的报道,天然的 甲状腺素衍生物可以引起“暂时性自发活动的减少而无其他可明显的行为改变。”

  • Objective To study the effects of the serum thyroxine - binding capacity on the biases in free thyroxine immunoassays .

    目的研究血清 甲状腺素结合能力对游离甲状腺素免疫测定法检测偏差的影响。

  • Compare the Level of the Serum Thyroxine between the Han and the Uygur Nationality in Schizophrenia Patients

    汉、维精神分裂症患者血清 甲状腺素水平对比研究

  • The serum total thyroxine ( T_4 ) contents of 49 Ganzhou White swine were determined by competitive protein binding .

    用竞争性蛋白结合法测定了49头赣州白猪的血清 甲状腺素(T4)含量。

  • The effects of rifampin ( RFP ) on serum thyroxine and insulin in mice were studied by radioimmunoassay .

    本文用放射免疫分析法研究利福平对小鼠血清 甲状腺素、胰岛素含量的影响。

  • Follow-up MRI after 3 months of thyroxine treatment pituitary gland reduced in size markedly .

    治疗3个月后 复查MRI 垂体明显缩小。

  • Relationship research of serum thyroxine to PRA Ang ⅱ and LVEF

    血清 甲状腺 激素与血浆PRA、AngⅡ及左心功能的相关性研究

  • The Effects of Thyroxine on Cell Growth and Apoptosis of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells Under Heat Circumstance in vitro

    甲状腺素 T4对体外高温培养奶牛乳腺上皮细胞生长和凋亡的影响

  • A study of thousands of mothers and their adult children has revealed that Thyroxine – used to treat thyroid deficiency – and amphetamine-based diet pills appear to influence sexual orientation .

    这项研究成果表明,母亲在怀孕时服用治疗甲状腺功能衰退的 甲状腺素和减肥药丸会影响其后代的性取向问题,会使他们更容易成为同性恋者。

  • Study on the rat model of liver-depression syndrome established by thyroxine tablet and irregularity of food

    应用 甲状腺素片及饥饱失常法建立肝郁证大鼠模型的研究

  • Using double-antibody coated tubes a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for free thyroxine ( FT4 ) in serum has been developed .

    利用双抗固化试管建立了检测血清中游离 甲状腺素(FT4)的固相放射免疫分析方法。

  • The effect of thyroxine treatment on the primary hypothyroidism inducing cognitive dysfunction


  • The levels of serum free Triiodothyronine ( FT3 ) and free Thyroxine ( FT4 ) with thyroid-stimulating hormone ( TSH ) were measured by CLIA and RIA methods respectively .

    分别采用CLIA与RIA法检测血清游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离 甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)。

  • A preparation made from iodinated protein and having an action similar to thyroxine .

    一种碘蛋白制剂,有类似 甲状腺素的作用。

  • Effects of thyroxine on IgM production and β - adrenergic receptor on lymphocyte in mice


  • Glucocorticoid tretinoin and thyroxine also participate in the regulation through nuclear receptors .

    另外糖皮质激素、维甲酸、 甲状腺素等也通过核受体参与调控。

  • Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of sclerema neonatorum with thyroxine .

    目的观察 甲状腺素治疗新生儿硬肿症的疗效。

  • Thyroxine substitution therapy was an effective therapy to primary hypothyroidism associated pituitary hyperplasia .

    甲状腺素 试验性替代治疗是原发性甲状腺功能减退性垂体增生有效的治疗手段。

  • Thyroxine and mesotartaric acid inhibited this enzyme as well .


  • Experiment was conducted on the influence of noise to growing of AA broilers and content of thyroxine in blood of AA broilers .

    本试验探讨了噪声对 AA鸡生长以及血液生理生化指标的影响。

  • The fluctuations of thyroid follicles and secretion of thyroxine are in keeping with that of T4 .

    各日龄组甲状腺滤泡的变化和 甲状腺分泌的含量变化与T4的波动相一致。

  • Thyroxine Binding Globulin ( TBG ) Rat iodination grade .


  • The effects of thyroxine on morphologic aspects of pancreatic islet beta cell in rats


  • There was no correlation between leukopenia the elevation in thyroxine and the positive thyroid-related antibodies in GD patients .

    GD患者出现白细胞数目的减少与 甲状腺 激素 水平升高和甲状腺抗体阳性无关。

  • Therapeutic effect observation of elderly patients suffered hypothyroidism in treatment with thyroxine sodium


  • This had no effect on the time to normalization of free thyroxine .

    这对游离 甲状腺素恢复正常的时间没有影响。

  • The low activity of NOS secreted by placenta may be relative to the pathogenesis of PIH and IUGR . ? Conclusion IUGR is related to the decreased level of umbilicus blood thyroxine hormone level .

    胎盘的NOS活性降低与IUGR及妊高征的发病有关结论IUGR的发病与脐血 甲状腺激素水平低下有关。

  • Objective : To investigate the effect of thyroxine on patients with intractable heart insufficiency .

    目的:探讨 剂量 甲状腺素治疗顽固性心功能不全的疗效。