tobacco heart

[təˈbæko hɑrt][təˈbækəu hɑ:t]


  • Conclusion : Chinese herbal medicine can relief clinical syndromes induced by tobacco ameliorate tobacco poisoning promote rehabilitation of heart and lung function stabilize internal environment and remove toxin with obvious curative effect and clinical significance .

    结论:中草药液能消除 香烟烟雾造成的临床症状,减轻毒害,促进 肺康复,稳定内环境,有明显效果和临床实用意义。

  • Comprehensive tobacco control will help countries to reduce the rising number of heart attacks strokes cancers and other noncommunicable diseases .

    全面控制 烟草将有助于各国减少目前不断增加的 心脏病发作、中风、癌症和其他非传染病的数量。

  • The health risks of tobacco smoking are well known with regard to diseases of the heart lungs and blood vessels .

    众所周知 吸烟危害健康导致 心血管病和肺病。

  • By avoiding tobacco eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity people can dramatically reduce their risk of developing heart disease stroke or diabetes .

    通过 戒烟、健康饮食以及经常进行运动,人们可以大大减少患 心脏病、中风以及糖尿病的风险。

  • Some of the characteristics of CaM from tobacco callus and cauliflower are similar to those of bovine brain CaM . It can activate obviously the bovine heart PDE ;

    纯化的 烟草愈伤组织和菜花CaM,具有牛脑CaM所特有的一些性质.它对 中心肌PDE有明显激活作用;

  • BE TOBACCO FREE : Half of all long-term smokers die early from smoking-related diseases including heart disease lung cancer and chronic bronchitis .

    戒烟:半数的长期吸烟者的早死于 吸烟引起的疾病,包括 心脏病,肺癌,以及慢性支气管炎。

  • Other health risks associated with tobacco include heart attacks strokes and other cardiovascular diseases ; bronchitis asthma and other respiratory diseases as well as infertility .

    烟草有关的其它健康危害包括 心脏病发作、中风和其它心血管疾病;支气管炎、哮喘和其它呼吸道疾病以及不孕症。

  • For example full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control would bring the single biggest blow to heart disease cancer diabetes and respiratory disease .

    例如,全面实施《世界卫生组织 烟草控制框架公约》一项就能对 心脏病、癌症、糖尿病和呼吸系统疾病带来最重的打击。

  • Tobacco and burn it my heart and a burn .

    ,烧尽了,我的 ,也烧尽了。

  • Thirteen people die every hour from illness related to smoking tobacco such as cancer bronchitis and heart disease .

    每小时有十三人死于与 吸烟有关的疾病,像癌症,支气管炎, 心脏病。

  • By controlling tobacco we can go a long way towards addressing many of these chronic ailments including cancer and heart disease .

    通过控制 烟草,我们可以在防治许多这些慢性病方面取得长足的进步,其中包括癌症和 心脏病。