toe in


  • Patrice again probably ! He 's head to toe in Dolce & Gabbana he does all his shopping in Monaco and Milan and is always smart even in his tracksuit .

    可能还是埃弗拉!他从头到 是D&G,他总是在摩纳哥和米兰血拼,也很聪明。即便穿着训练服也是。

  • Danny stands up and puts one toe in the swimming pool .

    丹尼站起来把一只 了游泳池。

  • They were sensibly dressed from top to toe in rain gear .

    他们从头 雨具捂得严严实实,非常明智。

  • As the Paleo day continues many find a way to keep at least a toe in the primal world at the office .

    很多人还找到办法,在办公室里也能至少保持一 原始世界的样子。

  • Smiling racers are covered from head to toe in mud when they finally cross the finish line .

    当他们最后越过终点线时,满面笑容的参赛选手从头到 布满泥浆。

  • By American retailing standards Tesco is merely dipping a toe in the ocean .

    按照美国人的零售标准看,乐购只不过是刚把 脚趾头 伸进大海。

  • I 've got scars from head to toe in tribute to my courage .

    为了嘉奖我的胆量,我得到 浑身的伤疤。

  • But the current programme looks like no more than a toe in the water .

    但是,当前的 医疗服务计划看上去不过是一次 试水

  • She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion .

    她给自己从头到 都抹上了强效防晒露。

  • To cover the story he had to take many precautions often encasing himself from head to toe in protective gear while confronting extreme physical and emotional hardships .

    为了进行报道,他需要采取很多预防措施,经常 防护装备将自己从头到 包起来,同时还要直面身体及情绪上极其艰难的时刻。

  • Donkeys are still an important means of transportation everyone knows everyone else the older women swathe themselves from head to toe in black .

    驴仍然是重要的交通工具,村里人人相熟,老妇人从头到 黑袍中。

  • She repeatedly stretches her legs to stand on tip toe in a rhythmic motion watched by a little rabbit .

    她随着节奏不停地踮着 脚尖,一旁有只小兔子看着她。

  • Chris Cheetham chief executive of halbis the active management unit of HSBC Global Asset Management believes renewed interest is more a dipping of the toe in the water rather than a rush .

    汇丰全球资产管理公司(hsbcglobalassetmanagement)积极管理部门卓誉(halbis)首席执行官 戚浩霖(chrischeetham)认为,投资者 兴趣重燃,更像是 试水、而非涌入。

  • Catches toe in bit of rough grassy earth and is out for four months with resulting injury .

    脚趾 不幸被粗糙的草地挫伤,并因此休养了四个月。

  • While not branded Amazon it 's a toe in the water towards a hybrid model that Wall Street is eyeing closely .

    虽然这家店没有冠以亚马逊品牌,但它是迈向整合销售模式的一次 试水,因此引起了华尔街投资界的密切关注。

  • Her whole body was covered from head to toe in painful red spots .

    浑身 发了疼痛的红斑。

  • I opened it and there were customers lining up in front of the register covered from head to toe in coffee foam or soda .

    打开门,只见在计数器前排队的顾客们从头 满是咖啡泡沫和苏打水。

  • Place your right toe in line with your left heel .

    把右 脚趾与左脚跟排成一直线。

  • She surveyed Sophie from top to toe in a disarmingly frank way .

    让人放心的坦率目光把索菲从头到 打量了一番。

  • And we know China has dipped its toe in American-style global engagements including humanitarian and disaster relief missions and counter-piracy patrols .

    我们知道中国 小心地试探美国主导的全球秩序,包括人道主义、 赈灾和反海盗巡逻。

  • She took off her shoes and cautiously dipped a toe in .

    她脱下鞋小心翼翼地用一个 脚趾探了探。

  • With joyous water flying around from all directions merrily we were soaked from top to toe in a short while .

    水从四面八方欢快地飞来。不一会儿,我们 浑身上下都湿透了。

  • Carrie Bradshaw : And we were dressed from head to toe in love

    凯莉:我们从头到 穿的都是爱

  • Decked from head to toe in lush animal prints fur and decorative patterns Gisele is on fire in the five image campaign shot by Mert & Marcus .

    郁郁葱葱的打扮从头部到 脚趾的动物图案,毛皮及装饰图案,吉塞勒在五个形象梅特与马库斯运动开枪射击。

  • I think the water 's too cold to swim so I 'll just dip a toe in .

    我看水太凉,不能游泳,所以只能稍微 一下。

  • We will come along and push you if you only try to put your toe in .

    如果你仅仅只是想尝试,我们将 向前推动你。