to a degree

[tu e dɪˈɡri][tu: ə diˈɡri:]


  • Hesiod is not alone in saying for God 's sake try not to take a voyage at sea because your chances of coming back are really bad which was a reality to a degree .

    赫西奥德不是唯一一个说,看在上帝的份上不要试图在海上航行,因为你几乎不可能返航, 某种 程度上这是 实话

  • Among these vanguards of the frontier the diet prescribed by available resources and field expediency became to a degree traditional .

    这些开拓先锋靠现有的资源和地域便利得到食物, 某种 程度上讲,这也已构成了传统。

  • And they have perfected that to a degree far beyond what we can imagine .

    并且它们将其完善 我们远远不能想象的 境界

  • Emotional and physical resilience is to a degree something you 're born with .

    情感顺应性和身体适应能力 一定 程度上来说是你与生俱来的能力。

  • The slightly chaotic character of mind goes even deeper to a degree our egos may find uncomfortable .

    心智的这种略显混沌的特性比我们所能体会的还要深刻,甚至 了让我们的内心感到不安的 程度

  • The project teams have managed to boil an integration methodology and process down to a degree that greatly reduces risk of failure .

    该项目组设法归结一个集成的方法和过程到 可以极大地降低失败风险的 程度

  • I suppose that each one of us is to a degree a prisoner of our experience .

    我想我们每个人 一定 程度上都受着个人经历的禁锢。

  • To a degree it would seem so .

    一定 程度上,看起来的确如此。

  • American power is contested to a degree unimaginable after the fall of Baghdad .

    伊拉克政权倒台后,美国权力遭遇的挑战达到了 难以想象的 程度

  • I think the general public will favour your policy to a degree but you must make more radical reforms to gain their wholehearted support .

    我以为全体民众会 一定 程度上赞成你们的政策,但我们必须进行更彻底的改革,以赢得他们的全力支持。

  • To a degree these concepts could already be found in the UML1 definition of collaborations except that they were not applied recursively .

    某种 程度上来说,这些概念在UML1中对于协作的定义里可以找到,只可惜它们不能用于递归。

  • Agents and even to a degree the press do protect them a bit the stars whereas a few years ago they didn 't have that protection .

    经纪人和媒体都在保护球员。那些 球星得到了以前没有的保护。

  • The techniques in this article can be expanded to a degree to cover that case as described in the Calculation to multiple physical sites section below .

    本文所述的技巧可能被扩展 涵盖这种情况,如下面对多个物理位置的计算 节所述。

  • Dan unmasked as the blogger also makes sense to a degree .

    某种 程度上来说,丹是绯闻女孩也是说得通的。

  • GWT provides a high level of obfuscation that mitigates the problem to a degree but a secondary point of attack remains : any HTTP traffic that travels between your GWT client and its services .

    GWT提供了高层次的混淆,从而可以将这个问题降低 一定 程度,但是仍然存在次要攻击点:GWT客户机及其服务之间的HTTP通信量。

  • That 's achieved by exploring the requirements to a degree where it 's possible to identify major risks and other difficulties that are more or less likely to occur later on .

    通过探索需求 实现, 确定可能会发生的主要风险以及之后可能会出现问题的地方。

  • But if you do that exercise right before you go to bed you stimulate your body to a degree that makes it difficult to goright to sleep .

    但是如果你在睡前做运动,你会刺激你的身体使其处在 不太容易入睡的 状态

  • The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability .

    由于存在 某种 程度的航向不稳定性,机身被加长了。

  • And since this course was the first step to a degree in science and technology it meant that many more students potentially moved on toward a degree and career in that field .

    而且,因为这门课是取得理工科 学位的第一步,这就意味着,更多学生可能会继续学习,将来取得该领域的学位,从事该领域的职业。

  • To a degree the medicine has worked .

    某种 程度上,这剂药产生了疗效。

  • But what about no stress at all ? While the prospect might sound inviting the fact is that you need stress & at least to a degree .

    但没有压力?虽然听起来很吸引人,事实是,你需要压力&至少 程度

  • Beijing has managed to get its way in Lengshuijiang to a degree that is rare in the rest of the country where green edicts often fall on deaf ears .

    中央政府下达的文件在冷水江得到了有力的执行, 力度在全国其它地区十分罕见其它地区对环保法令往往置若罔闻。

  • The body 's tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree

    人体组织 一定 程度上有自我修补和自我恢复的能力

  • With globalisation we 're all sailors to a degree .

    随着全球化的发展,我们 一定 程度上都是水手。

  • His anger was to a degree a confession of defeat .


  • What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism .

    这对姊妹拥有 其他选手都难以 望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。