


  • The embezzlement case of Shanghai social protecting capital and Guangzhou annuity has sounded the tocsin to us which is caused by the weakness of the restriction and supervision system .

    上海社保资金和广州养老金被挪用案给我们敲响了 警钟,是制衡和监督机制弱化导致的。

  • In recent years there were a series of auditing cases which sounded the tocsin for the auditor of our country .

    尤其是近些年来,一系列审计案件的 接踵而至为我国的注册会计师敲响了 警钟

  • The government with an army in its hand hesitated ; the night was almost upon them and the saint-merry tocsin began to make itself heard .

    政府手里有着军队,却还在犹豫不决,天快黑了,人们开始听到 圣美里的 警钟

  • A tocsin ringing from church steeples ;

    教堂塔尖上传 警钟声;

  • In the midst of all these convulsions of the bell mingled with the revolt the clock of Saint-Paul struck eleven gravely and without haste ; for the tocsin is man ; the hour is God .

    在这一片狂敲猛打的钟声和喧腾哗乱的人声中,圣保罗教堂的时钟庄严舒缓地敲 十一点, 警钟是人的 声音,时钟是上帝的 声音

  • The tocsin rang impatiently but other help there was none .

    警钟 紧急 ,却没有别的救援 出现

  • The tocsin we shall sound is not the alarm signal of danger it orders the charge on the enemies of France .

    我们不 警钟 吹响 法兰西的敌人冲锋的军号。

  • From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nation 's destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds .

    从你们的队列 走出很多将领在战争 警报 响起 掌握着国家的命运。

  • Glanced down from behind his chimneys at the darkening faces by the fountain below and sent word to the sacristan who kept the keys of the church that there might be need to ring the tocsin by-and-by .

    他又躲在烟囱后偷看屋下泉水边黑暗中的面孔,同时通知了掌管教堂钥匙的圣器保管员,说不定 一会儿需要 敲钟