

  • Effect of Xylazine on ECOG and ECG in Hypoxic rats and Mice


  • Antagonistic effects of cholinergic drugs on xylazine induced sedation

    拟胆碱药物对 赛拉 镇静效应的拮抗作用

  • Effect of Dauricine Derivative D_3 on Respiration and Its Antagonism of Respiratory Inhibition Induced by Morphine and Xylazine

    蝙蝠葛碱衍生物D3对呼吸的影响及抗吗啡、 甲苯 抑制呼吸的效果

  • Effects of Xylazine on Erythrocyte Adhesion and Membrane Fluidity in Dogs


  • HPLC determination of dihydroetorphine hydrochloride in compound xylazine injection

    HPLC法测定复方 注射液中盐酸二氢埃托啡的含量

  • The influences of xylazine on the gastrointestinal motility in mice and on the gastrointestinal electrical rhythm in rats

    赛拉 对小鼠胃肠运动及大鼠胃肠电的影响

  • Combined effects of ketamine and xylazine on righting reflex and toxicity in mice

    小鼠伍 氯胺酮与 赛拉 翻正反射和毒性的影响

  • The Influence of Xylazine on Monoamines and Ultrastructure of Brain Cortex in Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion of Rats


  • The effects of xylazine on anoxia at mice and rats were studied In methods of atmospheric anoxia anoxic anoxia histotoxic anoxia .

    采用常压缺氧,窒息性缺氧,组织缺氧等方法观察 对小鼠、大鼠缺氧的保护作用。

  • Synthesis and structure-activity relationship of analogs of intravenous anesthetic & xylazine

    静脉麻醉药& 赛拉 类似物的合成及其构效关系

  • Detection of Xylazine in biological sample by GC / MS

    用GC/MS分析生物样品中 二甲苯

  • Ketamine xylazine and midazolam are three kinds of drugs commonly used in veterinary clinics in particular more commonly used for small animal clinical anesthesia .

    氯胺酮、 赛拉 和咪达唑仑是兽医临床常用的三种麻醉药,尤其更常用于小动物临床的麻醉。

  • Effect of xylazine on isolated working heart in rat

    赛拉 对大鼠心 功能的影响

  • Cholinolytic effect of xylazine observed by means of acetylcholine selective microelectrode technic in urethane anesthetized rats

    应用乙酰胆碱选择性微电极对 赛拉 抗胆碱作用的观察

  • Quantitative Analysis Ketamine and Xylazine in Plasma and Brain Homogenate of Rats by GC-MS

    GC-MS定量测定大鼠血、脑中的氯胺酮和 二甲苯

  • No effects were found with α 2-adrenoceptor agonists clonidine and xylazine or dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine and antagonist haloperidol in this study .

    而α2受体激动剂可乐定和 赛拉 以及DA受体激动剂阿朴吗啡,拮抗剂氟哌啶醇均不影响Bus的增强作用。