



  • The extracted techniques of protein and polysaccharide from white wine waste yeast were studied .

    本实验主要研究了从白葡萄酒废 酵母中提取蛋白和多糖的方法。

  • Yeast and lactobacillus were used as starters for production of sour soymilk liquor .


  • Influence of culturing conditions to the growth of Oceanic red yeast is researched .

    研究了海洋红 酵母的培养条件。

  • Objective To study the extraction of trehalose from bread yeast .

    目的研究从面包 酵母中提取海藻糖。

  • The determination methods of baker 's yeast fermentation ability were studied in this paper .

    探讨了面包 酵母发酵力的测定方法。

  • Work the flour and yeast mixture together until you have a sticky dough .

    将面粉和 酵母混在一起和成黏糊糊的面团。

  • The effect of adding neutral protease papain and β - glucanase on yeast autolysis were studied .

    研究了外加中性蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶和β-卜葡聚糖酶对 酵母自溶的影响。

  • Free of yeast and egg products .

    免费 酵母和蛋制品。

  • The cooled solution is then treated at18 ℃ with yeast .

    然后将冷却的溶液在18℃用 酵母处理。

  • The effects of amino acids and yeast extract on glutathione ( GSH ) production by yeast were investigated .

    研究了氨基酸和 酵母膏对酵母发酵生产谷胱甘肽(GSH)的影响。

  • In this paper the common storage methods of Xiaoqu strains including rhizopus and yeast were introduced .

    介绍了酿酒小曲菌种根霉、 酵母常用的保藏方法。

  • This is necessary because yeast cannot utilize the starch in the cereal grains for conversion to ethanol and CO2 .

    发芽阶段是必须的,因为 酵母不可能直接作用于谷物中的淀粉产生乙醇和二氧化碳。

  • This information can be used to bioengineer yeast cells that produce higher yields and concentrations of ethanol .

    这些信息可用于生物工程 酵母细胞产生较高的产量和乙醇的浓度。

  • Fermentation of D-xylose for Ethanol Production by Pichia Stipitis The yeast 's growth is activated by sugar and warmth .

    树干毕赤 酵母发酵木糖生产燃料乙醇酵母 发酵是由于糖和温暖的温度激发的。

  • The specific flavor and high quality of liquor is closely related to the microorganisms in distiller 's yeast .

    酿造酒的独特风味、质量与 酒曲中的微生物密切相关。

  • Changes on physiological state of yeast during continuous fermentation for beer were studied .

    研究了长时间的啤酒连续发酵过程中 酵母生理状态的变化情况。

  • The quality of white wine is improved by this ester containing liquor from the fermentation of immobilized yeast .

    利用固定化 酵母发酵的酯香液提高白酒质量取得了良好的效果。

  • Yeast can be used in making beer and bread .


  • You mix flour yeast and water to make bread .

    你把面粉、 发酵 和水和在一起就能做面包。

  • Stir in 1 level teaspoon of yeast .

    加入一平茶匙的 酵母后搅拌。

  • German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredients — hops malt yeast and water .

    德国啤酒传统上只用4种原料——啤酒花、麦芽、 酵母和水。

  • A metabolic acid found in yeast and liver cells ; used to make dyes and drugs .


  • I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood

    我每天服用干 酵母片以净化血液。

  • To serve the needs of bakers manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product .

    为了满足面包店主的需要,制造商让 酵母 发酵,以生产出浓度更高的产品。

  • The technological conditions for culture of yeast by hydrolytic liquid of wheat bran and rice bran were studied .

    研究了麸皮、米糠水解液培养 酵母的工艺条件。

  • This paper introduces the method of invertase extraction of from yeast .

    介绍了从 酵母菌中提取蔗糖酶的方法。

  • Barley hops yeast and water form the basic ingredients of beer .

    大麦、蛇麻、 酵母和水是啤酒的基本配料。

  • The multi fermentation of cucumber juice by lactic acid bactria and yeast was studied .

    该文是对采用乳酸菌与 酵母菌对黄瓜汁进行复合发酵的研究。

  • Effect of lactic acid bacteria on yeast fermentation in the milk beer production

    奶啤生产中乳酸菌对 酵母菌发酵作用的研究