yeast extract

[jist ɪkˈstrækt][ji:st iksˈtrækt]


  • The Attractive Effects of Earthworm Powder and BGB Wall-broken Yeast Extract for Eriocheir Sinensis

    蚯蚓粉和BGB破壁 酵母 对中华绒螯蟹的诱食效果

  • Research and application of yeast extract

    酵母 提取物的研究和应用

  • Marmite is made from yeast extract a by-product of beer brewing and is a sticky dark brown paste with a distinctive powerful flavour .

    马麦酱是用 酵母 提取物制成。 酵母 提取物是啤酒发酵的副产品,性状粘稠,颜色较深,味道浓郁易辨认。

  • Bakers yeast extract is the food ingredient resulting from concentration of the solubles of mechanically ruptured cells of a selected strain of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

    面包 酵母 提取物是一种食品成分,从株选过酿造酵母细胞机械性的破裂后的可溶物中 提取而成。

  • With the promotion of Angel Yeast the yeast extract has been in short supply in the industry as a safe food raw material .

    随着安琪酵母公司的大力推广, 酵母 抽提 作为一种安全的食品原料已在行业内呈现供不应求的状况。

  • The percentage of yeast extract of the nitrogen source during the growth phase and in the basal medium during the phase of induction and the time and condition that the induction starts are effective .

    结果表明,基础料和补充氮源中 酵母 的比例、诱导时机和乳糖 方式等对表达量的提高有明显的影响。

  • Syringin production and related secondary metabolism enzyme activities in suspension cultures of saussurea medusa treated with yeast extract were investigated .

    研究了 酵母 提取物诱导的水母雪莲悬浮培养时紫丁香苷生产和相关次级代谢酶的活性。

  • In addition the optimal nitrogen source was determined to be yeast extract followed by corn steep liquor which was able to partially or completely replace yeast extract .

    最适氮源为 酵母 抽提 ,玉米浆次之,玉米浆可以部分或全部代替酵母抽提物作为 乳酸 发酵的氮源;

  • Scientists utilize bio-engineering to effectively extract these dainty substances from natural edible yeast and form a new generation of unparalleled condiment & YE namely yeast extract .

    科学家们利用生物工程的方法将天然食用酵母中的这些美味物质有效提取,形成了无与伦比的新一代调味珍品&YE,即 酵母 抽提

  • In China more and more food enterprises begin to accept the yeast extract .

    在中国, 酵母 抽提 目前也逐渐被越来越多的食品企业所接受。

  • Effects of Yeast Extract and Peptone and pH on Volvariella volvacea Cultivation and Biological Efficiency

    (冠脉扩张药)心肌浸膏 酵母 浸膏蛋白胨与pH对草菇培养与生物学效率影响

  • As a natural nutrient source and good taste source the yeast extract conforms to the requirement of the public on safety and has been widely applied .

    酵母 抽提 作为一种天然营养物质来源和良好的美味来源,十分符合人们安全性的要求,已得到广泛的使用。

  • The paper researched yeast extract and β - 1 from brewer 's yeast .

    研究了利用啤酒废酵母泥制备 酵母 抽提 和β-葡聚糖的相关工艺条件。

  • Cordyceps sinensis mycelia and polysaccharides were prepared by liquid fermentation with the medium of sucrose yeast extract .

    实验采用液体 发酵 冬虫夏草生产菌丝体和多糖。

  • The results of the experiments showed peptone was the best nitrogen source in solid culturate the second was yeast extract .

    结果表明;在固体培养中,病菌对氮源的利用以蛋白胨为最好,其次为 酵母

  • In particular YE ( yeast extract ) which has been accelerating in the global application was one of the hot topics of the experts .

    特别是目前已在全球加速推广应用的YE( 酵母 抽提 )成为专家们热议的话题之一。

  • Addition of Vc and yeast extract is conducive to the fermentation of mulberry juice .

    添加适量Vc和 酵母 有利于桑果汁的发酵。

  • Separation of effective components from yeast extract by hollow fiber membrane

    中空纤维膜分离 酵母 提取 中活性成分的初步研究

  • Study on the promotion and optimization of yeast extract to seed koji cultivation

    酵母 抽提 对酱油种曲培养的促进作用及工艺优化研究

  • Xylose and yeast extract could increase catalyzing batch of whole cell .

    木糖和 酵母 能增加全细胞稳定性,提高催化批次。

  • The optimum nitrogen source is urea next is peptone or yeast extract .

    氮源中尿素最好,其次为蛋白胨和 酵母

  • The effects of amino acids and yeast extract on glutathione ( GSH ) production by yeast were investigated .

    研究了氨基酸和 酵母 对酵母发酵生产谷胱甘肽(GSH)的影响。

  • Maybe we are unfamiliar with the name of YE however many insiders will be familiar with Angel yeast extract .

    提到YE,大家或许还比较陌生,但提及到安琪 酵母 抽提 ,许多业内人士可能都比较熟悉。

  • Effect of yeast extract on syringin production in suspension cultures of Saussurea medusa

    酵母 提取物对水母雪莲悬浮培养合成紫丁香苷的影响

  • Besides the use as flavor additive yeast extract is also wildly used in health food .

    酵母 抽提 除做调味料外还广泛用于保健食品。

  • With the purpose of strengthening the understanding of the public on the yeast extract Angel abbreviates the obscure yeast extract into YE that is easy to remember .

    为了借势强化 酵母 抽提 对广大民众的认识,安琪公司将生涩的“酵母抽提物”单词简化成便于记忆的“YE”。

  • Effect of yeast extract concentration on the fermentation kinetic parameters of yoghurt strains

    酵母 浓度对酸奶菌株发酵动力学参数的影响

  • Yeast extract WBS the best nitrogen source in liquid culturate the second was ( NH4 ) 2SO4 .

    在液体培养中,病菌对氮源的利用以 酵母 为最好,其次为(NH4)2SO4。

  • Study on the Application of Preparing Yeast Extract by Compound Enzymatic Hydrolysis

    复合酶解法制备 酵母 抽提 的应用研究