


  • Basically they use different types of Africans Traditional music instruments such as xylophone made out of wood and Djimbe drum .

    乐团表演所用的乐器基本立足于非洲各式各样的传统打击乐器,如用硬木雕挖的 木琴世界闻名的金杯鼓等。

  • It was in Hite 's ensemble that Hampton made his first recording on the vibraharp an amplified xylophone .

    正是在海特的乐团里,汉普顿用扩音 木琴――电颤琴制作了他的首张唱片。

  • An included SoundFont focusing on hammered instruments ( tubular bells piano xylophone ) is included with the Downloads .

    下载部分附带了专用于打击乐器(管钟、钢琴、 木琴)的内置SoundFont。

  • Lorne gets up and finds his xylophone broken oh damn . He curses which arouses a guffaw .

    罗恩爬起来第一件事先捡回他的 :哦,该死!他骂道。

  • Percussion instrument ( eg drum tambourine xylophone )

    打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、 木琴)。

  • And so is the xylophone .

    木琴 有趣

  • Phong a four-year-old male elephant plays a xylophone in an11-piece pachyderm orchestra conducted by US conservationist Richard Lair ( R ) at Thailand 's Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang .

    在泰国喃邦府大象保护中心,名为“朋”的四岁小象正在11只厚皮动物乐队中演奏 木琴,乐队指挥是美国生态资源保护主义者理查德-赖尔(右)。

  • An percussion instrument similar to a xylophone but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators that produce a vibrato sound .


  • This is a xylophone .

    这是一 木琴

  • The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale .

    木琴 琴键的长度决定 音阶的不同音调。

  • He worked hard to perfect his craft and before his20th birthday he added the tympani marimba and xylophone to his repertoire .

    他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和 木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。