


  • Yah . I think it 'll be great .


  • The Direction Effect in Orientation Based on YAH ( You-Are-Here ) Map

    基于 YAH(You-Are-Here)地图定向中的方位效应

  • Yah by my one missing vote !

    少了我一 票!

  • Yah ! That 's a great game . I 'll be it .


  • Yah but it doesn 't have a red one .

    但我没有 红色的。

  • Yah I 'm fcuking irritating to you .

    我四倍 伤心,因为你不再是我的谁谁谁。

  • Conclusion : Xiao Geng Yah Jing capsule can improve and treat menopausal syndrome though the mechanism of adjusting sexual gland and nervous function .

    结论:消更 经胶囊可通过调节性腺和植物神经机能改善和治疗更年期综合征。

  • I 'm gonna yah Mo burn this place to the ground .

    我就要把这个地方 亚莫烧个 干净

  • November December yah all through the winter .

    十一月,十二月, 以至于整个冬天。

  • Yah ! Could I believe in myself !


  • Aw 'd fling in bowl un all if Aw wer yah !

    盆都扔 下去

  • Analysis of Several Common Problems of YAH 2160 Circular Vibrating Screen


  • Yah get married and get it over with !

    还是 快点结婚吧!

  • Hae yah how can sick man yam gun ?


  • At this point surely you and I both know people who personally have been burned ( sometimes big time ) by internet romances ? Yah sometimes it works out but it is high risk .

    在这一点上,你和我都知道, 网恋 可能很浪漫,将人的 激情点着, 虽然有时这会发生,但是风险太高。

  • The problems existing in the on-site application of YAH circular vibrating screen are described and analyzed .

    介绍了 YAH 圆振动筛在现场使用中存在的问题及分析。

  • Fools ! The Croft woman has outsmarted you yah and she escapes !

    你们这些蠢货!又让这个 克劳馥特小女子逃走了!

  • How would you feel if I told you I love yah ?

    如果我告诉你我爱 ),你会有什么感觉?