

n.自耕农,仆人(yeoman的复数)<史>自耕农,自由民( yeoman的名词复数 )义勇骑兵队成员

  • Uppercross was a moderate-sized village which a few years back had been completely in the old English style containing only two houses superior in appearance to those of the yeomen and labourers ;

    厄泼克劳斯是个不大不小的村子,就在几年前,还完全 保持 英格兰的古老风格,村上只有两座房子 看上去 胜过 自耕农和雇农的 住宅

  • But some had administrative jobs as female yeomen so-called yeomanettes in the Naval Reserve and coast guard .

    但是在海军预备队和海岸巡逻队中,一些女人承担了行政工作,相当于女性 仆人,所以称作女仆。

  • The yeomen farmers dairymen and townsfolk who came to Transat business in these ancient streets spoke in other ways than by articulation .


  • Second it dealt a telling blow to villeinage and third a new class of yeomen farmers emerged paving the way to the development of capitalism .

    其次,这次起义沉重打击了封建农奴制度。最后,起义产生了全新的 自耕农阶级,为资本主义发展铺设了道路。

  • Yeomen mountain area has a long bright and colorful history and culture .


  • The folk circulates in yeomen mountain area have variety colorful folk sports activities .


  • Although he lives now in a fast changing world with the rise of modern industry because of his value and the emergence of inferiority complex he is still deeply obsessed with the values of yeomen era in which he spent his childhood .

    随着现代工业的崛起,汤姆生活在一个迅速变化的世界里,但由于他的价值观以及自卑情结的产生,他仍然深深迷恋儿时 自耕农时代的价值观。